Do people have any idea whats going on with the sale of the Rangers? SMH Bud Selig....

Nov 18, 2007
Not sure if this has been posted or not.  Really unbelievable if this threat holds ANY weight.  
[h2]MLB Threatens To ‘terminate’ Rangers ‘franchise’[/h2]
Posted by Brooks on Jul. 19, 2010, 2:47pm

The most undercovered story of the summer, and maybe the year, is the outrageous circumstances of the sale of the Texas Rangers.


Before your eyes glaze over, understand that this story is very important as it pertains to the financial future of individual major league clubs. It also could dictate if the Texas Rangers exist this time next year - if MLB’s rhetoric is to be believed.

If you’ve read this site over the years, you know by now that MLB has done all it could to turn over franchises to owners who either lack the financial resources, as in the McCourts, or the willingness, as in the late Carl Pohlad, to invest Yankee-esque sums into player payroll.

Most recently, MLB handed over one of the crown jewels of its league, the Chicago Cubs, to a highly-leveraged buyer in Tom Ricketts. Ricketts was chosen to take over the team despite his lack of liquidity and inability to field the highest bid for the franchise.

Why? Because MLB doesn’t want the Cubs to end up with a $200 million payroll, which would drive up costs for other owners, contribute to further competitive imbalance and possibly lead to additional labor strife.

Of course, if MLB had a revenue sharing agreement like the NFL, Cubs fans wouldn’t have to worry about having an underfunded owner running their beloved team. (In the third-largest market!) Because of the petty greed of the league’s individual owners, no such revenue sharing plan exists - forcing league commissioner Bud Selig to jury-rig MLB ownership ranks to prevent another Steinbrenner-type owner. (See shooting down Mark Cuban in his bid for the Cubs.)

That brings us to Selig’s latest payroll-chopping opportunity: The Texas Rangers.

Thanks to years of irresponsible borrowing and a subsequent mountain of debt,  Rangers Owners Tom Hicks was forced by MLB to put the franchise up for sale last year. 15 months later, the team has not yet changed hands because the folks who lent the Rangers untold millions actually expect to … *gasp* … get paid! How dare they!

Despite the dire financial condition of the Rangers, Selig was hoping he could railroad Nolan Ryan and Chuck Greenberg into the Rangers ownership suite over a fully-financed bid from Houston businessman Jim Crane - among others - by forcing the franchise into bankruptcy.

But when a bankruptcy judge noted that Crane was willing to come a lot closer to making lenders whole than Ryan and Greenberg, he cut down Selig’s end run.

How far will Selig & Co. go in forcing their cronies onto clubs?

Today the NEW YORK TIMES has this reaction from MLB to the bankruptcy judge who refused to yield to Selig’s attempt to hand his buddies the Rangers - which would’ve immediately screwed lenders out of hundreds of millions:
One of Selig’s lawyers vowed profanely in a conference call that if the judge did not approve the team’s prepackaged bankruptcy plan, which would have sped approval of the Greenberg-Ryan bid, M.L.B.would terminate the franchise, according to a person on the call.

That’s right, MLB would shut down the Rangers if a bankruptcy judge did not allow them to give the team to Ryan and Greenberg. In other words, if you make Bud Selig & Co. actually follow the letter of the law, they’ll just take their ball and go home.

Rather than give the team to the current highest bidder, the bankruptcy judge now plans to put the club up for auction on August 4. The club’s creditors, like J.P. Morgan bank, think the team could ultimately fetch nearly $1 Billion, but with auction deadline just two weeks away and MLB threatening to “terminate
Not sure if this has been posted or not.  Really unbelievable if this threat holds ANY weight.  
[h2]MLB Threatens To ‘terminate’ Rangers ‘franchise’[/h2]
Posted by Brooks on Jul. 19, 2010, 2:47pm

The most undercovered story of the summer, and maybe the year, is the outrageous circumstances of the sale of the Texas Rangers.


Before your eyes glaze over, understand that this story is very important as it pertains to the financial future of individual major league clubs. It also could dictate if the Texas Rangers exist this time next year - if MLB’s rhetoric is to be believed.

If you’ve read this site over the years, you know by now that MLB has done all it could to turn over franchises to owners who either lack the financial resources, as in the McCourts, or the willingness, as in the late Carl Pohlad, to invest Yankee-esque sums into player payroll.

Most recently, MLB handed over one of the crown jewels of its league, the Chicago Cubs, to a highly-leveraged buyer in Tom Ricketts. Ricketts was chosen to take over the team despite his lack of liquidity and inability to field the highest bid for the franchise.

Why? Because MLB doesn’t want the Cubs to end up with a $200 million payroll, which would drive up costs for other owners, contribute to further competitive imbalance and possibly lead to additional labor strife.

Of course, if MLB had a revenue sharing agreement like the NFL, Cubs fans wouldn’t have to worry about having an underfunded owner running their beloved team. (In the third-largest market!) Because of the petty greed of the league’s individual owners, no such revenue sharing plan exists - forcing league commissioner Bud Selig to jury-rig MLB ownership ranks to prevent another Steinbrenner-type owner. (See shooting down Mark Cuban in his bid for the Cubs.)

That brings us to Selig’s latest payroll-chopping opportunity: The Texas Rangers.

Thanks to years of irresponsible borrowing and a subsequent mountain of debt,  Rangers Owners Tom Hicks was forced by MLB to put the franchise up for sale last year. 15 months later, the team has not yet changed hands because the folks who lent the Rangers untold millions actually expect to … *gasp* … get paid! How dare they!

Despite the dire financial condition of the Rangers, Selig was hoping he could railroad Nolan Ryan and Chuck Greenberg into the Rangers ownership suite over a fully-financed bid from Houston businessman Jim Crane - among others - by forcing the franchise into bankruptcy.

But when a bankruptcy judge noted that Crane was willing to come a lot closer to making lenders whole than Ryan and Greenberg, he cut down Selig’s end run.

How far will Selig & Co. go in forcing their cronies onto clubs?

Today the NEW YORK TIMES has this reaction from MLB to the bankruptcy judge who refused to yield to Selig’s attempt to hand his buddies the Rangers - which would’ve immediately screwed lenders out of hundreds of millions:
One of Selig’s lawyers vowed profanely in a conference call that if the judge did not approve the team’s prepackaged bankruptcy plan, which would have sped approval of the Greenberg-Ryan bid, M.L.B.would terminate the franchise, according to a person on the call.

That’s right, MLB would shut down the Rangers if a bankruptcy judge did not allow them to give the team to Ryan and Greenberg. In other words, if you make Bud Selig & Co. actually follow the letter of the law, they’ll just take their ball and go home.

Rather than give the team to the current highest bidder, the bankruptcy judge now plans to put the club up for auction on August 4. The club’s creditors, like J.P. Morgan bank, think the team could ultimately fetch nearly $1 Billion, but with auction deadline just two weeks away and MLB threatening to “terminate
I haven't seen any coverage about the sale aside from the Auction date.

This is CRAZY, Selig needs to be out NOW. Completely fold a franchise just like that?
I haven't seen any coverage about the sale aside from the Auction date.

This is CRAZY, Selig needs to be out NOW. Completely fold a franchise just like that?
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

I haven't seen any coverage about the sale aside from the Auction date.

This is CRAZY, Selig needs to be out NOW. Completely fold a franchise just like that?

Like the article says....the most undercovered story of the summer.  This is completely NUTS.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

I haven't seen any coverage about the sale aside from the Auction date.

This is CRAZY, Selig needs to be out NOW. Completely fold a franchise just like that?

Like the article says....the most undercovered story of the summer.  This is completely NUTS.
Ive been following this story from the beginning, its an absolute mess. Its not even really Bud Seligs fault. Tom Hicks cant manage money and pretty much ran the franchise into the ground. I cant stand that bum.

The other thing is, this could have been easily solved if Ryan/Greenberg would have been the highest bidder. Since they werent, the creditors got pissed which sent this whole thing into action basically. Its sad the team has to deal with this in one of their best seasons ever.

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

DO IT NOW PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ive been following this story from the beginning, its an absolute mess. Its not even really Bud Seligs fault. Tom Hicks cant manage money and pretty much ran the franchise into the ground. I cant stand that bum.

The other thing is, this could have been easily solved if Ryan/Greenberg would have been the highest bidder. Since they werent, the creditors got pissed which sent this whole thing into action basically. Its sad the team has to deal with this in one of their best seasons ever.

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

DO IT NOW PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know a lot of teams were upset when they did the trade for Lee and took on more salary since they're basically running on MLB/owners money. But Bud is pretty dumb for saying that.
I know a lot of teams were upset when they did the trade for Lee and took on more salary since they're basically running on MLB/owners money. But Bud is pretty dumb for saying that.
Yeah, they're gonna fold a team that is very much on the rise in one of the country's premier media markets because they allowed the sale of a team to an owner that leveraged the life out of both his American sports franchises... Sure.

They're not gonna fold this thing. It's a stupid threat that was probably not taken seriously by anybody involved.

We all knew Hicks had screwed the pooch with this franchise over the last 10 or so years, but I guess I (and many others probably) had no idea just how bad it was until all this came about. HSG is flat broke. It's been a mess from the very beginning of the process. Hopefully the August 4th date will provide a clean and quick closing to all of this. Whether it's Greenburg and Nolan or Cuban on his own, I don't care. I just want it over with at this point.
Yeah, they're gonna fold a team that is very much on the rise in one of the country's premier media markets because they allowed the sale of a team to an owner that leveraged the life out of both his American sports franchises... Sure.

They're not gonna fold this thing. It's a stupid threat that was probably not taken seriously by anybody involved.

We all knew Hicks had screwed the pooch with this franchise over the last 10 or so years, but I guess I (and many others probably) had no idea just how bad it was until all this came about. HSG is flat broke. It's been a mess from the very beginning of the process. Hopefully the August 4th date will provide a clean and quick closing to all of this. Whether it's Greenburg and Nolan or Cuban on his own, I don't care. I just want it over with at this point.
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