Did They Stop Making Rifts?

Mar 20, 2001
I can never find a pair. Ever.

And don't show me the leather ones on the Nike UK site.
If memory serves, I saw a bunch of them (in different colors and materials) in the UK last year... widely available... JD, Footlocker, etc...

Try this... http://www.j600.com/
the last ones i saw in asia were black/red/green.. like the kenyan flag.

but i'm pretty sure they were from 2005, if not earlier.
I believe they still make them for women. Upper west side soccer moms would boycott Nike if they stopped making them.

If you're asking about men's rifts, I think they only still release them in Europe.

I'm surprised Nike never expanded on the rift design and incorporated it into any of their more recent running/performance shoes.
What's up JG. Nike never stopped making them for women, but I haven't seen a men's rift release in the US for awhile, probably the last one Iremember was the 10th anniversary OG colorway release in 2005 or so.
Originally Posted by AllDay AllNight

Insert joke about Dirty here.

Still see some pairs occasionally on the clearance rack around my way at a mom & pop operation - only women's sizes though.
Originally Posted by Hodog16

What's up JG. Nike never stopped making them for women, but I haven't seen a men's rift release in the US for awhile, probably the last one I remember was the 10th anniversary OG colorway release in 2005 or so.
Yeah, I guess I should've clarified. For men. I saw pairs for women over the weekend & was immediately salty. I never see them for men andwhen I do, it's UK related.

Dear Nike, please produce a few men's colorways for me & Dirty. Thanks

Edit - That little crummy J600 site...ugh. They only ship inside the UK. Once again, foiled.
i regret not getting so many colorways when they were so cheap on ebay... black/green and both carnivals especially.
Its been an entire year. But Id love to get a pair. Anyone know of a US retailer that has them?
Rifts are all over the place in Europe. Foot Locker has them all over the place like to many I think. 5 or 6 different color ways, men sizes too. If some one wants to work out getting some. I could help you out. PM me.
Originally Posted by MaZA4eVeR14

Damn lotta OG posters in here

I can't wear rifts, I don't own pants tight enough for em.

i usually wear mine with shorts.
opened this thread and already saw a post by me and got real confused til i saw that date.
i could use a few pairs, saw a bunch of womens colorways at niketown a couple months ago but nothing for guys.
Yea Id really love a 10.5 in mens my self. Ive passed over getting them twice years back, and really regret it now.
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