ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Its not about the "physical change". Its the mindstate, I'm only 25 years old but I have never seen people in cities dancing in the streets. Honking their horns and and cheering from their cars. People partied in DC last night. Its the feeling of excitement and relief that it brings. That's what 'change' is about. My-T.
%$$% was crazy last night in the area myT ... i heard people bustin off and some more %$$% lol ... i just hope they were partying for the right reasons, in the sense of changing the country, rather than partying like the wizards won the ship

Hey Marley, you coming to join us here in DC for the inauguration on Jan. 20th?? It would be great to have you aboard champ
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

After seeing how everybody is soo excited last night and today, I now think it was good that Obama was elected. But.......

I'm just curious to what kind of change everyone thinks he's going to bring?

Its not about the "physical change". Its the mindstate, I'm only 25 years old but I have never seen people in cities dancing in the streets. Honking their horns and and cheering from their cars. People partied in DC last night. Its the feeling of excitement and relief that it brings. That's what 'change' is about. My-T.
The only change is the amount of melanin the president has.

To expand upon that, I believe what we have here is not so much that people have made the right choice...rather, it is the illusion of choice that has manydancing in the streets. Do you think even for one second that those in power, I mean those in real power, the ones not discussed as much as the visible figuresin the dailies, would for one moment entrust the planets most powerful government & possibly the fate the mankind to someone who wouldnt follow or woulddismantle all their aims in one swift stroke?

If you ask me, we're living in the times of the Matrix, where things simply arent as they appear....I simply dont trust it yet.
all you guys pointing fingers at My-T, need to step back and rethink your replies before you start typing.

This bama's known for his pro-black stance on life...a stance which should be respected. If you don't love who you are then you're life would bemeaningless.

Not once in the last year and half did My-T ever say I'm voting for Obama because he's black.

Let him enjoy this. For the longest time, us minorities have never seen someone in office we can literally relate to based on color. To myT its a win, to me,its a win.
This is very interesting.

I'm happy Obama won, very happy. In fact I don't know what I would say in a situation where McCain won.

But I feel people are putting too much hope into this guy already.

As the American public we should let him know that he still has much to prove, still has many promises to fulfill.
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Daytona. Tell that to all the asians, whites and latinos that I was cheering with last night.

You're a lame b, you should take that Malcolm X avatar off cause you don't deserve it. You're just as bad as the lames that don't vote and then complain.

My avatar says my president is black because I NEVER thought I would see a person that looks like me be a president, period.


Are you guys ******ed? You asked what change is he going to bring. The only change he will bring is his skin color. THAT IS IT. I can't believe you guysare so blind. And please tell me why I don't deserve the Malcolm X avy. It's because I don't believe the hype right?
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

After seeing how everybody is soo excited last night and today, I now think it was good that Obama was elected. But.......

I'm just curious to what kind of change everyone thinks he's going to bring?

Its not about the "physical change". Its the mindstate, I'm only 25 years old but I have never seen people in cities dancing in the streets. Honking their horns and and cheering from their cars. People partied in DC last night. Its the feeling of excitement and relief that it brings. That's what 'change' is about. My-T.
The only change is the amount of melanin the president has.

To expand upon that, I believe what we have here is not so much that people have made the right choice...rather, it is the illusion of choice that has many dancing in the streets. Do you think even for one second that those in power, I mean those in real power, the ones not discussed as much as the visible figures in the dailies, would for one moment entrust the planets most powerful government & possibly the fate the mankind to someone who wouldnt follow or would dismantle all their aims in one swift stroke?

If you ask me, we're living in the times of the Matrix, where things simply arent as they appear....I simply dont trust it yet.
In our history, we've witnessed a criminal lead our country for eight years who will leave office richer and clear of any crime. Bush tookover the country and now Obama will do some spring cleaning and get this country back on track. Can I get an AMEN!
Originally Posted by UNCfatfan

Because Louisiana is filled with close-minded closet racists. In cities like New Orleans, the democratic party basically runs the city. However,it's completely different in Baton Rouge and the rest of the small-town rural cities like Lafayette, Alexandria, Shreveport, etc. All of these places areRepublican territory. The only Democratic presidential candidate Louisiana has voted for in recent history is when Clinton landslided Bush 1. Other than that,Louisiana has voted strictly Republican. It's just the way it is. Sadly, alot of people in this state are still hung up on racist, prejudiced thinking.
Originally Posted by tha23greatest

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Nice to see a black dude become president....though it would be better if he was 100% black instead of 50%.

Too bad he's a socialist. It makes me sick to know he is going to take my money and give it to someone else.

I can't believe that in these horrible times when people are losing their jobs all over the city this bastard is going to raise our taxes. Pathetic.
Man I didn't even know he was planning on raising our taxes.

But then again I was to young to vote
keyword here is OUR....are you included in that OUR....based on the fact that you couldnt vote i'll go out on a limb and say no
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Daytona. Tell that to all the asians, whites and latinos that I was cheering with last night.

You're a lame b, you should take that Malcolm X avatar off cause you don't deserve it. You're just as bad as the lames that don't vote and then complain.

My avatar says my president is black because I NEVER thought I would see a person that looks like me be a president, period.



Daytona...............wanna comment?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Nice to see a black dude become president....though it would be better if he was 100% black instead of 50%.

Too bad he's a socialist. It makes me sick to know he is going to take my money and give it to someone else.

I can't believe that in these horrible times when people are losing their jobs all over the city this bastard is going to raise our taxes. Pathetic.
Republicans are truly scum, this dude got like a 400K house and hes like "he's gonna tax me the same way like under clinton so poor people can maybe prosper
i wouldn't call him scum...

just really selfish with a false sense of entitlement...

me and hov kid have gone back and forth about this issue...

he's really on some "no, its MY money, they just want it because they're LAZY"

i don't think he recognizes how privileged he is, not because he worked hard to get where he's at, but because he had the opportunity to do such...

some people aren't even afforded the opportunity...

which will hopefully change under a new education plan.....

but don't tell him his tiny percentage increase is going to things like education and healthcare, he'd rather maintain that it's going into the pockets of the poor, who are just plain lazy and want a handout...

like i told you before, hovkid, you ain't missin no meals...

HOV.. you and I are in the same Tax Bracket son son... my house cost a tad more than 400K.. almost double in fact, but if you are a smart businessman.. youknow how to claim EVERY Tax credit available so 45% of your income isn't taken by the government.

Split your businesses. Get a better accountant.. cause if you are on that level.. you should NEVER be without a good one. I will be only paying MORE for myaccountant this year and beyond so he keeps everything I bring in the same amount or less.

You know why alot of Rich people weren't too worried? Cause they all knew the tax loops would protect them as well as the Tax Credits their businesseswould recieve. For smoes like us who don't employ others, but do ok for ourselves... its up to us to figure out how we keep the money we have and be happyBush or McCain isn't in office.

I'll be damned if I get my Healthcare taxed by some dude who has never felt what I have felt in life as far as being poor and having to climb to where Iam. I'd rather a dude who finally looks like me and has been a self made man represent over the guy who's life expectancy won't last thru theactual Presidential Term.

Dude.. get over it and instead of complaining figure out how you get around those hurdles.

My Dad ALWAYS said. Don't complain if you can do something about it...and if you aint going to do anything about it why complain?
now lets hope he can accomplish some of what he's promised --

most of the troops out of Iraq.
reduce gov't spending (a byproduct of getting the troops out)
a reformation of the tax code.
a repeal on the ban of stem cell use
a heavy investment into alternative energy

now...roll up the sleeves and get to work

ps. nationalized healthcare won't get passed...that I'm sure of.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Are you guys ******ed? You asked what change is he going to bring. The only change he will bring is his skin color. THAT IS IT. I can't believe you guys are so blind. And please tell me why I don't deserve the Malcolm X avy. It's because I don't believe the hype right?
how about a change from the bush doctirine that we have been under for 8 years.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Are you guys ******ed? You asked what change is he going to bring. The only change he will bring is his skin color. THAT IS IT. I can't believe you guys are so blind. And please tell me why I don't deserve the Malcolm X avy. It's because I don't believe the hype right?

Where is your heart? Not your mind, but your heart?

Where is your F-A-I-T-H?

Don't know your ethnic background, and it doesn't matter.

Faith and hope gets ALL of us through.

Being 100% concrete leaves you in a saltbox, with a limited life span, and bad health...

Yes, we ALL know policitians are and always WILL BE politicans.

But, c'on man. The state we are in now as a country, it can ONLY get better. At least Obama represents that. (I'm in Virginia, so don't get mestarted on our "record" surplus, then IMMEDIATE "record" deficit immediately after Warner left office).
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

After seeing how everybody is soo excited last night and today, I now think it was good that Obama was elected. But.......

I'm just curious to what kind of change everyone thinks he's going to bring?

Its not about the "physical change". Its the mindstate, I'm only 25 years old but I have never seen people in cities dancing in the streets. Honking their horns and and cheering from their cars. People partied in DC last night. Its the feeling of excitement and relief that it brings. That's what 'change' is about. My-T.
The only change is the amount of melanin the president has.

To expand upon that, I believe what we have here is not so much that people have made the right choice...rather, it is the illusion of choice that has many dancing in the streets. Do you think even for one second that those in power, I mean those in real power, the ones not discussed as much as the visible figures in the dailies, would for one moment entrust the planets most powerful government & possibly the fate the mankind to someone who wouldnt follow or would dismantle all their aims in one swift stroke?

If you ask me, we're living in the times of the Matrix, where things simply arent as they appear....I simply dont trust it yet.
In our history, we've witnessed a criminal lead our country for eight years who will leave office richer and clear of any crime. Bush took over the country and now Obama will do some spring cleaning and get this country back on track. Can I get an AMEN!

I sincerely hope you are right but in my heart of hearts I am convinced that you (and many with you) are totally wrong. Obama is such a likeable guy and I wishfor him to do every he can to make the world a better place. But I know there are certain things we are not privy too, mechanations that we're not so awareof, people and groups that have an infite more sway over what happens than us voting (which is illusionary in itself).

They want you to feel happy, empowered, that you've 'done the right thing', that we're moving forward, progress if you will. But I would bet mylife that in my lifetime things are NOT going to get better, things wont REALLY change, and that anyone who inherits the hotseat of the White House isnt reallyas much of the 'own person' as you guys seems to think....
Originally Posted by RockDeep

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Nice to see a black dude become president....though it would be better if he was 100% black instead of 50%.

Too bad he's a socialist. It makes me sick to know he is going to take my money and give it to someone else.

I can't believe that in these horrible times when people are losing their jobs all over the city this bastard is going to raise our taxes. Pathetic.
Republicans are truly scum, this dude got like a 400K house and hes like "he's gonna tax me the same way like under clinton so poor people can maybe prosper
i wouldn't call him scum...

just really selfish with a false sense of entitlement...

me and hov kid have gone back and forth about this issue...

he's really on some "no, its MY money, they just want it because they're LAZY"

i don't think he recognizes how privileged he is, not because he worked hard to get where he's at, but because he had the opportunity to do such...

some people aren't even afforded the opportunity...

which will hopefully change under a new education plan.....

but don't tell him his tiny percentage increase is going to things like education and healthcare, he'd rather maintain that it's going into the pockets of the poor, who are just plain lazy and want a handout...

like i told you before, hovkid, you ain't missin no meals...

HOV.. you and I are in the same Tax Bracket son son... my house cost a tad more than 400K.. almost double in fact, but if you are a smart businessman.. you know how to claim EVERY Tax credit available so 45% of your income isn't taken by the government.

Split your businesses. Get a better accountant.. cause if you are on that level.. you should NEVER be without a good one. I will be only paying MORE for my accountant this year and beyond so he keeps everything I bring in the same amount or less.

You know why alot of Rich people weren't too worried? Cause they all knew the tax loops would protect them as well as the Tax Credits their businesses would recieve. For smoes like us who don't employ others, but do ok for ourselves... its up to us to figure out how we keep the money we have and be happy Bush or McCain isn't in office.

I'll be damned if I get my Healthcare taxed by some dude who has never felt what I have felt in life as far as being poor and having to climb to where I am. I'd rather a dude who finally looks like me and has been a self made man represent over the guy who's life expectancy won't last thru the actual Presidential Term.
That's the problem with Obama's plan.
The wealthy won't pay more taxes. They will always find the loopholes.

The process really works by taking money from the middle class and giving it to the poor. It's always been like that.
The rich won't hand you their money. They'll tie you up in court for 20 years before they give up 1 cent...and rightfully so.
this argument will go back and forth for a year or so. because that's how long it take for Obama's policies to take place
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