Dragon Ball Z Fans?

Mar 6, 2008
How many of you guys have seen this and knew Vegeta had a little Brother http ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/index.html?curid=18399439???
If link doesnt work Just do a search for Dragonball Z YO! SonGoku and His Friends Return.
Love it, just about done watching season 6 i beleive, the cell games saga

The video games are crack!
Originally Posted by JordanFeind

Theres rumor goin around of another series being made.
I hope you're not lying! Yea, I saw some pictures. Name is Tarble, has an ugly wife!
Can someone explain the DBZ storyline to me? I always hear about it but I'm really confused.
My bad on being late. I saw this and I had never heard about it and knew there where people on Niketalk like me who grew up on DBZ so thats why i Posted.
Yeah I saw this on NT a few weeks ago. Love DBZ. Dragon Ball is cool. But I am not a big fan of GT.
Originally Posted by yungchris504

Originally Posted by CarminePOWER

Originally Posted by JordanFeind

Theres rumor goin around of another series being made.
I hope you're not lying! Yea, I saw some pictures. Name is Tarble, has an ugly wife!

Yeah his wife's a robot
. But OP you're a lil late on this one. I really hope what you're saying is true about a new series. Ifthey do it then I hope they have the same voices because the new ones on the remastered episodes suck.
yeah i doubt they are gunna make a new series anytime soon this is just what ive read on the net but there's been no real proof so im not getting my hopesup. I think it will all come down to how well that piece of $$$% dragonball movie does and we allready know where the that belongs.
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