Do the athletic/baller chicks that you encounter turn you on more than...

I was playing mixed quads tonight (coed volleyball for the ignorant), and this new teammate of mine was

I couldnt do much though cuz i have a girlfriend
and she dead asap when i started checking her out
calling my champ and all that bull
I love good looking women who can ball! Skylar Diggins is too fine I'll play her one on one everyday (she's not beating me thoreal talk unless I pull a love & basketball)
Originally Posted by Danny Almonte 3

Originally Posted by Matt53

Originally Posted by Nash

it's kind of a mixed bag cause a good amount of female basketball players are lawnmowers


Rarely do I encounter a girl that as skilled as OP describes and very pretty
thats what im gettin at, an average chick is all of a sudden a 8 or a 9 because they can ball

kinda when chicks like them dudes who play on a good football team or basketball team at a major university, not be tyson beckford and still have chicks sweatin him cuz he can ball

it's a definite ++ for me. on the other hand, i don't like girls who are anti-competitive or completely unskilled in all forms of athletic activity.

there are a few that i know that are athletically inclined who turn out to be boring though. it can be hit or miss.

side note: did anyone catch caroline wozniacki play the women's us open final?


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Ehh,[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]as long as she looks nice.. though some Tennis Players are
and Lolo Jones[/color]
yea, the chicks in sports get me going

I had 3 girls from the gymnastic team from my junior to senior year
good times I tell you
some of the prettiest girls i know are from my softball/track teams. but then again, some of the manliest girls i know were also on my teams lol
I have a question about this though. Lets say you're playing a girl in basketball and she beats you. Is that a major turn on or does that completely turnyou off cuz you didnt win?

I think it should be a major turn on but I dont know how a guy would feel about that..
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