Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

Welcome to living like the rest of the world here on US soil
:x :smh:

God help us. Why do these senseless acts go on!?!?

In the kindergarten class room? Jesus!!
Movie theaters, malls, elementary schools... all the places that are have mass amounts of people with little or no security. What's the over/under a church, wedding ceremony, seminars, graduations, and/or small local sporting events in a gym will be targeted next?
Unbelievable :smh:

27 dead, including 14 kids... No words.
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I just found out and saw that it was 27 :smh: I thought it was a HS until they said it was an Elementary school so terrible |I
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I am literally sick to my stomach watching this right now. God bless these families and everyone who is having to deal with this.
Jesus Christ......Associated Press reporting 27 dead, 18 children. I'm in shock.....they're saying this is worse than columbine.

Ok, now do research how many times a police department is shot up compared to a school, and get back to me. You can have complete gun control and it still wont prevent gun violence, take a look at Chicago.

Ehhh I wouldn't call gun control in one city complete gun control. Obviously it's super easy to get guns into the city because it's so easy to get them everywhere else.
Originally Posted by Str8Hood

Jesus Christ......Associated Press reporting 27 dead, 18 children. I'm in shock.....they're saying this is worse than columbine
 This makes no sense
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:smh: It's not looking good. Started out hearing only 2 adults were killed but now the reports are ballooning up to 20+ including kids
This **** has me legit pissed.

18 innocent children. Dead. Life isn't fair.
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