ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

oprah reaching:

"we'll even take the drug addicts vote."
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

is it official yet?
NO! 270 electoral votes to win. It's not done yet.

It's over. Even if all states that Obama currently leads like Florida go McCain's way, Obama just needs California and Washington and those states are a 100% shoe-in.

I live in Wahington and Obama's been leading by more than 10% at times. I think it's going to be real hard for McCain to win this one.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Man, this is... No words can explain how I feel right now.

A lot of you are too young... But a dude like me can actually remember when we as a nation NEVER thought there'd be a day like this.

I'm both surprised and proud of the nation.

I know it may be too much to ask for, but I hope this is the start of race relations in this country being better than ever.

As others have said, go out and try to do the right thing every single day or as often as you can ya'll!

Burn one down for me SHUGES
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

took my post the wrong way?

What you said was blantantly racist.
I don't care how many posts you have.

I do find it hilarious though, that you're trying to explain yourself in an effort to keep your account.

So what I said was racist but what most others have said isn't? PFFFFF. Done.
Originally Posted by Mister DoItNice

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by iNiNe5

Originally Posted by Mister DoItNice

I see many people saying its a wrap for this country now and we brought this on ourselves. You just sound like bitter little kids. If you have a reason for thinking Barack is so bad for the country then let it be known. This is a "discussion" forum not a letmescoffatothersbecauseimsalty forum. Otherwise just fall back because nobody will take you seriously if you don't have any "constructive" criticism. On another note just drop the whole "You guys only voted for Obama because he's black" garbage. You have no right to say such things you're only showing how little you think of other people's opinions. If you don't agree that's fine but if that's all you've got to say just log off.
problem is if obama raises taxes on big business, then they will just lay more people off on top of what they do now. given the state of the economy right now, not a good thing for getting things going again....

Or raise prices of goods, then nullifying the $250 checks he wants to send out.
Alright I understand your concerns. I definitely wouldn't want to see mass layoffs either. The man hasn't even been officially announced as a winner yet. I just think its way too soon to say that this country is going down because of him. Its not like we were running on a high anyway.

He'll name a few Clinton people for his cabinet and keep Clinton people around for advisement on the economy, which isnt a bad idea.

But, there wont be a rapid growth in the Internet Sector for Obama like there was for Clinton for 8 years.

I have nothing against the man personally, I just dont like his political views. I hope he does good and god forbid he has to deal with and crazy dudes tryingto pop him.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I love how people call me a racist.

I'm SALTY AS HELL because my candidate didn't win. I DID NOT want Obama to win.
He did. Nothing I can do now.

How can cats say i'm racist when half the things in this post could be considered the same thing?


Guess i'm the racist dude who has had a black chick in his avatar for 10 months or so.
Yea objectifying a black female absolves you of all racism ya heart pumps...
Originally Posted by corwinator3407

There sure are a lot of American flags on the stage for a guy that won't even wear a small one on as a lapel pin. And I guess this will be the second time that Michelle will "feel proud to be an American."
There sure are a lot of American flags on the stage for a guy that won't even wear a small one on as a lapel pin. And I guess this will be thesecond time that Michelle will "feel proud to be an American."
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