ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

I believe Obama would have won this election being Independent.

He made a better case on the Economy, period.
No-one answered my question I see .



&nd you guys wonder why we don't take you seriously , talk all that !@%* , but have nothing to back it up with .
Tears in her eyes because she lost... because McCain lost.... I would have been crying too.
You know how much time & effort & heart they put into that??? I could only imagine.

FAILURE=WHEN YOU'VE GIVEN YOUR BEST AND IT STILL ISN'T ENOUGH. Well champ that's why they created the silver metal,everybody can't with gold ya know
. Make no mistake about it,Palin was one of the reasons the Republican Party got beat down last night in the Presidential election. Her inability to connect with undecided voters aswell as not being able to reach across the reach over to the middle to gain voters, as well as her inability to even answer a question directly which shows alack of basic education is one of the reasons we can look back on this election and say she is easily tied with Joe "the so called" Plumber as one ifnot the biggest FRAUD of Election '08. Her tears clearly representing utter and complete failure in my eyes as well as failure in the eyes of many otherAmericans. She knows she messed up this campaign, and she also knows that her days of spending $20,000 a day in upscale retail stores has come to an end. She's back to shopping at Wal-Mart and Target like most normal Americans do, welcome back to life as you know it Sarah Palin, welcome back
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Dr Spaceman:
I'd still like to know what values/beliefs Obama holds that will definitely continue to drive this country away from success and prosperity.
I keep asking that, but all i get is "just you watch".
From what I've seen, when people answer with with things like that ('Just you wait and see'), it's because they have no idea how to answer, but they are going to rely on the CERTAINTY that no one is perfect. So in this case, whenever Obama's fails to be perfect (and he will fail to be perfect, since no one is perfect), THEN they will answer the question.

But right now?

Naaaah. They're waiting for the failure to be perfect, then they're going to be the first ones jumping up and down, proclaiming 'See! Told y'all he was going to be the death of us all! What'd I tell you? I told you this was going to happen.'

And in reality, they didn't say anything except (like you said) 'Just wait and see.'


Well the problem for me is I don't really know exactly what he stands for.

All i know is that:

Was against granting the Telecom immunity but than voted for it. -->lied

Was against extending the Patriot Act but voted for it in the end. --> lied

Was a main proponent of the bailout by actively lobbying members of the congressional Black Caucus who were mostly against it --> change?

Said that he would withdraw the troops from Iraq within 16 months but a few days alter his advisers said that in reality there would be a significant contingent left (30-60K) --> Don't disagree with this but fact is he "misled" aka lied

The way in which he won his state senate seat. Yes, I know it's politics but he effectively disenfranchised voters.

Calls for "national civilian homeland security force" --> no thank you. No brownshirts needed.

Bob Rubin and Jon Corzine as economic advisers (former GS CEO's), Brezinski and son( an irrational Russia/China hater, Imperialist), Soros (only gets invovled here he could make some money) --> Change?

During a Dem debate Obama (with all the other Dem candidates) said he opposed decriminalizing marijuana yet his stance before that was for decriminlization. --> I'm all for decriminalization. He can't stand on principle? Afraid of losing some votes?

Obama's reluctane to discuss his time at the Annanburg foundation.

His lies about his "not so close" association with Rezko. Lied about the amount of money he recieved from Rezko. --> Mayne you didn't do anything wrong but if you're running on "change" stop lying

Obama publicly said he'll renegotiate NAFTA but then his advisers told the Canadian government that it was just poltiical positioning. This was confirmed by senior Canadian officials including a memo from an Obama economic advisor but than they quickly retracted their statements.

there's more........

I can make a list just as long for McCain.

The point is this is why I think Obama is full of empty rhetoric at best or is a pathological liar aka staus quo politician at worst.
Either way I won't buy his bill of goods until he takes concrete steps to show ":change".

I want to believe him but I can't.

just curious... what US Presidents in history have you approved of, if any? i'm assuming you didn't support Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr,Carter, Reagan, or Nixon, etc
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Deuce King

So it's been the discovered that Joe "the so called" Plumber was on welfare. I told you this dude was a FRAUD, only fitting that he is/was apart of the McCain/Palin campaign, or whatever is left of said campaign
McCain was actaully going to pick Lieberman.... until his advisers told him that he needed someone more conservative
So your saying that McCain caved into his own advisors?? That's no maverick my friend, that's a follower, and that's something the American people don't and from the evidence of the polls last night didn't need.
In fact, yes he did cave into his advisers.
McCain isn't who conservatives wanted either, so that's fine with me. He wasn't conservative enough. Of course he was more conservative then Obama so we backed him... but that's the only reason why.
McCain was the sacrificial lamb for BUSH'S 8 years and all of the other dumb mistakes/decisions by Republicans that went against conservative values.

Bush did not represent conservative values all of the time that is FOR SURE.


McCain was definitely their scapegoat. I actually never had an issue with McCain & felt sorry for him. The GOP put this guy out there to slaughter. He& Palin were gutted. . .
I'm so tired of the term "conservative values" for some reason.

Around here, it basically means redneck. No lie.
Peep this bulletin posted on Myspace....

[table][tr][th=""]Subject:[/th] [td]Our "black" President[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]Body:[/th] [td]I'm in shock at the amount of votes that were cast mainly because Barack Obama half african american. Its outrageous the power he holds over the people who, have neva voted, went out and voted only because they're so determined to make history and electing a black man as president. The color of this man's skin is mainly what citizens were/are thinking about! How ridiculous! Do you know what this man stands for? When you start paying higher taxes, please don't complain. Oh and did you notice the muslims and Osama Bin Laden celebrating when they heard the news?! His ties and relations are way too close to be trusted. He is not aggressive, especially aggressive enough to have a great defense for us. Yall want change, oh you'll get change alright! AND McCain is not President Bush! The young people who keep saying "my president is black", i pray you guys brush up on your homework and really begin to pray for this man some wisdom to run this country. Because being BLACK will NOT keep us protected, will NOT allow us a better economic system, will NOT lower health care, and certaintly not improve our education system...Let's learn what are the high priority concerns for this nation and others are before goin out to vote for someone because they're BLACK. Learn what he stands for (gay marriages and abortion). Killin babies comes too easily...how can you support that. I pray God leads and guides him to take care of this nation. He's my president and its my duty to pray wisdom for him and his team and i'm going to do just that.

Oh and i'm overly glad that prop 102 did not pass in the state of Arizona! Let's keep it that way.
[/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by Kneesh

Addicted ...

Just wondering , why do you think that just because someone makes less they don't work as hard .

No-one has ever answered this straight to me .

I didnt see this. Do you think someone who is just a high school graduate and is working a office 9-5 is working harder than me going through 6 years ofschool, driving 90 miles round trip 4 days a week for 4 years, payed my OWN way though my undergrad, and now working on a Doctorate, STILL driving 90 milesround trip from school to work and doing clinicals for a better life?

I'm not trying to "toot my own horn", but the point is when you put a whole lot of time, effort, and emotion to make a better life for yourselfand then having someone tell you that "ok, that's great you worked really hard, but now, I want your money to make it fair.".

There's a choice people make at some point in their life. If you choose to do bad in school and end up with a telemarketing job after high school, that isyour choice. If you decide to go to college and do something great, that is your choice.

Whatever choice you make and you take a fall, don't expect someone (in this case the government) to be there for you.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Qpitfighter

Originally Posted by Kneesh

Addicted ...

Just wondering , why do you think that just because someone makes less they don't work as hard .

No-one has ever answered this straight to me .

dude... i asked that same question in like 3 different posts and never got an answer.

The answer to this is simple.

Black People are lazy, so are latinos, and so are all the other people who don't make as much.
People who inherited millions from their parents worked so hard to work at choosing their parents.
That is what they believe, but you will never receive a good answer, because there isn't one.
thats a rude remark you prick.

so all whites are hard working and not lazy?!

get the #$%* outta here with that nonsense.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Kneesh

Addicted ...

Just wondering , why do you think that just because someone makes less they don't work as hard .

No-one has ever answered this straight to me .

I didnt see this. Do you think someone who is just a high school graduate and is working a office 9-5 is working harder than me going through 6 years of school, driving 90 miles round trip 4 days a week for 4 years, payed my OWN way though my undergrad, and now working on a Doctorate, STILL driving 90 miles round trip from school to work and doing clinicals for a better life?

I'm not trying to "toot my own horn", but the point is when you put a whole lot of time, effort, and emotion to make a better life for yourself and then having someone tell you that "ok, that's great you worked really hard, but now, I want your money to make it fair.".

There's a choice people make at some point in their life. If you choose to do bad in school and end up with a telemarketing job after high school, that is your choice. If you decide to go to college and do something great, that is your choice.

Whatever choice you make and you take a fall, don't expect someone (in this case the government) to be there for you.

I'm not really feeling this breakdown. You didn't even answer the question at hand, unless of course your answer is that all high school graduateswork in a plush, laid back office environment.
All this complaining is driving me crazy

There is no point in arguing ANYTHING now.

Obama is our President. Give this dude a CHANCE.

Lets see what happens during the 4 years that he is our President.

We can't criticize Obama for something he hasn't done yet, lets see where he takes this country and then we can decide if its for the better or worse.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by Kneesh

Addicted ...

Just wondering , why do you think that just because someone makes less they don't work as hard .

No-one has ever answered this straight to me .

I didnt see this. Do you think someone who is just a high school graduate and is working a office 9-5 is working harder than me going through 6 years of school, driving 90 miles round trip 4 days a week for 4 years, payed my OWN way though my undergrad, and now working on a Doctorate, STILL driving 90 miles round trip from school to work and doing clinicals for a better life?

I'm not trying to "toot my own horn", but the point is when you put a whole lot of time, effort, and emotion to make a better life for yourself and then having someone tell you that "ok, that's great you worked really hard, but now, I want your money to make it fair.".

There's a choice people make at some point in their life. If you choose to do bad in school and end up with a telemarketing job after high school, that is your choice. If you decide to go to college and do something great, that is your choice.

Whatever choice you make and you take a fall, don't expect someone (in this case the government) to be there for you.

I'm not really feeling this breakdown. You didn't even answer the question at hand, unless of course your answer is that all high school graduates work in a plush, laid back office environment.

[/Barack Obama] How many high school graduates do you know make 6 figures? [/Barack Obama]

Maybe I didnt clarify. Lets say you are a construction worker making 60k, YOU chose that career. YOU know your salary will be limited, unless you work your wayup to some management position. If YOU choose to stay at that 60k position, you shouldnt wonder why you arent being paid more and wondering "where is myhelp?".
Originally Posted by nyzMaGiciAn

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Qpitfighter

Originally Posted by Kneesh

Addicted ...

Just wondering , why do you think that just because someone makes less they don't work as hard .

No-one has ever answered this straight to me .

dude... i asked that same question in like 3 different posts and never got an answer.

The answer to this is simple.

Black People are lazy, so are latinos, and so are all the other people who don't make as much.
People who inherited millions from their parents worked so hard to work at choosing their parents.
That is what they believe, but you will never receive a good answer, because there isn't one.
thats a rude remark you prick.

so all whites are hard working and not lazy?!

get the #$%* outta here with that nonsense.


i think the original poster was referring to a comment that people who are poor are poor because they do not work hard. The poster was asking for correlationbetween hard work and earning potential. While your drive is admirable, there are some people who do this every day as well and have a lot less opportunity. Iget what your saying about the salary range for the field that you are in, but that's besides the point. There is no correlation between how hard someoneworks and how much money they make.

unfortunately, the conservative argument became why should we take money from A and give to B, when A worked hard started his own business and built himself upinto the All American self made man, while B just chilled out didn't work and now wants a handout. This is grossly simplistic. There are tons of jobs inAmerica where people are paid well to do little if any and other people are paid significantly less to do much much more.

I know there is some worker out there who is holding down multiple jobs on a shoestring budget to make what i make in a week. i'm not going to kid myselfand say that i'm a more hard working person than another worker. i'm blessed, yet i worry about people who are not. whether or not this is the role ofgovernment to intercede is a worthy point to debate.

the past boom cycle along with the Bush tax cuts have disproportionately helped the wealthy at the expense of the middle class. In fact, most economists agreethat in terms of real wages, the average middle class worker makes less today than he did a decade ago. This has taken place at the same time as we've alsowitnessed the largest rise in millionaires and multimillionaires.

if the rich got thier tax break at a time of unprecedented prosperity, the same consideration should also be given to the middle class.
All these people think that Obama will fail, I don't see how we can do worse than the current administration.
Dont listen to Fede,

he's like the Joe the plumber of Doctors. He's going for a "doctorate", but ask him for what. J/K btw

don't toot yr own horn. i respect u more if u dont appear like a condescending prick.

i mean i understand what yr saying but u arent too effective w words.

let's hope u wil become a great doctor and serve our country way better than u are with this fodder.
Originally Posted by BasirWaahid


McCain was definitely their scapegoat. I actually never had an issue with McCain & felt sorry for him. The GOP put this guy out there to slaughter. He & Palin were gutted. . .

This actually crossed my mind also. McCain has failed a few times before in trying to be President. I didn't really understand why they didn't try andpush someone else. Maybe they thought people wasn't ready for a young (and face it black) President. So, they thought even though Bush messed it up for theRepublicans, they could still win with an old white guy. Or maybe they didn't want one of the younger Republicans mess himself up for 4 years from now.

But, like I said yesterday, I have done a complete 180 on Obama. After seeing the the after affects of only 1 day, he has given millions of Americans HOPE fora better future. Not to say he's going to deliver on his promises, that is yet to be see. But, you gotta give the guy a chance before you bash him. McCainwould have probably just been Bush 2.0.
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