Do you care what other people think about you?

only when other people's opinions matter and directly affect me i do. otherwise, !*$% all yall and what yall think
I can honestly say that I'm one of the few people who don't care what other people think
I do because a part of me is intrigued on how the human brain works. meaning I enjoy different opinions and different perceptions. but as far as me taking whatsomeone else has to say to heart/catch feelings, I really don't care what they say. if that makes sense.

Originally Posted by il prescelto

I do, and I think everyone does to a certain degree. It's basically a prerequisite if you want to be part of society.
QFT, of course people care what others think about them. if they say otherwise they are lying.
I care about how I'm viewed by the people I love and care for. I don't want to disappoint my mother and I want my friends to see my loyalty. Other thanthat I don't care. Oh yeah and job interviews I make good impressions but if they didn't have something I want I wouldn't care.
Fortunately, no.

On a side note I tend to project a different side of myself or a completely fabricated persona to each person I come across.

Here's an inspirational quote for the unfortunate. "Those who mind, don't matter and those who matter, don't mind."
Not really. My Grandpa has always told me to live by this quote.

"It doesn't matter what you think about yourself. It doesn't matter what your friends think about you, but what does matter is how you think yourfriends think about you"
Originally Posted by besthandsInDM

Originally Posted by il prescelto

everyone does to a certain degree
Fact. I just care a lot less than the vast majority of people.
I can dig this. I learned a LONG time ago that most people's opinions ain't worth *+$+. I do meregardless of what somebody thinks or says. I mean, look at it this way...if you lived your life according to other people's perceptions, you wouldn'tbe [color= rgb(153, 153, 255)]you[/color]. You'd be whatever everyonethought you [color= rgb(153, 153, 255)]should[/color] be.
i don't think it's possible to not care AT ALL what others think about you.....but there are varying degree. imo.
I dont care what anyone says YOU DO CARE!

I mean there is obviously different levels, ya know.

I mean without caring about what others think where is your accountability?

So you are saying you act however you want all the time? Totally disregarding others? Not caring if someone is uncomfortable, you just do you and thats allthat matters?

Sounds really selfish to me. I would not want to be around a person that doesnt care what I think about them.

I love it when people tell me what they think about me, because a lot of the time I dont realize my flaws until someone else points them out. Im just sayintho.
I only care of what certain people think of me, like family and friends. But if its some random person that judges me I won't take it into consideration
as much as I would if someone like my mom judged me about something
its human nature to car ebaout what people think. were wired that way unless you really trained your mind to not care which takes time.
Sometimes. I almost care about what people think of "Young Rilla" but barely ever give a damn about what they think of "just me".
if you have ever felt embarrassed, or were scared to go talk to a girl at a party/bar/ care what other people think.....

I think we all do to a certain extent....I can almost gaurantee no one on this board is that self actualized to completely not care what others think...
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