Denver decriminalizes 'magic mushrooms'

Never done shrooms but tried LSD. Pretty wild spiritual ****. Several hours of guaranteed tripping.

Are shrooms a similar experience to LSD?
Terence McKenna is one of the most knowledgeable experts of psilocybin mushrooms and mind altering substances. Listen to everything he has put out. I think he would be really happy with this news.

I've done a ton of these. Shouldn't be illegal anywhere. Good to see Denver coming out with the W.

My favorite part of shrooms is the connection you recognize with all things living (nature, in particular) and the way it puts your ego in check. You really feel that connection to the universe. Can be very spiritual. Also, you can drink and smoke a TON but you really only feel the shrooms. The laughing can be non-stop which is awesome. Also feels like you can communicate with only your thoughts to others around you who are also tripping. It's wild.
Not part of your plant based diet?
I've done a ton of these. Shouldn't be illegal anywhere. Good to see Denver coming out with the W.

My favorite part of shrooms is the connection you recognize with all things living (nature, in particular) and the way it puts your ego in check. You really feel that connection to the universe. Can be very spiritual. Also, you can drink and smoke a TON but you really only feel the shrooms. The laughing can be non-stop which is awesome. Also feels like you can communicate with only your thoughts to others around you who are also tripping. It's wild.

Elaborate on the connection to the universe stuff?

On LSD I felt more of a connection to humanity and society. As if we were all being driven by something that I couldn't really understand.

Man I could write pages about my first acid trip lol. It was crazy
Nice! I’ve only done it a hand full of times, but all were good experiences. Everything is super bright and things that are white almost have a fog/glow about them. While smashing I started to look at the carpet and it looked like faces started to kind of form out of the fibers and move. Not anything too trippy, I was just kind of focused on it lol. Pretty fun/weird.
Someone pop one of these and spend a night in one of those sensory deprivation tanks. Let us know how it goes. :nerd:
What a strange thing to legalize. I don’t know if I would have voted yes on that. I just don’t see the point.

My experience taking shrooms:

It’s my 21st birthday. Me and some homies went to a casino for the weekend. One homie says he brought shrooms but prob not enough to get us all high, so I should be the one to take them because it’s my birthday.

I eat like 3 caps or whatever you call them, When we got to our room. Then I don’t even think about it, we just go and sign up for a Texas hold-em tournament. I’m doing good. Started out 2 tables and I made it to the last table. This took about 45 mins to an hour. Some old *** lady kept stealing my blinds so I put her all in when I get pocket aces . She calls with 3-8 suited. Garbage hand. Ends up getting a flush on the river.

Anyways I’m pissed I got knocked out and I had been pissed at this lady for a while, I never knew that the shrooms had probably been kicking in for a while. I tell my Bros I’m gonna go back to the room to drink some of the booze we brought. As I stand up from the table, I start noticing all the slot machine noises are REALLY sounding strange now that I’m paying attention. I start walking to the elevator and the noises are getting out of hand. Like some Weird loopy carnival music type noises. Then I start getting these like tickling shivers all through my body that make me start laughing uncontrollably. Then I realized I had taken those shrooms and they are without a doubt kicking in.

I can’t stop laughing as I’m trying to get to the elevator. Every noise I hear, I start to VISUALLY see. Like waves in the air all different colors. Someone hit a jackpot on a slot machine and all the noises came at me but I could see them like waves in the ocean. Had to sit down on a bench to muster up the strength to get outta public eye before I start acting a fool.

Then all these crazy thoughts start running through my head non-stop. I had all these brilliant ideas. The answers to all my physics homework. How to defeat Duke’s full court press. Just random brilliant stuff. I somehow make it to the elevator, and then my room. Then the rest of the 10 hours I spent staring at the roof in my room trying to come up with answers to everything in life. It wouldn’t stop. The tickling waves going through my body also lasted like 6 hours so I was laughing like all night.

I tried to chug the makers mark bottle we brought because I though maybe I could just get drunk and get rid of these hallucinations. I drank almost the entire 5th like it was water and I didn’t puke or feel drunk or anything. Craziest experience in my entire life. It was fun. I would do it again. But no way in hell I could do it more than 1 time a year.

Scary thing is, it changed my mind drastically. The way thoughts moved through my head that night is the permanent way I think about things now. I don’t know if the chemical makeup crossed up some wires or opened up some unused part of my brain but it changed me 100%. Kinda scary. Man
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Yeah I heard they were voting on it a week or so ago, one of my buddies would always keep them on deck, but I've never tried anything outside of weed.

I might give it a try just because I live here, but I am a bit afraid of what I might do...
This just might keep a loser from gunning everyone down. I'm for it.

If that person has a bad trip and is already bugged out I don’t think psychedelics and a crazy person taking them will end well

Psychedelics is the wrong thing to legalize
For years Amsterdam has dealt with the tourist throwing themselves off bridges and out of windows After taking mushrooms
You might as well legalize Ecstasy
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Any Nters **** with shrooms?

Tried it for the first time not to long ago. It was some spirtiual **** I tell you I was seeing a flashing kaleidoscope of people I care about and events and **** like that. I felt at ease and not a single care in the world. I kept asking does it matter does anything really matter except interactions with other humans and how we treat each other etc etc. I ate 3 grams I felt in control enough to go to the rest room and move around but I wasn’t really there. Fun **** will try again you def have to get ready to take shroom and get in the right mind state for a good trip. Trying dmt for the first time this Sunday for my b day.
Messed with acid, salvia, and some research chemicals back in my younger days, but never actually tried shrooms. Gonna be going to Amsterdam with a crew of friends the week of Halloween so this is my chance.

Not gonna take a full eighth since I'm washed now, but I'm at least gonna split one or take 2-2.5g myself. Had a long cool-off period with psychadelics, but I'm ready to revisit.
Fun fact that most people probably don't know (I didn't know until I went to the airport here). The mayor is a black man!
Did shrooms a good bit back in the day, but it’s been a long *** minute since I’ve tripped. That **** was fun man....weird, but very, very fun.

Wildest thing was being in a house of about 20 people who all took them at the same time. The progression from sober to balls to the wall was palpable. :lol:

Fun tip: watch the Led Zeppelin movie “The Song Remains the Same” and start it when you first take your dose. That joint is WILD crazy. Some of the weirdest, dopest visual/musical **** I’ve ever witnessed.
Yeah I heard they were voting on it a week or so ago, one of my buddies would always keep them on deck, but I've never tried anything outside of weed.

I might give it a try just because I live here, but I am a bit afraid of what I might do...

Definitely prepare to do it.

Be in an environment you feel comfortable. I couldn't imagine doing it and being out and about on the street or something. Would've tripped something bad.
Messed with acid, salvia, and some research chemicals back in my younger days, but never actually tried shrooms. Gonna be going to Amsterdam with a crew of friends the week of Halloween so this is my chance.

Not gonna take a full eighth since I'm washed now, but I'm at least gonna split one or take 2-2.5g myself. Had a long cool-off period with psychadelics, but I'm ready to revisit.

Start with a half 1/8 and reach for more after a few hours if you’re really enjoying it.
Only time I did shrooms I saw the world in super 3D. Ate a whole eighth.

It was like whatever I was focusing on was popped into 3D and the background was 2D.. Hard to describe

Either way, another win for Colorado. Not something I would ever do regularly but the option to is nice
Last time I dabbled was a couple years ago in Manhattan the same night they had that terrorist bombing in Chelsea. I was staying maybe 3 blocks away but was in Brooklyn at the time it happened. By the time I get back to manhattan, I’m tripping balls walking way too many blocks trying to make it to where I was staying, cause they had so many streets locked down.

Pandemonium everywhere but I felt like I was in that scene from Inception where Leo was teaching ole girl how to create the setting in her dream. **** was intense.
A complete noobie to shrooms. Not my cup of tea.

But, and im all for a massive decrease/overhaul in the criminalization of drugs users/pushers, im not sure i follow the logic behind how this benefits society.

Can i trust a person on shrooms behind the wheel more than one who is black-out drunk?

I always consider the effects of being “high” and having power and how that manifest itself.
What a strange thing to legalize. I don’t know if I would have voted yes on that. I just don’t see the point.

My experience taking shrooms:

It’s my 21st birthday. Me and some homies went to a casino for the weekend. One homie says he brought shrooms but prob not enough to get us all high, so I should be the one to take them because it’s my birthday.

I eat like 3 caps or whatever you call them, When we got to our room. Then I don’t even think about it, we just go and sign up for a Texas hold-em tournament. I’m doing good. Started out 2 tables and I made it to the last table. This took about 45 mins to an hour. Some old *** lady kept stealing my blinds so I put her all in when I get pocket aces . She calls with 3-8 suited. Garbage hand. Ends up getting a flush on the river.

Anyways I’m pissed I got knocked out and I had been pissed at this lady for a while, I never knew that the shrooms had probably been kicking in for a while. I tell my Bros I’m gonna go back to the room to drink some of the booze we brought. As I stand up from the table, I start noticing all the slot machine noises are REALLY sounding strange now that I’m paying attention. I start walking to the elevator and the noises are getting out of hand. Like some Weird loopy carnival music type noises. Then I start getting these like tickling shivers all through my body that make me start laughing uncontrollably. Then I realized I had taken those shrooms and they are without a doubt kicking in.

I can’t stop laughing as I’m trying to get to the elevator. Every noise I hear, I start to VISUALLY see. Like waves in the air all different colors. Someone hit a jackpot on a slot machine and all the noises came at me but I could see them like waves in the ocean. Had to sit down on a bench to muster up the strength to get outta public eye before I start acting a fool.

Then all these crazy thoughts start running through my head non-stop. I had all these brilliant ideas. The answers to all my physics homework. How to defeat Duke’s full court press. Just random brilliant stuff. I somehow make it to the elevator, and then my room. Then the rest of the 10 hours I spent staring at the roof in my room trying to come up with answers to everything in life. It wouldn’t stop. The tickling waves going through my body also lasted like 6 hours so I was laughing like all night.

I tried to chug the makers mark bottle we brought because I though maybe I could just get drunk and get rid of these hallucinations. I drank almost the entire 5th like it was water and I didn’t puke or feel drunk or anything. Craziest experience in my entire life. It was fun. I would do it again. But no way in hell I could do it more than 1 time a year.

Scary thing is, it changed my mind drastically. The way thoughts moved through my head that night is the permanent way I think about things now. I don’t know if the chemical makeup crossed up some wires or opened up some unused part of my brain but it changed me 100%. Kinda scary. Man

Sounds like you're describing neuroplasticity which is the mechanism through which mushrooms can supposedly aid people suffering with depression, ptsd etc.
I bought a pound of shrooms and ate them all in one summer with my 3 Roomate’s a few years ago. No joke. :lol:

I love them, treat them with respect and don’t try to be the cool guy and eat 8 grams and you’ll have a good time.

I’ve done shrooms like 50 times and never have eaten more than 4 grams. No need to overdo it.

I’d just walk across the street to the bar and play big buck hunter with my bros for hours. :rofl:
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