Drive Thru fast food joint

Aug 10, 2003
y'all ever walk though the drive thru? I was feeling nice from the bar and had to get something to eat before going home... so I went to mcdonalds and saw this white girl walking through the drive thru like nothing.... kinda caught me off guard no lie lmao
Twice. Once when i was 15 with my boy, we were too young to drive. I think it was Subway late at night.

2nd time was 2014, I was 30 and my car broke down in the middle of the road. While waiting on the tow truck i was starving and there was a burger King across the parking lot. I had my dog with me on a leash and he and I walked through the drive through. Car pulled up behind me dying laughing.

Thread might get more traction if you change title to "walking through drive thru" or something like that.
Haven't personally but did see a homeless guy on a Lime bike roll up to one and they served him.
Seen a white dude on a bike try this move before.

Where I grew up drive thrus don't allow this. Might even be illegal at state level?

All due to not wanting to have to serve/deal with the street homeless and/or pedestrian "safety".
Doesn’t make sense that you can only eat if you have a car.

I remember I was driving home from work one day and decided to get a egg cheese on biscuit from MC’D. Lady asked if she could get inside my car so she could order. So I ignore her. She calls police and say I stole her car. Cops came quick and arrested her. This in a drug addict/homeless neighborhood. Fentanyl helluva drug.
I’ve never walked up to one before but have seen several homeless folk do it. They pay like everyone else and keep it moving.
McDonalds near me has a rule that you at least have to be on a bike to use the drive through. Their logic was that on foot, there is a robbery threat???? Makes no sense at all :lol:
Places have walk up windows now too with the swivel action for late night non-drivers.

Welcome to 2020.
Most drive-thru fast food joints in my area have stickers on the window specifically prohibiting this.

Surprised so many spots allow for this; seems like a security issue.
I tried before hammered drunk.

they told me no numerous times. “A car might hit you”

I’ve never seen that here. Still tried though. :lol:
We have a few Walk Up window spots in DC.

There is a McDonalds and a few Liquor Stores out Maryland
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