doubt many relate but , anyone have relatives that come from poor countries that come and turn into

Nov 26, 2012
most of my family is from cuba and it blows my mind that someone can live

in poverty for the first 2 decades of their lives but as soon as they get a taste

of a better life their moral's and attitudes take 180 degree turn.

kids that use be sweet and say hi to everyone in the room walk into a room

full of people with their eyes glued to an ipad

women who never owned a car in their life looking down on anyone that doesnt

have a $40,000 car just cus some baller scooped her up a year ago

dudes who never owned a pair of nikes wont be caught dead wearing a non name brand sneaker

in their damn 30's

smh , anyone see this kinda behavior?
problem I have is my fam back in El Salvador thinkin we owe THEM something.

I'm struggling as it is here with a mortgage, bills, ETC. I apologize if i id rather purchase myself something with MY extra income than buying you a PS3.
most of my family is from cuba and it blows my mind that someone can live

in poverty for the first 2 decades of their lives but as soon as they get a taste

of a better life their moral's and attitudes take 180 degree turn.

kids that use be sweet and say hi to everyone in the room walk into a room

full of people with their eyes glued to an ipad

women who never owned a car in their life looking down on anyone that doesnt

have a $40,000 car just cus some baller scooped her up a year ago

dudes who never owned a pair of nikes wont be caught dead wearing a non name brand sneaker

in their damn 30's

smh , anyone see this kinda behavior?
Yeah man its call loving what you dreamed of having. Its the American way and I LOVE IT
problem I have is my fam back in El Salvador thinkin we owe THEM something.

I'm struggling as it is here with a mortgage, bills, ETC. I apologize if i id rather purchase myself something with MY extra income than buying you a PS3.
they never see other peoples plight smh
problem I have is my fam back in El Salvador thinkin we owe THEM something.

I'm struggling as it is here with a mortgage, bills, ETC. I apologize if i id rather purchase myself something with MY extra income than buying you a PS3.
I know what you mean fam. I got family in Brazil that does the same thing. I remember a year ago a younger cousin of mine was begging my mom to buy and send her a cell phone. This is too much and the fact that nobody has talked to her in years (her dad, who is my uncle split with the mom) and this is the first thing she asks for. But to answer OPs question.. I've seen this happen plenty of times. People come here to live a better life but end up struggling because they got caught up on things they can't afford
i remember when i visited fam back in the homeland we had "cousins" showing up at the house trying to get anything they could off us. i almost got in a fight with one that wouldn't leave lol.
yes i know many who get married to rich men here and thenwhen they get here they act like their ish dont stink
Originally Posted by ricky409  

atleast yall now where yall ancestry hails...
being black and not knowing where you're famb is from ftl...

don't know that feel.. 

but it must suck
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i try to support my fam in Venezuela as best I could. But some of them don't understand that I need to maintain myself first, and then them. 

But as for someone in my fam being poor and then coming here and changing, my dad was poor in venezuela, then came here a started a botanica, and 18 years later, he's living pretty damn comfy.
I'm traveling to Cuba with my uncle ( Cuban Descent) this summer. I'm black but some what fluent in Spanish and he told me everyone in Cuba is humble. This also happens in my family with estranged relatives asking for money when they where dissing us when we were all broke. Like MF DOOM says " Jealousy is the number one killer among black folk". Jealousy is really the killer of all bridges between relatives...
i try to support my fam in Venezuela as best I could. But some of them don't understand that I need to maintain myself first, and then them. 

But as for someone in my fam being poor and then coming here and changing, my dad was poor in venezuela, then came here a started a botanica, and 18 years later, he's living pretty damn comfy.
i got fam in venezuela , my godmother been caking there for like 30 years (prior to chavez)

she and most of my fam from there are really generous people
My mom and dad came from the Philippines and my mom's family is rich as hell out CEO status rollin with personal drivers and gated communities and whatever perk you could think of.
Proud of my parents for making the step to come out here despite the foreseeable struggle :smokin
This is a world wide phenomenon. It is not limited to one country. One of the biggest factors that help me remain grounded is to never forget where I came from.
My mom and dad came from the Philippines and my mom's family is rich as hell out CEO status rollin with personal drivers and gated communities and whatever perk you could think of.
Proud of my parents for making the step to come out here despite the foreseeable struggle :smokin
Such a common story for first generation American. It breaks my heart to see a family struggle so hard for their kids to potentially have better lives, only for the kids to grow up to be completely Americanized screw ups.
My cousins in DR used to ask for Jordan's all the time. Dudes out there eat anything up with the Jumpman logo. Team Jordans, signatures, etc. That vanity. :smh:
3rd world scams. My grandma has been "sick" for 30 years. So glad she died last year.
Well damb.

* Back to OP, I don't mind it, as long as they stay humble with their requests. Can't be havin champagne tastes if they really "need" something.
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Such a common story for first generation American. It breaks my heart to see a family struggle so hard for their kids to potentially have better lives, only for the kids to grow up to be completely Americanized screw ups.
QFT I see this happen everday
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