Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

I still don't consider that a sufficient explanation of why these tragedies are carried out predominantly by caucasian males.

Ive noticed the shooters often have enough resources to take a plan into action

usually its from affluent background and they have all the items necessary to go all in... not saying it takes much to pull something crazy like this. But all these killers had enough access to weapons and gear.

black and hispanics seem to lack the access to good weapons. Could be a reason
Ive noticed the shooters often have enough resources to take a plan into action
usually its from affluent background and they have all the items necessary to go all in... not saying it takes much to pull something crazy like this. But all these killers had enough access to weapons and gear.
black and hispanics seem to lack the access to good weapons. Could be a reason

Very true about the background of the shooters. However, Black and Hispanics beef with and kill each other every day with automatic and semi-automatic rifles. But rarely if ever do you hear "black/hispanic man walks into public place, starts shooting everybody in front of him". If anything I would expect minorities to be more likely to commit these type of mass shootings because of the fact many of them feel oppressed. That's just IMO

Also why do you think women aren't involved in any of these shootings? Are women to compassionate to do something like that? Do they not suffer the same type of mental illnesses?
Your argument is that you don't have a good argument but guns shouldn't be banned because they're American as apple pie and because people are fond of them? What kind of logic is that?
If you're not smart enough to answer questions, then I will, because I AM smart enough to. The 2nd Amendment exists because it was drafted in a different time in America, one where infant state governments potentially needed its citizens to organize into militias because there wasn't a unified federal force to fend for the country. Do you really think that that's necessary today? Are you really construing that the drafters, in the late 1700's, intended the 2nd Amendment to cover protecting valuables from criminals, living in rough neighborhoods, hunting with semi-automatics, etc.? If you believe that the 2nd Amendment is your fundamental right as an American, do you also still believe that women shouldn't vote and slavery should exist and blacks are 3/5 of a human being too? Times change and laws change. Other countries have chosen to regulate guns more strictly than the U.S., despite having significantly less violent crime than we do.
America has survived and grown, but not BECAUSE guns have been around. How exactly is America "thriving," and in what way is that a result of our rampant gun culture? You have other countries that don't regulate guns, but they don't have massacres. You have countries that do regulate guns and they don't have massacres. Yet, the U.S. has repeated mass shootings, yet refuse to have stricter gun control? How stupid are we?
How can you say that we're "thriving" when other countries look at us and shake their heads because of how moronic we look? Even Chinese citizens, whose government is stuck in a different era, laugh at us because of our country's stupidity.
The 2nd amendment was drafted for a multitude of reasons. The drafting of the constitution was done via a consensus. Remember? The Federalists v. Anti- Federalists and each delegates areas' self interest. 

Certain regional and national policies, from the start, did not jive with the constitution. Things such as the ban on women and non landowners voting or slavery. The constitution did not expressly permit these things. They were allowed because the delegates has to strike a compromise in order to form the union. Over time some of these inconsistencies have been fleshed out by the Court

The 2nd amendment is not inconsistent with the constitution. It's one of it's central tenets. The order of the Bill or Rights is not random. The fact that the right to bear arms sits right under the core of what made America, America (basically that the individual is sovereign and can do whatever the **** you want so long as you don't infringe on anyone else's rights) should tell you something. 

As for what other countries think of the US, that shouldn't really be of concern. So far, since America's inception, many, many more people have been running to reside in the US than anywhere else. 
The point of the 2nd Amendment is not militias or hunting. It's about giving the people the ability to fight against and overthrow a tyrannical government and small arms help provide a huge step in doing that. Imagine if Iranians had a 2nd Amendment. Do you think their government would have tried the ******** they did a few years ago? It's a lot easier for a government to violate your rights when you can't fight back.
The United States doesn't have a gun culture, we have a gun heritage.
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Whats the deal with the Federal Prayer Service on TV right now ?

Is it a Christian School ?
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The media celebrates mass shootings because they make for great ratings
This I will agree with because even when it comes down to our local news channel's,their talking about it along with asking local school's what steps do they have in place if something was to happen similar to what has occurred in the Connecticut school shooting?;Who in their right mind is prepared for something like that? and as if the local school district's are really going to admit not being prepared for something of that magnitude,which I'm sure most aren't.I've even seen my local news channel go as far to try to find a link in our area to anyone who is might be directly or indirectly involved to someone,anyone in the Connecticut school shooting.

I see this thread has taken several turn's in expected directions,whether they'er relevant or irrelevant,they all can be summed up to one thing;People trying to figure out why someone would do such a thing,while steady pushing their agenda's in debate with other's.
I beleive that the back and forth debating is actually good to do because it shows that we'er not just some thoughtless, zombie's who are so consumed with being entertained that we forget to pay attention and think for ourselve's.But I also think that this shooting is an example of a much bigger problem that can't totally be blamed on mental-illness,religion,ethnic background, gun laws,bullying or any other common things that you can think of.I beleive that American's have grown too love the hero and hate the bad guy,so much so that one can't co-exist without the other,they feed off of each other.In doing so we've created this equilibrium enviroment that allows people to play out this good vs bad with real life situations and in the middle of it all is the media who can't wait for the next story,to serve to the public. Don't get me wrong,when I used good vs evil,I'm not heading in the direction of religion,I'm simply saying that we've gotten so accustomed to seeing,reading, and hearing about something that's seen as good ,that it automatically has to be followed by something as equaly bad,no matter what it is.We''er also at that point where that imaginary line that used to exist between good and bad,is,no longer there,because no matter how you judge the deed,they equally get the same amount of attention,most time's more when it's a horrific crime.
I'm guilty of it myself,I wake up every morning,turn my television on and to my local news channel in anticipation of seeing what has happened the night before,usually that's not good news.

It's a point of view that may not have a leg to stand on,amongst the other thing's but it is something to think about....

I save an elderly lady from a mugger....vs I shoot and kill burglar in my home.....
Why the government and mainstream media celebrate mass school shootings (and secretly want them to continue)
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

DC, you are better than that. Posting this garbage about Eric Holder and Fast and Furious, which was Bush's program.

That's the type of stuff Pig Love posts.
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Obama isn't going to do anything IMO. The NRA lobby is too big.

This is all just a bunch of talk. It will be forgotten after new years. The media will switch to the debt ceiling and immigration reform.
Why not focus on mental illness AND gun control?
Because Gun Control wont truely stop people from gaining access to things illegally.

In this world if you have enough money for something, no matter what it is then its yours.

Neither will help for people with mental illnesses stop them from getting guns if we continue to have things like the gun show loopholes.

The ironic thing about your post is that you actually contradict yourself. If someone is actually mentally ill, they aren't going to go through all this planning to get a gun illegally and spend vast sums of money to acquire a gun. That is pure evil and just terrorism, not mental illness. Mental illness is when a person just grabs a gun out of the dresser and goes killing people. Pure evil and terrorism is when a person goes out and finds a way to get a firearm illegally with the intention of committing a mass murder.
what do people expect obama to do? serioisly, stricter gun laws wont do jack ****. excuse me for not reading the thread but no laws could have prevented this.

maybe i just need to get off Facebook.
The fact that a person has the capacity to do something like this is literally incomprehensible. I can't even get my mind around it.

And to think, it is HIGHLY unlikely that he's the only person on this planet who has the capacity to do so
This is the scariest part.
what do people expect obama to do? serioisly, stricter gun laws wont do jack ****. excuse me for not reading the thread but no laws could have prevented this.

maybe i just need to get off Facebook.
This, people that use guns will still use guns, especially if they are willing to carry out these types of ****. They don't care about the law. 
Obama isn't going to do anything IMO. The NRA lobby is too big.

This is all just a bunch of talk. It will be forgotten after new years. The media will switch to the debt ceiling and immigration reform.
The NRA is nothing more than a extreme wing of the GOP these days.
There are other civilized countries where strict gun control is effective.

Many of you are just going with a gut feeling it won't work here...

It only works if it's on a federal level. People Go to Virginia and bring back guns to DC or CHI. That's why laws don't work now.

Ten years in federal prison for having a gun see how fast things change.
I mean can we at least agree nobody should be able to own 40 guns?

They found even more than that on that man from Indiana right?

Who needs 40 guns? For what purpose?

Or Is that infringing on your rights to?
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There are other civilized countries where strict gun control is effective.
Many of you are just going with a gut feeling it won't work here...
It only works if it's on a federal level. People Go to Virginia and bring back guns to DC or CHI. That's why laws don't work now.
Ten years in federal prison for having a gun see how fast things change.

Answer this for me though man, why hasn't it worked with drugs?

The "war on drugs" has been a complete failure outside of making the companies that own prisons rich. What makes you think strict gun control would be different? (No sarcasm)

Edit: I do agree, nobody should be able to own 40 guns, I dont believe assault rifles should be readily accessible either and NOBODY who lives with somebody with a known mental illness should be allowed to purchase an assault rifle...ever.
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