Did Anyone Have Interest In Japan Before The Earthquake?


Mar 2, 2011
I'm a huge fan of Japanese comics and animation.

I was learning Japanese last quarter but I stopped.

I'm the only black person in my Japanese club on campus.

I read a lot of Japanese blogs, podcasts, youtube video, vlogs, anything japan I'll watch it.
Love Japanese girls.

Haven't been to Japan but it looks so beautiful.

nt summit japan?
BK201 wrote:
I'm the only black person in my Japanese club on campus.

lol. I can dig it.
I've personally always wanted to go and hang out over there for a min. Become a bum and roam the streets of Tokyo. Hang with the Yakuza's and become their leader

It's nice to dream man.
I always have. Since I found out about JDM, and how advanced their lifestyle is, I was so interested in traveling there some day.
Originally Posted by 365k

I always have. Since I found out about JDM, and how advanced their lifestyle is, I was so interested in traveling there some day.

same here was going to go there next year
We should change this up a bit...Japan Appreciation Thread? Something similar was started earlier in the week but it got derailed by some WWII talking idiots.

Also, you guys should still go to Japan...don't change your plans. If you're afraid, you can still go to Osaka.
Hell yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
If I had the chance I would take it and learn as much as i can about japan as a whole 

their culture ,technology 

ect ect  
Originally Posted by Burn916

We should change this up a bit...Japan Appreciation Thread? Something similar was started earlier in the week but it got derailed by some WWII talking idiots.

Also, you guys should still go to Japan...don't change your plans. If you're afraid, you can still go to Osaka.
I have (had) a 2 week family trip out to Japan and Korea next month.  I despise Korea, but the silver lining was that we were going to stop over in Tokyo for 4 days.  I have never been and always wanted to go.  Was totally looking forward to it, but after the EQ/Tsunami my pops called the travel agent and switched it up.  Now we are going to spend the entire 2 weeks in Korea
.  I mean.... part of it is somewhat paranoia about heightened levels of radiation, but moreso... I just cant bring myself to be partying and eating $200 meals and stuff when I know there is so much pain and suffering going on.  Its hard to celebrate and be happy when there are so many people in need.  Sucks.

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Hell yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
If I had the chance I would take it and learn as much as i can about japan as a whole 

their culture ,technology 

ect ect  

same thing for me.  I have a high interest in their culture and love their anime and toy companies and was planning on going there this summer and maybe bang some japanese chicks, but it's not like I was putting in any effort to learn the language or anything. 
My kids love miyazaki movies. im surprised that disney world doesn't have a studio ghibli exhibit or attraction considering all the international visitors they get.

Have been obsessed with Japanese Culture for years man. It started with the Great Muta and led to me learning about more Japanese Wrestling federations/wrestlers. I took a few Japanese themed courses in college. Japanese Film, Intro to Japanese Lit., also a class on the Edo period. So yea, I have been a fan. And of course I had my PS1/PS2 imported from there so I could play Imports. Same with my Sega Saturn, Street Fighter Zero
Been into the nippon thing since I was a youngin' watchin' toonami and playing samurai games hell I even took kendo and ninjutsu
I like the women. The comics, movies, freaky porn, and it's rich history in the code of the Bushido.
yeah..their lifestyle and just japan in general has always interested me. planning on taking a trip out there soon.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by Burn916

We should change this up a bit...Japan Appreciation Thread? Something similar was started earlier in the week but it got derailed by some WWII talking idiots.

Also, you guys should still go to Japan...don't change your plans. If you're afraid, you can still go to Osaka.
I have (had) a 2 week family trip out to Japan and Korea next month.  I despise Korea, but the silver lining was that we were going to stop over in Tokyo for 4 days.  I have never been and always wanted to go.  Was totally looking forward to it, but after the EQ/Tsunami my pops called the travel agent and switched it up.  Now we are going to spend the entire 2 weeks in Korea
.  I mean.... part of it is somewhat paranoia about heightened levels of radiation, but moreso... I just cant bring myself to be partying and eating $200 meals and stuff when I know there is so much pain and suffering going on.  Its hard to celebrate and be happy when there are so many people in need.  Sucks.

Two weeks is a long time but Korea is really fun. Don't know if you've been before but it's cheap, great food, and it's a really up and coming city. There's also gambling there, which is a plus.
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