Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

My problem with gun control is that criminals will still get guns anyway. So why **** the average American over with their opportunity to bear arms?
Gun control is tricky people who want guns to commit crimes will get em no matter how hard you want to make it for law abiding citizens to acquire them.

Better background checks and mental health evaluations should be implemented tho.

mr marcus mr marcus beat me to it.
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gun control worked for Australia...
Uniform legislation agreed to by all states and territories -- the national government has no control over gun ownership or use -- specifically addressed mass shootings: Rapid-fire rifles and shotguns were banned, gun owner licensing was tightened and remaining firearms were registered to uniform national standards.

only took 1 "mass shooting" to get it done...

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My problem with gun control is that criminals will still get guns anyway. So why **** the average American over with their opportunity to bear arms?
Gun control is tricky people who want guns to commit crimes will get em no matter how hard you want to make it for law abiding citizens to acquire them.

Better background checks and mental health evaluations should be implemented tho.

@Mr Marcus beat me to it.
Most of the guns that end up in the hands of criminals were legal at one point...at the time of original purchase where background checks and stuff are implemented.  It's because of the lax requirements from selling/trading guns from that point forward that allows guns to end up in the hands of criminals. Most of the illegal guns confiscated in the Northeast (ie. NYC) originated from down south where gun laws are more lax.  No one is saying that legal gun owners should have their guns taken away, but why is the system in place for the registration of cars in this country better than that for guns?  That doesn't make any sense to me.  

Like I said, maybe it there was a better evaluation/registration system in place for gun transactions, and severe penalties for those  who fail to comply with such requirements, there might be some progress in reducing gun violence in this country.  

Speaking of which, I read that this Dylan kid had a pending felony charge and shouldn't have even been able to purchase the gun he used.
"I always tell young people, in particular, do not say that nothing has changed when it comes to race in America, unless you've lived through being a black man in the 1950s or '60s or '70s. It is incontrovertible that race relations have improved significantly during my lifetime and yours," Obama said.

But he added that "the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination" exists in institutions and casts "a long shadow and that's still part of our DNA that's passed on."

"Racism, we are not cured of it. And it's not just a matter of it not being polite to say $^$%^$% in public," Obama said. "That's not the measure of whether racism still exists or not. It's not just a matter of overt discrimination. Societies don't, overnight, completely erase everything that happened 200 to 300 years prior."


This is pretty legit....I mean isn't this what everyone been wanting him to speak on???

thats what Im saying.

probably still not good enough for some of his critics. but whats next.... what should he do next?
I think Dylan mom or dad copped him that gun.
I was mistaken - he had a pending misdemeanor charge.
[h1]Existing laws wouldn’t have stopped Dylann Roof’s gun purchase[/h1]
When police arrested Charleston church massacre suspect Dylann Storm Roof in his car in Shelby, North Carolina, last week they found a handgun — presumably the weapon used to shoot and kill nine worshippers gathered inside the historic Emanuel AME Church.

Nothing would have prevented Roof from buying or owning it, despite a pending drug charge, according to federal gun laws.

Contrary to some media reports, Roof’s pending drug charge was not a felony. The charge is a misdemeanor, according to a review of court records, including a copy of the warrant obtained by The Greenville News.

A spokeswoman with the State Law Enforcement Division said Roof’s criminal record incorrectly listed the pending charge as a felony due to a data entry error. The record has since been corrected to reflect it is a misdemeanor, she said.

That charge, filed March 2, was for possession of prescription drug Suboxone, which a police officer found when he questioned Roof for strange behavior at stores in the Columbiana Centre shopping mall near Columbia on Feb. 28, according to an incident report and arrest warrant

The case is pending in a Lexington circuit court, records show

If Roof had walked into a gun shop, a pending felony drug charge would have shown up on a mandatory federal background check and would have blocked the sale. A pending misdemeanor charge would not.

If he purchased the gun through a private transaction, no background check would have been required.

Almost immediately after he was apprehended, agents from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives began to investigate how Roof obtained the gun, said Gerod King, spokesman for the bureau’s Charlotte office.

That inquiry has not triggered any ATF investigation into South Carolina gun shops related to the Charleston shooting, King said, adding that the agency has completed its investigation and turned over its findings to the FBI.
Most of the guns that end up in the hands of criminals were legal at one point...at the time of original purchase where background checks and stuff are implemented.  It's because of the lax requirements from selling/trading guns from that point forward that allows guns to end up in the hands of criminals. Most of the illegal guns confiscated in the Northeast (ie. NYC) originated from down south where gun laws are more lax.  No one is saying that legal gun owners should have their guns taken away, but why is the system in place for the registration of cars in this country better than that for guns?  That doesn't make any sense to me.  

Like I said, maybe it there was a better evaluation/registration system in place for gun transactions, and severe penalties for those  who fail to comply with such requirements, there might be some progress in reducing gun violence in this country.  

Speaking of which, I read that this Dylan kid had a pending felony charge and shouldn't have even been able to purchase the gun he used.

I don't think you are accounting for stolen guns which is a huge part of "legal" guns winding up on the streets.

There are dudes in NY who travel to southern states for the sole purpose of stealing guns from homeowners etc.
I don't think you are accounting for stolen guns which is a huge part of "legal" guns winding up on the streets.

There are dudes in NY who travel to southern states for the sole purpose of stealing guns from homeowners etc.
How are guns being stolen though?  My guess would be from careless legal gun owners who aren't properly securing their guns in a safe or whatever.  That's what I mean when I said there should be more severe penalties for the last registered owner of a gun if their gun ends up being used in a crime.  Maybe then people will treat their guns more responsibly.  As for someone who legitimately gets their gun stolen, maybe have a requirement that all stolen firearms must be reported to the authorities immediately.  A similar system is in place for cars involved in accidents. The last registered owner of a car can be held civilly liable for damages arising from the use of that car, unless it was reported stolen or sold (with documentation) prior to the accident.

I'm just throwing suggestions/ideas out there because at this point, I think there has to be something done to at least curb the gun violence in this country.  
until you get rid of poverty you'll never get rid of violence
Who said anything about getting rid of violence? We're talking about guns here..and what can possibly be done to reduce gun violence, not eliminate it.  Doing something is better than nothing imo.
Once black people agregate their wealth.. men = reduce or stop support of nike and women = stop giving koreans your weave money.. those two things alone if we could circulate the wealth between each other.. that would help us big time.. nike + weave = 10 billion bucks a year that we dont give to others who already dont care about our lives
Once black people agregate their wealth.. men = reduce or stop support of nike and women = stop giving koreans your weave money.. those two things alone if we could circulate the wealth between each other.. that would help us big time.. nike + weave = 10 billion bucks a year that we dont give to others who already dont care about our lives
Tried explaining this to one of my friends. Told em we need our own black businesses in our communities and run down cities to supply money to the local economies. We start our businesses local and sell to our own at first and eventually spread through the US and globally. It's been accomplished before, Daymond John owner of fubu started off selling locally in NY and went global, now dude is a millionaire. With more black businesses in our urban cities we can fund our schools with a proper education. We need to teach the younger generation to buy black, and support black owned business.
Tried explaining this to one of my friends. Told em we need our own black businesses in our communities and run down cities to supply money to the local economies. We start our businesses local and sell to our own at first and eventually spread through the US and globally. It's been accomplished before, Daymond John owner of fubu started off selling locally in NY and went global, now dude is a millionaire. With more black businesses in our urban cities we can fund our schools with a proper education. We need to teach the younger generation to buy black, and support black owned business.
yep.. at least if we are buying jordans lets own our own shoe shops and if we dont own foot locker lets become store and distrct mangers..same for weaves.

White power is nourished when our mentality is indistinguishable from the typical white mind. White supremacists have methodically employed television to eviscerate Black self respect and instigate conflict between black people. Journalist and author Isabel Wilkerson observes that invariably, “Black characters, regardless of their age or station, are shown slapping and punching one another or threatening to do so.” Meaning white-dominated Hollywood is one of the greatest purveyors of Black-on-Black violence. Recent research by NC State professor Ryan Hurley suggests a connection between news depictions of Black criminality and public policy decisions. If projections of Blackness shape law, how could they not influence how Black people relate to each other?
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I've been reading the Lindsey Graham is making this push to have the flag removed for political reasons. Running for POTUS in '16.
Off subject, but it seems like every 3rd car in VA has the "don't tread on me" license plate. There is some controversy surrounding that as well....depending on what you think of the Tea Party.
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