Donald Trump tests positive COVID

So many people died and so many lives change Trump walks into the White House and gives a thumbs up unbelievable like the coronavirus is nothing

There is nobody in this country that would receive the same care like trump did

this remind me of when George Bush gave a speech and said mission accomplished it in Iraq but a lot more dangerous

what an Idiot

Look at this ****
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Osh i didn't catch that, this is the only thing he tweeted today:

He is probably terrified.

yep, looks terrified. what he's doing is just dumb.
I do believe he has it and is downplaying how he is.

Only reason I say that is because of what I saw when he returned to the White House. He wanted to cough and looked like he was gasping for air.

At first I did say he is bull****ting but after seeing that, I think he has it.

He should listen to the Dr's as I am sure they advised him to stay in the hospital.

Foolish, but hey just another example of it from him.
Imagine still playing the BoTh SiDeZ r ThE sAmE game at this point. How this is even a thing is beyond me.

You sir, are a clown. Never change.

play your role dont worry about me clown
get off both sides of my sack

worry about your vote not me not voting for these old goats
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