Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

Jennifer Hudson definitely looked better as a big girl.
That's the issue with Jennifer and some who slim down really, like she got the Al Roker. Jill Scott is a good example of losing weight, but not too much so she still looks good "big".
I’m generally pro-trans rights, but I partially reject the notion that being attracted to trans women doesn’t make you gay.

It might not necessarily make you gay, but I wouldn’t call it straight either.
I’m generally pro-trans rights, but I partially reject the notion that being attracted to trans women doesn’t make you gay.

It might not necessarily make you gay, but I wouldn’t call it straight either.
Yeah, what irritates me more is the small, but loud, percentage of ppl who say if you date women you should date trans women too, and if you don’t then you’re transphobic.

Like how dare I have preferences in who I date :lol:
I’m generally pro-trans rights, but I partially reject the notion that being attracted to trans women doesn’t make you gay.

It might not necessarily make you gay, but I wouldn’t call it straight either.

Eh, I'm sure the people that claim they don't agree with you actually agree with you behind closed doors. I generally feel that is true with most trans issues/takes. (Especially transwomen participating in female sports)

Some people are honest in public.
Some people lie in public.
I’m generally pro-trans rights, but I partially reject the notion that being attracted to trans women doesn’t make you gay.

It might not necessarily make you gay, but I wouldn’t call it straight either.

I don't think it is totally one or the other. While most of us are one or the other, plenty of people are somewhere in the middle. Like almost everything, there's a spectrum. I think the problems come with our need to label everything, and with peoples' judgements and insecurities about anything in between.
I don't think it is totally one or the other. While most of us are one or the other, plenty of people are somewhere in the middle. Like almost everything, there's a spectrum. I think the problems come with our need to label everything, and with peoples' judgements and insecurities about anything in between.
This is basically where I stand. I don’t care what two consenting adults do in private, but I just wouldn’t call a cisgendered person having sex with a transgender person that’s the same biological sex but presenting as the opposite gender to be a heterosexual activity.

In theory that should only really bother someone if they think there’s something wrong with being anything other than straight, but that’s not how it plays out in real life.
Yea I agree that people today are obsessed with labeling and who other people sleep with. Never understood it.

I think people always want someone to look down on so they can feel better about themselves.
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