Do you ever forget to just...breath?

I had to quit playing the game Osmosis because the game mechanics plus the calming music would lull me into a state of like... zen concentration and I would realize that I wasn't breathing. Loved the game but had to give it up.
Happened to my dad once, my mom felt him gasping for air so she tried sitting him upright. Hope you figure it out OP, good luck.
I do when I'm high or when I'm listening to music at really loud volumes :lol:

I especially hate the second one. I'll be chilling, and then remember that people tend to yell when they talk and have something loud in their ears, and suddenly become conscious of my breathing.
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Its 10:30 pm last night and im chillin in my bed bouta knock out, had a good *** day honestly so im in a good mood.

My eyes start to shut down so i turn my tv off and proceed to sleep. After a good 5 min. all of a sudden i feel like i couldnt breath? Like my brain totally forgot how to inhale the oxygen i started to get paranoid...then i took a deep breath and i started back to breathing.
Worst experience of my life Bros....has anyone else experiences something like this at all?

Seriously? You thought it was your brain that forgot to breath and not a demon messing with you?
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Never happened to me before this is weird but sometimes when I close my eyes and sleep, I can't stop concentrating on my eyes. Idk if they are focusing/ adjusting or what but it prevents me to sleep just noticing your eyes moving before going to sleep. Weird

Thought I was the only one, mess wild
i hold my breath when i drive UNDER a TUNNEL 
No one caught this?
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