Does being 2 types of asian / pacific islander count as being mixed?

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by ballinsincekneehigh

Originally Posted by the north west

the only Filipinos who don't consider themselves Asians but pacific islanders are the dumb teeny boopers ones who were born in America

Filipinos are Asians and their culture is more closely related to other Asian countries than pacific island culture

as for op you are mixed but it depends on your definition of what being mixed is

Just stop, you know nothing about our culture. Maybe you think so because you know a couple Filipinos.
"Is more closely related to Asian countries"??? That doesnt even make sense bruh.
Lets start from the basics. I consider myself Pacific Islander because Im more spanish than anything.
My whole family generations up are almost full of Portuguese blood. SO how does that make me asian? please explain
My last name isn't Wong, Lee, Park, Yamasaki, Nguyen, Kong, Lin, or Chin.
My last nme is Gaviola, please tell me in anyway how is that asian? That %$$ even sounds Italian hahah
As a whole yes the Philippines has INHERITED some culture from China, but what other than food?
On the same token most of our food has ties to Spanish culture as well. We dont practice "asian" religion
as you probably already know most Filipinos are catholics, isn't that the religion of the Spaniards?
I cant speak for every Filipino but Im not asian Im Pacific Islander.
Plus we got bigger pee pees dont be mad

where do I begin?

I hope to god you are still in high school because you sound like a complete idiot

let's start with the basics brah

you claim to be more Spanish than anything yet you consider yourself pacific islander

what do any of the last names you listed have any correlation with being Asian?
Indians and SE Asian countries (except for Vietnam) have much different last names than the ones you listed yet they are still Asian

also if the majority of your family is Portuguese blood and you have a Italian sounding last name how can you even call yourself a pacific islander?

how can you claim that your culture is heavily influenced by Spain but at the same time claim that you are a pacific islander?
what big influence did Spain have on the many countries that make up the "real" pacific islands?

by calling yourself a pacific islander not only are you insulting true pacific islanders like Micronesian, and Samoans but also your true identity

keep hating yourself brah

Highschool no Im actually abot to graduate from grad school from St Augustine with my DPT, shut up and get sum ho
Ok, there seems to be a lot of confusion in here so lets clear some things up:

Nationality = The status of belonging to a particular nation, whether by birth or naturalization
Ethnicity = Identity with or membership in a particular racial, national, or cultural group and observance of thatgroup's customs, beliefs, and language.
Culture = The sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation toanother
Race = An arbitrary classification of modern humans, sometimes, esp. formerly, based on any or a combination of variousphysical characteristics, as skin color, facial form, or eye shape, and now frequently based on such genetic markers as blood groups
I most def don't believe you are older than 16 at most. So I don't think your in college.
I made the European comment mocking your prior comments about having Spanish, Portuguese and Italian blood in you.
Once again, another reason why I can't see you even graduating HS.

So you guys really consider Russians, asians? Get out of here with that.

You do know that 75% of Russia is apart of the Asia right? Have you seen a Russian that lives far west of the Ural mountains?
What about the people that are ingenious to Russian that look exactly like Koreans? Look up Vladivostok.
young there absolutely no way you are in grad school...

if you were you would be able to back up your stance with more than just you're stupid go get sum...

Originally Posted by ballinsincekneehigh

And why can I not use typical asian last names as a borderline for my argument?

Those are asian last names stupid, to whoever tried to quote me. And how do I let

mainstream Hollywood determine my opinion? You guys are stupid. SMH I think being more portuguese means

Im more Spaniard than "asian" but, I am Filipino due to my region. Where did I say I am this and that and this.

Once again you guys are stupid as hell. AND how the hell am I a European? Whoever said that is dumb as hell haha

If someone was to take a look at me its clear I aint !$%*%%. Everyone is getting riled up over my opinion, Im glad Im relevant

to yo lames haha

I quoted you. As did others. You dug yourself in this really deep hole of stupidity, and here we are trying to bring you salvation. Get it? I made a funny. Asa graduate student you should be able to interpret that considering the context of what we're talking about. Apparently the media does have a role in youropinion. You feel as if the Asian male is emasculate, and to no surprise most of the media and public shows them like that. You don't want to associateyourself with that, and then continue to say you have a "bigger pee pee". Of course it had a role in your opinion.
As I said last time, you used names from certain countries. You generalized them into about 4 countries. Pure genius, no one would have thought. When he saidRussia he was just pulling your leg, but of course you got that. You're a graduate student.
op sounds like the typical teeny booper Filipino from California

bottom line is if you are Filipino and call yourself a pacific islander you are disrespecting true pacific islanders

the funniest part is the kid's rationalization and logic as to why he is a pacific islander

Originally Posted by ballinsincekneehigh

SMH I think being more portuguese means Im more Spaniard than "asian" but, I am Filipino due to my region.

that has to be one of the dumbest things ive read on NT. how does being part portugese mean you have a Spanish background? Geography/common sensefail
Originally Posted by humpasaurus rex

I'm from Guam. Pacific Islander!

Guaminians = legit P.I.'s... Even tho some of ya'll are heavily mixed with Filipino or some other Asian. My homie is from Guam but he looks like one ofthem Japanese-pinoy, chnkier eyes than me and im from the mainland SEA, swears he ain't Asian but PI. I take his word for it.
Originally Posted by MC OTAKU

You don't have to look East Asian or have an East Asian last name to be Asian, Asians can be light skinned, tanned, or dark...big or small varies. Your last name and religion was given to you by your colonial masters. And the Philippines is located in South East Asia....where Thailand, Cambodia and all the other SEAsian countries are. Even your Filipino ancestors are Asian. The Aetas arrived in the Philippines more than 30,000 BCE through land bridges, possibly from China and Polynesia. The Austronesians from Taiwan settled northern Luzon around 2500 BCE. They spread to the rest of the Philippines and later colonized most of Maritime Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific Islands. Pacific Islanders are Austronesian people who originated from the Malay Archipelago. Unlike their brethren in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, etc; The Austronesian people who had discovered and settled Polonesia (and the rest of oceania), lost all ties with Mainland Asia and never experienced the varied waves of migration that occured between the mainland and the Malay Archepelago, a fact that seperates those who are ethnically Asian and Pacific Islander. Filipinos,Indonesians, and other Malays of that region are much more "Mixed" withother Asian ethnicities and have their own culture which distinguishesthemselves from the Pacific Islander ethnicity which has its roots in Polonesia (and also micronesia & melanisia).

Good post.

A lot of Filipinos I meet with Spanish last names try to emphasize they are mixed with Spanish blood. Some of them even try to point that it is as if they arehalf Spanish. If you have a Spanish last name, it is most probably due to the colonization effect. Most Filipinos who are mixed tend to be of Chinese descent,and they are more in numbers than those who were mixed with Spanish blood.
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