Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Did the weekly heroic strike with @Based Jesus today
damnit I should've paid attention to this thread lol.  I need to do this for the exotic bounty requirements.  I just hope next week will be better.

I'll list my PSN ID again for anyone

PSN ID: Infernoabyss lvl 25 hunter.

Edit: revlant topic 
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damnit I should've paid attention to this thread lol.  I need to do this for the exotic bounty requirements.  I just hope next week will be better.

I'll list my PSN ID again for anyone

PSN ID: Infernoabyss lvl 25 hunter.

Edit: revlant topic 

I gotta do it for the same exotic bounty so we can team up. Still working on the other parts first tho
So destiny is down? :lol:

You've failed bungie

Online only is a ******* dumb *** decision
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Yeah destiny's a great game and everything but I feel like I bought into the hype too much.
Wish I would've just went with the physical copy instead of the digital guardian edition.
This weekly cap for vanguard and crucible marks is ridiculous. It's too easy to hit. Same with the glimmer cap.
This weekly cap for vanguard and crucible marks is ridiculous. It's too easy to hit. Same with the glimmer cap.

It's redicuouls that there is a cap. IMO Theyve added those because there isn't enough game to be spread out. They take that away and the content would be finished within 2 weeks of normal playing
"Let's keep this feature locked so that we can unlock it at a later date to give the illusion of fresh content"

I am interested in seeing what the Queen's bounties are though. Hopefully they're multi-tiered like the exotics.
I was wondering why the game wouldn't start up right now.

Anyone else have the problem of not having sound when they start up the game? I have to exit the game and start it again on tr xbox one.
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I was wondering why the game wouldn't start up right now.

Anyone else have the problem of not having sound when they start up the game? I have to exit the game and start it again on tr xbox one.

When this happends just go to the top nd click on choose this person nd it should work instead of exiting the game
does you level effect you in the crucible? dudes be 1 shoting me damn near every time
Not in terms of gun damage or armor defense. That's equalized so it's the same for everyone. Everything else matters though. Like range and fire rate.
Anyone else have the problem of not having sound when they start up the game? I have to exit the game and start it again on tr xbox one.

That happens to me sometimes.

Usually I just hit the home button and go right back to the game and it restores the sound.
I was wondering why the game wouldn't start up right now.

Anyone else have the problem of not having sound when they start up the game? I have to exit the game and start it again on tr xbox one.

A friend of mine says this happens to him all the time on xbox.
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Just played a Crucible match. The connection was bad so literally everyone but one person dropped from my team near the end. Another 4 people joined the last two minutes, and I was the only one who didn't get a reward at the end. 
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