Emmy Rossum is the WAAWG

Resurrecting an old post because I started watching Shameless..

ER is wifey material.  She's gorgeous.  Her face is beautiful, her body is beautiful.  Just strait up a beautiful creature.  A mix of class and craziness.

The way she'd dress in Shameless (done up) or even in scrubby jeans/tshirt with messy hair is admirable.  I know it's weird lol

She'd be my type of girl that's completely way out of my league.  

At my age, looks go way down the priority list.
I used to have the biggest thing for her back in the day when Genius dropped on Disney channel. Think I was like 10 or 11. But Shameless has actually made me kinda take a step back on that. Once you've seen it all, it's less impressive
I remember never understanding the hype for her. Yeah, she was pretty.. but I didn't get it. Then I watched Shamless.. and I got it.
I have tk keep saying it because if you make one negative remark about skmeone, some of you dudes take it as if I am saying everything about her is subPAR
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