Do you respect players that flop?

Dec 9, 2002
I can't personally. I REALLY can't stand flopping.  I hate when people say, 'It's just so they can sell the foul', or 'It's just playing smart'.
No it's not. It's deceptive and it is ruining the game.  And the refs are out there falling for this stuff like it's a globetrotter game.

1st Team All-Flop AKA The main perpetrators that annoy me with it are-
-Chris Paul, it's just pathetic homie.
-Ginobli, if you watch ball, you know nothing more need be said.
-Billups (Son went flailing when Fisher barely grazed his armband the other day
He's even influencing young impressionable Rondo to take part in the nonsense.
 Play defense son.

Not saying these guys don't have skills, but have some respect for the game and stop trying to take advantage of the rules.
Taking a charge is playing smart defense, but flopping is inexcusable. I understand the refs call the flops and the NBA hasn't taken action yet, but it's insulting to the game and other players.

Hell if it wasn't for the flopping, I would probably love Varejao, but I can't respect it.
No. But I have learn to somewhat deal with it. I respect winning, it's done in the interest of getting your team the ball and the advantage in the interest of winning. I hate it most on offense though, the idea of "trying to draw a foul," as opposed to legitimately trying to score and getting fouled in the process. Durant has become great at the rip through move, if you come out to guard him and give him airspace but stick your arm out straight he'll do a rip move to get his hands under your's then go up for a shot, tangling your arms up and get to the line. Tim Duncan is a guy well known for that one too.
In certain situations were players are smart when they use it (like getting to the line) I don't midn it. But when certain players base their game around it, I have issues with it.
i hate when people try to draw a foul while going up for 3 at the end of the game. cant stand it
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe



The flopping is LAME though.

i want one so bad

anyways this year anderson has changed his game a little from flopping to just goin up and trying to get a piece of the ball...but he is a good actor
No, I can't stand flopping and the Lakers have created two of the best, Fisher, and Divac. 

If you are standing somewhere and get bulled over, that's one thing, but if your intent is to run to a spot and then stand there to get knocked over/flop, I can't stand that. 

I cringed yesterday when Artest said he intends to add flopping to his repertoire. 
  Please don't. 
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

op i know true hoopers like you wanna b slap these flopping doo doo heads when they pull their shennigans on the court.
Originally Posted by CP1708

If you are standing somewhere and get bulled over, that's one thing, but if your intent is to run to a spot and then stand there to get knocked over/flop, I can't stand that. 
Co sign to the fullest.

And I see some people are familiar with the Kidd/Woodson thrad

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Originally Posted by CP1708

If you are standing somewhere and get bulled over, that's one thing, but if your intent is to run to a spot and then stand there to get knocked over/flop, I can't stand that. 
Co sign to the fullest. 
Falling down and flailing at the slightest touch is one thing, but getting to the spot first and letting someone run into you is smart defense. Some people have it confused.
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