Apr 11, 2006
prior to blowing up

does every rap artist get their girl jacked from them?

does every rapper go through the rock bottom struggle?

does every rapper seem to spit better before they got signed?

does every rapper prior to being signed actually tell the truth of their life being what it is in that moment?

does every rapper go through the not a dime to their name phase at the age of 25 prior to being found?

does every hot rapper prior to being signed not know how they are going to get an A & R to actually listen to their music?

etc... ADD ON and COMMENT
His name's Yung Berg and he's practically giving these away.

the point of the thread was basically for all my unsigned artist out there who can relate to living this life while having mountain top DREAMS... i made the thread because im going through the motions right now and felt like seeing if anyone related or could add to this topic. it was made in plain fun for the niketalk community but in all serious ness to aspiring artists...

but seriously... how do you get someone to listen to your songs!?!? w/o referring you to someone else who won't listen to your songs
I feel u... I'm not dead broke and haven't been broke since I was 19. I understand where u coming from though... It can be discouraging at first but once you get a little momentum even if it's one person telling u your music is hot run with it. Dont stop, me I'm always planning too long but instead of planning I'm gonna be a little spontaneous in my approach this time around...
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