EDIT 3: Why do successful black women think successful men care about their money?

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Everyone wants to be ______ but no one wants to be ______
meanwhile...in da REAL world..

oh really? you took a L and now you scrambling...

here's a video i taped years ago in da heightz

now what? looks like a TON of African Americans to me right..******g morons on this site sometimes b.

da losers up in here sad, cuz im a darker skinned latino = denying being african american... idiots
The way this dude is calling people idiots you'd think he had an advanced degree or something.
  Anyhow you really just gonna ignore the point I made about your hypocrisy? I never said you should call yourself African American tho. That's not the questions here, the question is whether or not Black Dominicans have African blood.
Hasn't it been established!!!

Black blood does not make you culturally black or african american.

I remember posting somewhere that the 1 drop rule that we have in the us doesn't apply in latin america.
I left around page 12 and came back and saw this thread blew up. Tried to catch up but soon realized it wasn't worth it.

To summarize what there is to be learned thus far
  • "******* aint **** but hos and tricks" (which we kinda knew)
  • "It aint trickin if ya got it"
  •  If you want a real WIFE, International >>>>>
  • Black women set their bar to high... get needy eventually. Let Tyrone smash. Then still act like they're desirable, like the new car didn't get driven off the lot.
  • Family values and traditions? Eff that it's 2013! Get money.
I left around page 12 and came back and saw this thread blew up. Tried to catch up but soon realized it wasn't worth it.

To summarize what there is to be learned thus far
  • "******* aint **** but hos and tricks" (which we kinda knew)
  • "It aint trickin if ya got it"
  •  If you want a real WIFE, International >>>>>
  • Black women set their bar to high... get needy eventually. Let Tyrone smash. Then still act like they're desirable, like the new car didn't get driven off the lot.
  • Family values and traditions? Eff that it's 2013! Get money.

You forgot Ninjahood ain't black.
There is African-American culture which in this country ppl often refer to as black culture, but there isn't a singular black culture that encompasses all with African heritage
Of course not, seeing as ALL humans are from Africa. 

We have black culture, which takes contributions from black people no matter their origin. 

I think that's a fair representation of black culture. 
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You know what I meant by African heritage

There isn't a singular culture that encompasses say Nigerian culture, Jamaican culture, and African-American culture.
You know what I meant by African heritage

There isn't a singular culture that encompasses say Nigerian culture, Jamaican culture, and African-American culture.
What is African-American culture? It sounds like an oxymoron to me.

The idea of Africa itself is a European invention.

It diminishes the very distinct cultures that encompass the countries in Africa. Last I checked there wasn't a European culture. It, just like African culture is a composition of multiple cultures. Eastern Africa is far different than western Africa, and the North different than the south. 

For instance, you acknowledge Jamaican culture- a culture I am familiar with, does that mean it is mutually exclusive from African culture? No. Look at Rasta's for example. Ra means sun God, in Egyptian culture. This is one example of thousands. 

Hell the Yoruba and the Igbo people have hated eachother for centuries, and they are both Nigerian. You think they share  a unified culture? Come on, you people are looking at Africa through a European lens, it's not that simple.
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No. People of the sub saharan diaspora come from different cultures. Shoot the culture in west and south africa are night and day. Let alone cultures from different continents.

Culture doesnt equal race. I think this is where ninjahood and black americans come to veer off.

Some hear black an automatically assume AA when that shouldnt be the case.
Am I missing something? Did this dude just say Dominicans have no African ancestry. Dominicans are black as hell.
Slaves were taken to the Dominican republic and other places in South America.

And wth is 100% Latino, Latino isn't genetically determined.
latino isn't even a race, its a nationality....has nothing to do with genetics at all.... a white man born and raised in dr, is technically dr then. Hell if my family roots date back to some of them living in Germany, then does that make german? lol
Well known history that the Spanish and Portuguese brought african slaves to the carribeans and South America

If you're a dark skinned Dominican you are an Afro Latino ....and if you stepped foot in Spain you would suffer the same plights as an African American in the US ....just cause you adore the Virgin Mary and speak Spanish won't make them accept you :lol:

Damn shame white folks got black people scared to accept their skin color...**** weird
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oh really? you took a L and now you scrambling...

here's a video i taped years ago in da heightz

now what? looks like a TON of African Americans to me right..******g morons on this site sometimes b.

da losers up in here sad, cuz im a darker skinned latino = denying being african american... idiots
Looks like a bunch of lightskins to me bruh. I cringe at the self hate you got b.

90% of Dominicans have black blood, yet you insist the culture is devoid of any semblance of blackness ? Please tell me more.....

Is it possible that you can be mixed like 75% of the country is? Noooo. For you it's all or nothing.
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Bruh this like when light skin girls used to claim Native American tribes because they made their hair lay down lol
So Ninjahood even trolled this topic :lol:

Let's see, he claims he's not black

He's not successful, but yet he came in here anyway :lol:

:rofl: :rofl:

im not black im american :rofl:

im not stupid i almost have my 2 year degree promise :rofl:

yall are morons! i write the word "da" like we're on AOL instant messenger still :rofl:
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