Duke Freshman Student Leads Double Life As Porn Star

A lot of those schools are super expensive but they provide financial aid for poor people. 60k a year isn't even all that bad. But if I were to pay that much it better be a school like Duke, Stanford etc
Come on son....you are saying 60k is not that much for a college education.
I'm saying it's worth it for certain schools. A lot of kids who go to these schools have very wealthy parents, those that don't get some type of financial aid. Harvard is costly but if you get it, they make sure you can afford it because their endowment is so large they can afford to. Not everyone at Duke is paying 60 grand.
I understand that I'm just 60k a year a lot for education anyway you cut it.

My sister went to UNC on all types of financial aid.
how so?
No matter all the "women power" they talk in the streets, it's face down A up in the sheets...and there are a lot of girls that like it a little rough.A weird quirk of this thing called being human.
But how is the type of sex they like contradictory to the feminist movement? I think the problem is men tend to view everything to how it relates with what they like.

If anything chicks getting it in how, when, and with who they want i empowering. Just because some men think it's degrading doesn't mean anything.  Feminism is about chicks being empowered to do what they want and to be proud of it.

Just cuz she wants you to blow her back out doesn't mean she's beneath you (figuratively.)  That's just how she likes it.
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But how is the type of sex they like contradictory to the feminist movement? I think the problem is men tend to view everything to how it relates with what they like.

If anything chicks getting it in how, when, and with who they want i empowering. Just because some men think it's degrading doesn't mean anything.  Feminism is about chicks being empowered to do what they want and to be proud of it.

Just cuz she wants you to blow her back out doesn't mean she's beneath you (figuratively.)  That's just how she likes it.
Unless I completely misunderstand feminism, it's saying "I am a women, and I am just as powerful/strong as men" then when you get home you get bent over the couch,, completely bending to the will of another. Now, there is a different statement for those "dominatrix" chicks, as they do have the power in those situations.

So much of sex is about power, control, submitting etc. Sorry, you may disagree, but I've had sex, with a lot of different girls, and I can tell you, I'm in control in all those situations, so if you telling me about how empowered you are, shut up and take this D garl. Less to do with enjoyment, and more to do with the physical aspects of having sex. Feminism  is where philosophy meets physiology.
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Well the girl is ultimately in power just as much as the guy because she has to agree to have sex with you also.

In that industry girls are taking all the pounding but also earning the most money and are the bigger names.

In reference to the dominatrix and sub dynamic, I always hear the sub is the one with power. They decide when it stops by saying the safe word.
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Well the girl is ultimately in power just as much as the guy because she has to agree to have sex with you also.

In that industry girls are taking all the pounding but also earning the most money and are the bigger names.
So the guy that agrees to take it up the A, is really in power? "Agreement" doesn't = power.

And if earning capacity is a sign of power, than most dudes really do have the power.

Nah, the person with their hand on the key and leather chain are the ones in power, don't ever forget that, they decide if they want to listen to the safe word, yeah down the line they may get in trouble, but does that matter if you are choked out?

Most women trade power in their sex lives for power in the real lives, exploiting men's, seemingly overwhelming, sex drive. 

Feminism philosophy has not/cannot deal with the realities of a sex. It's hard to say you are in power when you 90% of the time a girl submits to sex.
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But how is the type of sex they like contradictory to the feminist movement? I think the problem is men tend to view everything to how it relates with what they like.

If anything chicks getting it in how, when, and with who they want i empowering. Just because some men think it's degrading doesn't mean anything.  Feminism is about chicks being empowered to do what they want and to be proud of it.

Just cuz she wants you to blow her back out doesn't mean she's beneath you (figuratively.)  That's just how she likes it.

Unless I completely misunderstand feminism, it's saying "I am a women, and I am just as powerful/strong as men" then when you get home you get bent over the couch,, completely bending to the will of another. Now, there is a different statement for those "dominatrix" chicks, as they do have the power in those situations.

So much of sex is about power, control, submitting etc. Sorry, you may disagree, but I've had sex, with a lot of different girls, and I can tell you, I'm in control in all those situations, so if you telling me about how empowered you are, shut up and take this D garl. Less to do with enjoyment, and more to do with the physical aspects of having sex. Feminism  is where philosophy meets physiology.

I don't think you understand feminism.

Feminism is largely concerned with establishing and protecting the "rights" of women. With respect to this conversation, that would be the right to explore one's sexuality whichever way that befits them, and/or the right to have and engage in consensual sex with whomever. Thus, a woman who voluntarily participates in hardcore porn is merely exercising her rights as a being who claims and maintains complete discretion over her body. What she does with her body is her choice and her right; this is (arguably) the single most important premise of feminist theory.

The nuances of sex escape you because you're a man who benefits in the hegemony of patriarchy, and understandably so, you've never had to consider things from the role of the "submissive" partner. It's no surprise then, that you believe so much of sex is about power and control. That's all you see because that's what you've been taught. That's the patriarchal influence talkin'.

Sex in any healthy relationship is about compromise and respect--respect of mind, and of body. That's where the feminist theory comes into play.

It (feminism) informs women of their power over their bodies. That's it's ok to say "NO!"; that you don't have to "shut up and take this D" if you don't want to. The point is, sex is an enterprise that asks of all parties involved to mutually accept--CONSENT TO--the terms and conditions of engagement. Thus, a woman is well within her right to refuse sex with her bf if she doesn't agree to the terms and conditions, for whatever reason. Just as well, she has the right to headline ghetto gaggers if she wants to consent to that sort of thing. It's her right as a woman; it's her right as a human being. Respect it.

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I don't think you understand feminism.

Feminism is largely concerned with establishing and protecting the "rights" of women. Thus, a woman who voluntarily participates in hardcore porn is merely exercising her rights as a being who claims and maintains complete discretion over her body. What she does with her body is her choice and her right; this is (arguably) the single most important premise of feminist theory.

The nuances of sex escape you because you're a man who benefits in the hegemony of patriarchy, and understandably so, you've never had to consider things from the role of the "submissive" partner. It's no surprise then, that you believe so much of sex is about power and control. That's the patriarchy talkin'.

Sex in any healthy relationship is about compromise and respect--respect of mind, and of body. That's where the feminist theory comes into play.

It (feminism) informs women of their power over their bodies. That's it's ok to say "NO!"; that you don't have to "shut up and take this D" if you don't want to. The point is, sex is an enterprise that asks of all parties involved to mutually accept--CONSENT TO--the terms and conditions of engagement. Thus, a woman is well within her right to refuse sex with her bf if she doesn't agree to the terms and conditions, for whatever reason. Just as well, she has the right to headline ghetto gaggers if she wants to consent to that sort of thing. It's her right as a woman; it's her right as a human being. Respect it.

Good points, but I hope you're not a dude who happens to be pro-feminist.
I don't think you understand feminism.

Feminism is largely concerned with establishing and protecting the "rights" of women. Thus, a woman who voluntarily participates in hardcore porn is merely exercising her rights as a being who claims and maintains complete discretion over her body. What she does with her body is her choice and her right; this is (arguably) the single most important premise of feminist theory.

The nuances of sex escape you because you're a man who benefits in the hegemony of patriarchy, and understandably so, you've never had to consider things from the role of the "submissive" partner. It's no surprise then, that you believe so much of sex is about power and control. That's the patriarchy talkin'.

Sex in any healthy relationship is about compromise and respect--respect of mind, and of body. That's where the feminist theory comes into play.

It (feminism) informs women of their power over their bodies. That's it's ok to say "NO!"; that you don't have to "shut up and take this D" if you don't want to. The point is, sex is an enterprise that asks of all parties involved to mutually accept--CONSENT TO--the terms and conditions of engagement. Thus, a woman is well within her right to refuse sex with her bf if she doesn't agree to the terms and conditions, for whatever reason. Just as well, she has the right to headline ghetto gaggers if she wants to consent to that sort of thing. It's her right as a woman; it's her right as a human being. Respect it.


Good points, but I hope you're not a dude who happens to be pro-feminist.

All movements have their faults. That said, I completely support a woman's right to body autonomy. If that makes me a feminist, then so be it.

Well the girl is ultimately in power just as much as the guy because she has to agree to have sex with you also.

In that industry girls are taking all the pounding but also earning the most money and are the bigger names.

So the guy that agrees to take it up the A, is really in power? "Agreement" doesn't = power.

And if earning capacity is a sign of power, than most dudes really do have the power.

Nah, the person with their hand on the key and leather chain are the ones in power, don't ever forget that, they decide if they want to listen to the safe word, yeah down the line they may get in trouble, but does that matter if you are choked out?

Most women trade power in their sex lives for power in the real lives, exploiting men's, seemingly overwhelming, sex drive. 

Feminism philosophy has not/cannot deal with the realities of a sex.It's hard to say you are in power when you 90% of the time a girl submits to sex..

Well the girl is ultimately in power just as much as the guy because she has to agree to have sex with you also.

In that industry girls are taking all the pounding but also earning the most money and are the bigger names.

So the guy that agrees to take it up the A, is really in power? "Agreement" doesn't = power.

And if earning capacity is a sign of power, than most dudes really do have the power.

Nah, the person with their hand on the key and leather chain are the ones in power, don't ever forget that, they decide if they want to listen to the safe word, yeah down the line they may get in trouble, but does that matter if you are choked out?

Most women trade power in their sex lives for power in the real lives, exploiting men's, seemingly overwhelming, sex drive. 

Feminism philosophy has not/cannot deal with the realities of a sex. It's hard to say you are in power when you 90% of the time a girl submits to sex.

Brah no.

Homegirl has a point that she has every right to do what she pleases with her body.

But she wants her actions to have no negative repercussions. She makes some straight up stupid assumptions because it suits her rhetoric.

The problem is that some women that claim to be "feminist" are just women who won't want to be judge for any of the decisions. The but real issues on the same level as their scandalous behavior.

And like a said a porn director exposed her foolishness with a couple seconds. She ain't bout equality, she is about herself
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First and foremost, consent =/= power. I can consent to s&m, literally consenting to give up power to another person, they have ultimate control over you body at that point, yeah there are safe words but if they ignore them, then what?

I don't understand feminism. It's used in so many different ways, there is a difference between woman's right to vote, woman's economic equality, woman's social equality, women's physical equality. Sex is a physical act, woman...most woman, can't be equal physically, they literally have to submit to a man sticking something inside of them ( as vulgar as that is). I don't mind feminism in any other sphere or arena, but when it comes to the act of sex, it's a tough sell to me, simply because the physical power dynamics that are involved with sex.

I really don't understand where the disagreement is. The physical act of having sex is an area where man is dominate, we can talk a whole lot of this or that, but the physical act of having sex usually means, a women submitting and a male dominating.  Someone explain to me another way to have sex in which a women doesn't "give control of her body" to her male counterpart?

I think this is a perfect instance where rhetoric has overcome reality.
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First and foremost, consent =/= power. I can consent to s&m, literally consenting to give up power to another person, they have ultimate control over you body at that point, yeah there are safe words but if they ignore them, then what?

I don't understand feminism. It's used in so many different ways, there is a difference between woman's right to vote, woman's economic equality, woman's social equality, women's physical equality. Sex is a physical act, woman...most woman, can't be equal physically, they literally have to submit to a man sticking something inside of them ( as vulgar as that is). I don't mind feminism in any other sphere or arena, but when it comes to the act of sex, it's a tough sell to me, simply because the physical power dynamics that are involved with sex.

I really don't understand where the disagreement is. The physical act of having sex is an area where man is dominate, we can talk a whole lot of this or that, but the physical act of having sex usually means, a women submitting and a male dominating.  Someone explain to me another way to have sex in which a women doesn't "give control of her body" to her male counterpart?

I think this is a perfect instance where rhetoric has overcome reality.
Watching too much porn really messed w/ your thinking and perception.
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Can you tell me another way to have sex without a women someone to stick some thing inside of them?

I'm not talking emotional, I'm not talking politics, I'm not talking philosophy (for the first time) I'm not talking morals, I'm not talking anything but purely physical...a women has to allow a man to enter their body, while that is happening, who is in control? Male sexual assault is a thing, that may be the only case in which a male doesn't have control.

Someone is going to have to explain what "sex" is to me, because I'm guessing I don't understand.
I don't know where this notion that consent = control. I consent to giving a person a gun, does that mean I am in control of the situation? Once that gun is handed off, it's completely out of my control...unless I don't understand what "control" "consent" or "gun" mean...

A man consents to being bound and gagged...is he in control?

A women consents to bending over and taking it...is she really in control?

What if the person I am interacting with isn't "enlightened" doesn't care about words? Words of consent mean nothing when a person has a gun to your head, your only hope is they don't shoot, nothing you say can "force" him to let go, it's only persuasive, not authoritative.
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If a man allows another man into his house is that person in control?

You're not smart, stop it. We could do this all day.
I must not be, because I have no idea how that metaphor relates. The level of privacy/control, one expects in a house is vastly different than the level of control/privacy one should expect from their body.

The point I'm making, when you consent to someone putting something into your body, it's very hard,  for me to believe you are in control. There are very little situations in which I would say someone putting something in your body, even with your permission, leaves you in control.

Like i said, maybe I don't understand sex, maybe I don' understand feminism, but when someone consents to someone else putting something in there body, with them having the option to remove it when they see fit, is that really a shining moment of feminist ideology?
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