Do you believe the official story of 9/11?

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No I don’t

Mainly because they said a 737 crashed into the pentagon and I specifically remember watching the coverage live of the aftermath and not seeing ANY 737 parts scattered around the pentagon, no wings, no airline insignia, nothing from a large commercial airliner to be seen.

Even now when I search for pictures of the pentagon from that day, I do not see any remnants of a commercial 737 airliner.

very strange.
No I don’t

Mainly because they said a 737 crashed into the pentagon and I specifically remember watching the coverage live of the aftermath and not seeing ANY 737 parts scattered around the pentagon, no wings, no airline insignia, nothing from a large commercial airliner to be seen.

Even now when I search for pictures of the pentagon from that day, I do not see any remnants of a commercial 737 airliner.

very strange.



Doesn’t necessarily look like a 737 to me.

quite a precise entry point for something as large and WIDE (wings included) as a whole 737

I’m not a structural engineer, but that building doesn’t look like it was hit by a 737 head on…call me skeptical.
I think I was a sophomore in high school. Could see the smoke from where we were in long island.

Doesn’t necessarily look like a 737 to me.

quite a precise entry point for something as large and WIDE (wings included) as a whole 737

I’m not a structural engineer, but that building doesn’t look like it was hit by a 737 head on…call me skeptical.

I will call you skeptical. I worked in that building for 8 years. I’ve heard the first hand stories, been to the memorials, read messages left from family and friends of the victims. Believe what you want but this was real to many people. The burden of proof lies with you.

Doesn’t necessarily look like a 737 to me.

quite a precise entry point for something as large and WIDE (wings included) as a whole 737

I’m not a structural engineer, but that building doesn’t look like it was hit by a 737 head on…call me skeptical.
NT has sheltered a lot of weirdos man.
I will call you skeptical. I worked in that building for 8 years. I’ve heard the first hand stories, been to the memorials, read messages left from family and friends of the victims. Believe what you want but this was real to many people. The burden of proof lies with you.
People saw the plane fly over the bridge…….. but this random NT dude doe…. Must have the insider knowledge 🤷🏽‍♂️
People saw the plane fly over the bridge…….. but this random NT dude doe…. Must have the insider knowledge 🤷🏽‍♂️

Bet he’s unvaccinated too.

Imagine still thinking this is a conspiracy 20 years later. Wild dumb and disrespectful. Would like to see him claim it’s a conspiracy theory to the family of the victims that were on that plane.
Bet he’s unvaccinated too.

Imagine still thinking this is a conspiracy 20 years later. Wild dumb and disrespectful. Would like to see him claim it’s a conspiracy theory to the family of the victims that were on that plane.
It’s crazy man. My brother in law has an office right where it got hit. He got up to take a piss and stopped to talk to someone on the way back. Boom, life was saved. But…………. Maybe he was in on it too? 🤷🏽‍♂️
LOL meh I stand by what I said, it doesn’t look like a 737 hit that building.

I never said it didn’t happen, or there was some other conspiracy to explain or that people didnt die…I said I was skeptical

burn me at the stake if you want🤷‍♂️
Bet he’s unvaccinated too.

Imagine still thinking this is a conspiracy 20 years later. Wild dumb and disrespectful. Would like to see him claim it’s a conspiracy theory to the family of the victims that were on that plane.
I’m vaccinated and what does that have to do with anything?

y’all stay looking for strangers on the internet to mobb on lol

But carry on
LOL meh I stand by what I said, it doesn’t look like a 737 hit that building.

I never said it didn’t happen, or there was some other conspiracy to explain or that people didnt die…I said I was skeptical

burn me at the stake if you want🤷‍♂️
The 737 was seen by many headed towards the pentagon. Wreckage is at the pentagon. What other stupid take do you have to offer? 🤷🏽‍♂️
You're not a structural engineer. Are you a 737 pilot?

Curious as to what makes it not look like a 737.

In my mind i would think that the wings would break apart and be visible somewhere? At least the tail or sections of the tube? Thats how I generally associate plan crashes/wreckage.

here I see a shallow hole in the wall that would leave a portion of plane protruding?

granted I never seen those FBI pictures posted above, but even looking through those it’s crazy to think there was a whole plane there? And it’s just confetti? Not saying it’s impossible but hard to wrap my head around.

sure people died, I’m sensitive to that,I never said they didn’t.

I said that I was skeptical that a 737 hit the pentagon I didn’t say a 737 DID NOT HIT THE PENTAGON.

y’all be hella emotional…
Literally the only tine I’ve addressed you and your dumbass take. You’re crumbling lil man. The internet is funny, you say something stupid with no evidence and it’s you who gets upset. That’s a parenting issue
Right on, enjoy your day stranger lol
The ONLY reason I dont believe the conspiracy theories is because of how wide scale of a coverup this would have to be. For this to be government planned or whatever conspiracy you believe, there would have to at least be hundreds of people in on it. And if there were hundreds of people in on it, the whistle would have been blown by now.

The stories/logic arent why I believe the official story. Its that I dont believe this could have been covered upthe way it would have needed to have been for the truth to not get out.
The ONLY reason I dont believe the conspiracy theories is because of how wide scale of a coverup this would have to be. For this to be government planned or whatever conspiracy you believe, there would have to at least be hundreds of people in on it. And if there were hundreds of people in on it, the whistle would have been blown by now.

The stories/logic arent why I believe the official story. Its that I dont believe this could have been covered upthe way it would have needed to have been for the truth to not get out.
This is my answer to ANY large scale conspiracy theory
There may be some inconsistencies but I subscribe to Occam's razor. What's the alternative? The US government executed a plan to kill thousands of American citizens and tank the economy? Then they blame Al-Qaeda and Al-Qaeda (who would need to be in on the scheme) is willing to accept blame and Osama bin laden (who would need to be in on the scheme as well) is willing to live in caves, be hunted down and eventually killed? What was in it for Al Qaeda to go along with this American scheme? It's not like they benefited in any way.

Also, as others have mentioned the level of precision and perfect execution this plan would involve would be beyond belief. It would involve hundreds, if not thousands of conspirators and even 20 years later we haven't had a single leak?

I do believe this was a terrorist attack but I also believe that this tragedy was used to pass the Patriot act and enrich defense contractors and even politicians themselves like D Cheney (profited millions from his associations with Halliburton).
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