Does Your Woman Routinely Ask You To Go To Church With Her?

That was a BIG issue with the last one. Church ain't my thing. Church not being my thing wasn't her thing. I tried. She tried me. We split. Ifigure, why go shopping through the hood for a #%%@@ like me, only to try to turn him into something he isn't? I'm VERY spiritual, but very cynical ofman's control over religious doctrine and what may or may not be sanctioned ritualistic stuff. Church is the devil's greatest weapon IMO.

and how does someone make you?

you should only go if you want to...

Simple. They show you what you could be. The happiness and contentment that comes with accepting and believing what you've been taught(regardless of what that may be) is human nature. We all want to belong. Churches give you a sense of fellowship that not even team sports compare to. That,and the fact that I wanted to be her version of "a better man" (because that's what you do for people you carefor..) was most of the reason I was in church twice a week for a year. Can't say i regret it... it just isn't me. Plus, some arguments just aren't worth having. Ask Homer Simpson
. Me being in a pew for 3 hours ain't have !@!!on me being in the doghouse for 3 days
nope i've never been to a church nor will i ever go for any reason.
nope i've never been to a church nor will i ever go for any reason.
Actually, that's the best reason to go... give yourself a chance to prove yourself right, if that's how you see it. I've been todifferent Christian churches from baptists to kingdom halls.. knowledge is power. If you don't agree with the texts, learn what it is you don't agreewith and why. There's always at least two reasons to learn something.
Either their mother or their woman is responsible for introducing them to church or getting them to set foot in the church.
What is so wrong with that? If it is about bringing somebody back to the church that's a bad thing that should be looked down upon? Especiallyif somebody has been lost? What because a woman was responsible for it? %*** outta here. Ol' bitter %*%. Sit down and watch football then. You probablywouldn't be wanted in church anyway.
^ I didn't say anything was WRONG with it. I was making an observation that men are usually influenced by women to get into church. Where are you readingthat I said it should be looked down upon?
I've come to the conclusion that OP has never had a girl and imagines all These situations.
If you do have a girl post pics or she's ugly/ doesn't exist.
Telling someone "they wouldn't even be wanted in church" is EXACTLY what turns me off about some Christian folks. You just verbalized it.

Girls I talk to usually bring it up but I work Sundays sometimes so I don't bother to go. The girl I'm dating now aint too big on religion so its a winwin. I believe in God..just not organized religion.
Some girl I dated offered me a threesome then turned around talking about being celibate and going to church..I'm looking at her dumbfounded

I had this argument on Twitter with some friends of mine. They smoke, drink and have sex just like me but going to church on a Sunday justifies all that. Godis a God of forgiveness but that doesn't mean you should take advantage of that.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Telling someone "they wouldn't even be wanted in church" is EXACTLY what turns me off about some Christian folks. You just verbalized it.
Pretty much... I hate so-called christians more than they hate the devil.
i don't think i've ever invited a guy i was dating to church...

i don't even go myself unless i'm at home and my mom gets mad at me every sunday for it...
I never understood that, I'd pipe like the devil on saturday, then she'd want to go to church on sunday.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Telling someone "they wouldn't even be wanted in church" is EXACTLY what turns me off about some Christian folks. You just verbalized it.

Girls I talk to usually bring it up but I work Sundays sometimes so I don't bother to go. The girl I'm dating now aint too big on religion so its a win win. I believe in God..just not organized religion.
Some girl I dated offered me a threesome then turned around talking about being celibate and going to church..I'm looking at her dumbfounded

I had this argument on Twitter with some friends of mine. They smoke, drink and have sex just like me but going to church on a Sunday justifies all that. God is a God of forgiveness but that doesn't mean you should take advantage of that.
Thats wild man. I just don't feel like getting up at work hours on one of my off days (weekend). That is why I don't feel like going. Itisn't that I don't want to be there because once I get there I am cool.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

^ Oh it was you Southside. I hope someone buys you a backbone for XMAS man. No disrespect but you constantly talk about some female punking you
we both make compromises to make the relashonship work
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Telling someone "they wouldn't even be wanted in church" is EXACTLY what turns me off about some Christian folks. You just verbalized it.
Well I'm happy that I fit into the mold of some Christian folks that you know based off of my one comment. Did you even read his first post? Ican also admit cause I don't have to hide behind my religion that I took a direct unnecessary shot because I don't like the thread and the undertonesand as I look back it wasn't right to involve the church because a even a dude like DC(
) would be wanted and accepted at some church if he were to directTV hisfootball games.

Was I mad at the time I pressed reply? Yes
Don't like DirecTVing my FB games. I don't have enough time to even watch them. Only free time is the weekends.

Plus any church I have attended has had an early 8 AM service that gets out by 10. Waking up early is just what annoys me
lol @ pics for the beasts

i told my girl the 4th day we met i wasnt on such things....
No point of even fighting that battle Black. They always end up getting tongue tied. And for some strange reason she was the only individual that was offendedby the post. Not liking the undertone of it. I don't know what undertone was detected by her. I thought the title was self explanatory and straightforward. How many of us don't like being asked to go to church by their females. Not understanding what you "believe" I am "really"trying to say in this post.

I am not trying to sway anyone from believing what they believe in but I understand when folks are passionate about certain things that they take anythingothers say about it in a negative manner.

Wasn't my intentions lady
I don't think I could be with somone who was really religious and went to church all the time.
I don't care for going to church, so my boyfriend doesn't have to worry about me asking him.
I actually wish I had a woman who went to Church, I stay meetin' the wrong kind of people.
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