Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

Couldn't imagine if we all was on the same system, this thread would be Lit like the last two pages lol
Pretty sure I read on Reddit 2 this week dropped with:

Full Auto
Snapshot/Hand Loaded/Injection Mold


Glass Half Full
Full Auto
Snapshot/Hand Loaded/Reinforced Barrel

Yup, got mine rolled with head seeker full auto...didn't know what it was until I looked at all the stats and perks. :smokin I was never blessed with the messenger so I'll take this instead lol
Always 280, im just waiting for a Lyudmila to roll with headseeker and counterbalance so it can be my Y2 Messenger 
I ordered 3 of em to increase my odds. I need all the help I can get
Pretty sure I read on Reddit 2 this week dropped with:


Full Auto

Snapshot/Hand Loaded/Injection Mold


Glass Half Full

Full Auto

Snapshot/Hand Loaded/Reinforced Barrel
Just picked it up and shot it. Its not bad but that counterbalance instead of full auto wouldve put it over the top for me 
Okay bruhs...

I'm on now on XB1.

Is anybody on that wants to link up to do the nightfall or Raid on normal?

GT: Never Had Much

Somebody... anybody :nerd:
Okay cool.

I did the daily mission, the heroic strikes today but didn't get squat :smh:
It was a mini shot being you guys can't change your PSN name, you killed it tho. :lol:  Was just trying to get a Lulz and transition from all the malarkey that just took place lol

So then....who is ready for Arms day?

Like after acquiring raid and exotic weapons is there any real perk to getting the Gunsmith guns? They always 280 anyway or do they go up based on your level?

They are always 280 initially but they usually have 1 good fun per

You think that doing 3 heroic strikes and 1 daily supposed to guarantee you something? Thanks for the :rofl:

I swear, you and the other guy who was getting butt hurt by the core Xbone players today have been bringing the lawlz since y'all started posting in this thread! :lol:
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Okay cool.

I did the daily mission, the heroic strikes today but didn't get squat :smh:
It was a mini shot being you guys can't change your PSN name, you killed it tho. :lol:  Was just trying to get a Lulz and transition from all the malarkey that just took place lol

So then....who is ready for Arms day?

Like after acquiring raid and exotic weapons is there any real perk to getting the Gunsmith guns? They always 280 anyway or do they go up based on your level?

They are always 280 initially but they usually have 1 good fun per

You think that doing 3 heroic strikes and 1 daily supposed to guarantee you something? Thanks for the :rofl:

I swear, you and the other guy who was getting butt hurt by the core Xbone players today have been bringing the lawlz since y'all started posting in this thread! :lol:

Biggie last time you replied to me and I didn't reply back because I don't remember why, but today I got time cuz!

I never think doing anything in this wretched game will guarantee me anything I was just stating it that's all.

Sometimes you guys guys do Raids or things that take you a long while and it doesn't yield you guys anything and you guys say it in the thread.

From your last post when you replied to me:

I'm just a bit confused. I mean I don't have a problem in gathering people to play with but that's because I have invested countless hours playing with numerous people so that I have a dedicated group of 6-8 guys along with another 5-10 that I can call upon in case we need a sub. Nothing is handed to you on a silver platter. You build friendships, trust, teamwork, and reliability. It all takes time.

You can't expect to just be invited to raids just because you're online you want to. You have to prove yourself as a player to others. I mean you can PUG on LFG but that's no you, I refuse to do that, too many bad experiences. Being part of TMT on the PS4 means you have played a lot of hours with us and you are:
A. fun to play with
B. good enough to listen to directions and execute the rolls we assign you
C. login pretty consistently within our preferred time to play and invest hours of playtime with us
D. get along with everyone
E. and just have fun along the way

If you can't get into some of the Xbox groups then you should form your own group. That is exactly what Zero, Wright, and myself did after a few bad times doing Atheon HM. By the time TDB came out we had a solid 6 with another 2-4 we could rely on as subs, and now we are about 8 deep with even more subs to rely on that are both within NT and outside. This way you match yourself up with people who play the times you like and whatever else sort of criteria you're looking for.

Good solid points on your behalf...

But, since I got back into playing Destiny once I got TTK disc...

First I had to top out my level to 40 or whatever the high level is to play with you guys and/or raid or just whatever so I did that.

Then it was my yellow color light level I was in the high 100's at the time and according to people in the thread I had to get it up to at least 290 light level to run with you guys... okay so I did that now.

I've been in this thread numerous times posting my GamerTag for XB1 and asking if anyone wants to run or what not with no luck. Okay cool I just have to keep doing the strikes and daily's or whatever else because I can't run the raid things on my own.

Now it's new things and hurdles to play with you guys like proving myself, good social skils, get along with everyone, fun to plays with, listens to rolls and directions... well how am I supposed to do these things listed if nobody is showing the kid some love... how sway how.

I've played with DJYoung and shottadru and both of them will tell you I'm chill as hell, but I do get really focused in the game and am very serious.

That is all good sir and yes I do understand where you guys that are higher coming from with taking it serious because nobody wants to be playing the game wasting hours and some noob is cramping their style and messing it up for everyone.
Im willing to help you with the raid on NM tomorrow night.

I need a normal raid too, what time tomorrow?

whatever time works for the 2 of yall.

Add me and TB!!!!

And putting in work is a phony... Blew his invites up and got the silent treatment :lol:

Man I hope you're just messing around and this isn't really true because I was playing Destiny since 6:09 pm and I didn't see/get one invite from anyone.

I did step away from the Xbox to go to bathroom and do other stuff, but I just went back and checked my notifications globe thing and nothing. It would show up in my notifications so I don't know who you were invites but it was not me if your serious... if just jokes :rolleyes

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

you X1 mogs weird b

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

you X1 mogs weird b

we dont claim him....

got us like:

View media item 972898

Who is Jules? Smoking blunts in Destiny? Huh? What is going on here? Did I just read a sex novel?

View media item 1775360

My fault fellas I was replying to another thread about the dude and the girl he's been after for 10 years or whatever and he's talking about still taking it slow.

I had multiple tabs open and I think the draft stayed in my post editor or something and I hit reply maybe.

I'll take it out now though.
Im willing to help you with the raid on NM tomorrow night.

I need a normal raid too, what time tomorrow?

whatever time works for the 2 of yall.

Add me and TB!!!!

And putting in work is a phony... Blew his invites up and got the silent treatment :lol:

Man I hope you're just messing around and this isn't really true because I was playing Destiny since 6:09 pm and I didn't see/get one invite from anyone.

I did step away from the Xbox to go to bathroom and do other stuff, but I just went back and checked my notifications globe thing and nothing. It would show up in my notifications so I don't know who you were invites but it was not me if your serious... if just jokes :rolleyes

Dead serious. My boy and I were doing the nightfall and needed a third. Fleece can vouche since he was in the party. Sent you two invites for the party and the game. You were doing a story mission or maybe in the middle of typing that errrr love dr post on here.
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