Doctor Who Fans

Dec 22, 2012
Anybody here enjoy watching Doctor Who? I'm new here and I did a search and didn't really find anything but forgive me if this has been done. Not sure if sneakerheads and Doctor Who have much crossover fans but I figure I can't be the only one. Just a general discussion I guess. I can't wait for the new season 7 to start back up!

Never heard of this show..
Not really surprised. Probably because it's a british tv show. It's absolutely huge across the pond but really only has a cult following in the states. It's coming up on the 50th anniversary so it's been out there a while.
Can't stand it, have never seen it once. Just the posters and shirts make me want to k*********. 
I watched a few episodes of season 1, it was ok. I've heard people say it gets a lot better. I know it's one of the most popular shows in the world and people are obsessed with it. I like more serious science fiction shows. Dr. Who seems cheesy at times and the special effects are doo doo.
I'm usually very open-minded and often can see how things may appeal to others dispite my own dislike or opinion of something. That said, I really can't understand the infatuation with Doctor Who. I find it tacky at best. Albeit, I guess that's how some people feel about LOST, one of my favorite shows ever.
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