Engineering Majors?

Originally Posted by desent

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Originally Posted by desent

I'm currently doing the general requirements (last couple of classes to get my A.S) and calc 2 is killing me for the moment. I recently upped my studying for calc 2 and physics to make sure i don;'t continue to seem lost in the subject but my questions is, is the math only going to get harder from here? I still have to take calc 3 and differential equations and the way it seems i would be lucky to limp my way through calc 2 with a C... i did heard calc 2 is the hardest of the 3(can anyone confirm? but what about differential equations and thereafter)
-Get At Me...
calc 3 is when you get into 3D vector stuff....i haven't gotten to the harder stuff yet, but it does get harder. 

Well I passed physics with a c and failed calc 2 by 6 questions on the final. 6 @!##+*! questions man. Feels batmanI am trying to retake it in summer as a 10 week course. Man I feel like I know it and I study on avg 30+ hrs for each test this teacher just specifically tries to throw us curve balls that we don't study or simply is not emphasized. That class is setting me back man.
i hate professors like that...what kind of problems were they exactly?
as for my calc class, there's a lot more material, but it's nothing too confusing. Although i'm kinda stumped with some of the line integrals and vector field stuff

i'm bout to take linear algebra and differential equations this summer, i heard differential equations was tough
Nuclear engineering. Wondering why I haven't seen anyone mention the nuclear power field....
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Originally Posted by desent

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

calc 3 is when you get into 3D vector stuff....i haven't gotten to the harder stuff yet, but it does get harder. 

Well I passed physics with a c and failed calc 2 by 6 questions on the final. 6 @!##+*! questions man. Feels batmanI am trying to retake it in summer as a 10 week course. Man I feel like I know it and I study on avg 30+ hrs for each test this teacher just specifically tries to throw us curve balls that we don't study or simply is not emphasized. That class is setting me back man.
i hate professors like that...what kind of problems were they exactly?
as for my calc class, there's a lot more material, but it's nothing too confusing. Although i'm kinda stumped with some of the line integrals and vector field stuff

i'm bout to take linear algebra and differential equations this summer, i heard differential equations was tough

Man it wasnt anything that I would t be capable of doing its just that he takes a chapter And spends time drilling the concepts within the chapter he would take the one question we would spend 1 min on over he course of he week and put t on the test. He wouldn't give any examples to similar problems we would encounter on the test he would just state study the chapter. If u happen to get the end result right but didnt do it in the manner he wanted then he would mark u wrong for the whole question I.e. use a limit test to show convergence or divergence and if it converges show to what. Well I used a root test in something he stated I should have used the nth test, 0 pts. And other #%%% like that. Also no extra credit whatsoever. I know it's not implied but damn the whole class messing up except for 5 people which 3 of which were retaking the class. Meanwhile another teacher my homeboy was takIng is giving out extracredit to help students. He would state #%%% like u need to know this and never put it on the test. So basically we are blindly studying things that aren't on the test and when we waste time on that we are unknowingly skipping the stuff he is going to hit us with. Its almost as if he gets off on it. I just hope this other teacher will let me in summer class so I can knock this out in 10 weeks
EEE major here. I only need Circuits, DE, Calc 3 and Physics (Electricity & Magnetism) to finally take my upper division courses. Hopefully i take those by Spring '13...I'm a bit behind(finishing my 3rd year), but it's whatever at this point, i just want to finish. 
I also might minor in Math since i only need about 2 more Math classes after DE and Calc 3...
Originally Posted by DBlizzle

Nuclear engineering. Wondering why I haven't seen anyone mention the nuclear power field....

i was looking into this also chemical or even aerospace yolo
because right now im a engineering science major at a cc and im really hoping i get to transfer and start as a junior as a EE major which is my initial major or the three i mentioned above

has anyone took this or know of anyone that took this route? my homie at the head of the engineering department at Nassau cc told me to go this way but idk if he looked out for himself or me 
Originally Posted by gHeTtOnOyPi

EEE major here. I only need Circuits, DE, Calc 3 and Physics (Electricity & Magnetism) to finally take my upper division courses. Hopefully i take those by Spring '13...I'm a bit behind(finishing my 3rd year), but it's whatever at this point, i just want to finish. 
I also might minor in Math since i only need about 2 more Math classes after DE and Calc 3...

i'm a year behind myself....i take all blame smh...we'll all get to the finish line eventually

what other math classes do you need for the math minor?
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Originally Posted by gHeTtOnOyPi

EEE major here. I only need Circuits, DE, Calc 3 and Physics (Electricity & Magnetism) to finally take my upper division courses. Hopefully i take those by Spring '13...I'm a bit behind(finishing my 3rd year), but it's whatever at this point, i just want to finish. 
I also might minor in Math since i only need about 2 more Math classes after DE and Calc 3...

i'm a year behind myself....i take all blame smh...we'll all get to the finish line eventually

what other math classes do you need for the math minor?
I know you only need like Linear Algebra and some lower level Computer Science class in order to take upper division Math classes. 
And the thing that makes me even more angry at myself is, i have a friend who's in Davis (graduated high school same year, '09) and he'll be able to finish CPE on time by Spring of '13. That's the homie though, so i can't hate at all. 
i major in Mechanical Engineering right now
im a sophmore, i absolutley hate it. its so hard and im failing 2 classes right now. im going tto switch out. its too much
Graduating in June in EE with emphasis on RF/Microwave Engineering.  I can't wait, I !%!%@#! hate school.
Currently a Mechanical Engineering major and I love it. It's not too hard but it does require a lot of studying. Even if you're not the smartest, you can still manage a B by studying your butt off.

I currently have a 3.24 GPA and that is not even trying my hardest (not paying attention in class or skipping class). I can't sit there and listen to someone speak for an hour, I think I have ADD. I just study super hard the week before the exam and usually get A's. I've taught myself Calc 3, Linear Algebra, and Diff EQ through online course notes and the text book. I've probably paid attention 10% of the time in class for those 3 courses. I got an A- in Calc 3, a B in Linear Algebra and I'm on my way to geting an A- in Diff EQ. It just goes to show that if you study hard, it will pay off.

I'm thinking about double majoring in ME and Nuc E. My school offers a 4.5 year program in which the Nuc E option is only 23 more credits. I'm thinking about going for it because I think I'm capable of so much more than just the ME degree. I was either gonna do the Nuc E or minor in BioEngineering or some Business/Finance minor just to get myself more rounded. Any thoughts on this?
Originally Posted by desent

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Originally Posted by desent

Well I passed physics with a c and failed calc 2 by 6 questions on the final. 6 @!##+*! questions man. Feels batmanI am trying to retake it in summer as a 10 week course. Man I feel like I know it and I study on avg 30+ hrs for each test this teacher just specifically tries to throw us curve balls that we don't study or simply is not emphasized. That class is setting me back man.
i hate professors like that...what kind of problems were they exactly?
as for my calc class, there's a lot more material, but it's nothing too confusing. Although i'm kinda stumped with some of the line integrals and vector field stuff

i'm bout to take linear algebra and differential equations this summer, i heard differential equations was tough

Man it wasnt anything that I would t be capable of doing its just that he takes a chapter And spends time drilling the concepts within the chapter he would take the one question we would spend 1 min on over he course of he week and put t on the test. He wouldn't give any examples to similar problems we would encounter on the test he would just state study the chapter. If u happen to get the end result right but didnt do it in the manner he wanted then he would mark u wrong for the whole question I.e. use a limit test to show convergence or divergence and if it converges show to what. Well I used a root test in something he stated I should have used the nth test, 0 pts. And other #%%% like that. Also no extra credit whatsoever. I know it's not implied but damn the whole class messing up except for 5 people which 3 of which were retaking the class. Meanwhile another teacher my homeboy was takIng is giving out extracredit to help students. He would state #%%% like u need to know this and never put it on the test. So basically we are blindly studying things that aren't on the test and when we waste time on that we are unknowingly skipping the stuff he is going to hit us with. Its almost as if he gets off on it. I just hope this other teacher will let me in summer class so I can knock this out in 10 weeks
 ewww i hated that stuff from calculus ii. doable but extremely annoying!
Starting Petroleum Engineering at either University of Houston or Texas A&M. Will be my second bachelors degree. It is the highest paying engineering degree right out of school and the summer internships pay big $$$ too. ExonnMobil is opening a huge 390 acre campus less than 10 minutes away from my house and I will be working there. My plans are to combine the skills I learned with my geospatial degree with Petro Engineering and start my own business as a subcontractor to the bigger oil companies. I'm going for that oil money.
I graduated last year as Mechanical Engineer from The University of Akron:


-With and engineering degree you can do just about anything within a company. I work for the natural gas company out here in Cleveland called Dominon and The VP, and 6 of the directors all received their undergrad in some sort of engineering.

-Very Pristine and respectable major, viewed as one of, if not the hardest undergrad major.

-You can get a CO-OP and make good money while in college and gain great exp (usually 15-22/hr)


-Very hard, better be dedicated, majority of the time you will have 0 clue on what is going but if you find a good crew and work really hard, you will get by. I would be in the Library/Cpu Lab with my crew (pretty much our whole class) almost 7 days a week for 6-10 hrs a day.

-Starting off the pay can be a little less than how hard you have worked for but in the long run; engineers that have been here for 5-7 years are making 80-120K, so the growth is crazy, even though the initial start up is around 55-65K
Originally Posted by Lalph Rauren

Originally Posted by DBlizzle

Nuclear engineering. Wondering why I haven't seen anyone mention the nuclear power field....

i was looking into this also chemical or even aerospace yolo
because right now im a engineering science major at a cc and im really hoping i get to transfer and start as a junior as a EE major which is my initial major or the three i mentioned above

has anyone took this or know of anyone that took this route? my homie at the head of the engineering department at Nassau cc told me to go this way but idk if he looked out for himself or me 

Well I took a different route than most. Currently in the Navy, but I definetely suggest taking this field of engineering. If your picking based on income, it definetely won't fall short. It's nuclear power....the demand is endless. Only bad thing is the hours will be rediculous.
i never got the double major idea? pros and cons? you do like 6 years of schools because most engineering majors have the same pre reqs
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Starting Petroleum Engineering at either University of Houston or Texas A&M. Will be my second bachelors degree. It is the highest paying engineering degree right out of school and the summer internships pay big $$$ too. ExonnMobil is opening a huge 390 acre campus less than 10 minutes away from my house and I will be working there. My plans are to combine the skills I learned with my geospatial degree with Petro Engineering and start my own business as a subcontractor to the bigger oil companies. I'm going for that oil money.


what was your first degree if you don't mind  me asking
Originally Posted by Lalph Rauren

i never got the double major idea? pros and cons? you do like 6 years of schools because most engineering majors have the same pre reqs

A friend of mine did a double major. He did ME and PE. He said it was kind of a waste because you have to pick a field and get experience in a field, it hoenstly just looks good on paper you wont get paid more or less. Now I hear if you do ME and EE together you pretty much have a ticket to the top. But combining Engineering degrees is hard, because when you get to the upper level classes they are time consuming. I know my machine design class was like a full time job 7 days a week, I couldnt imagine have that times 2.
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Starting Petroleum Engineering at either University of Houston or Texas A&M. Will be my second bachelors degree. It is the highest paying engineering degree right out of school and the summer internships pay big $$$ too. ExonnMobil is opening a huge 390 acre campus less than 10 minutes away from my house and I will be working there. My plans are to combine the skills I learned with my geospatial degree with Petro Engineering and start my own business as a subcontractor to the bigger oil companies. I'm going for that oil money.

This, a few friends of mines were just @ a conference out in Long Beach sponsered by AAPE....thats where the money is....very ambitious dreams...good luck on your conquest
Originally Posted by gHeTtOnOyPi

EEE major here. I only need Circuits, DE, Calc 3 and Physics (Electricity & Magnetism) to finally take my upper division courses. Hopefully i take those by Spring '13...I'm a bit behind(finishing my 3rd year), but it's whatever at this point, i just want to finish. 
I also might minor in Math since i only need about 2 more Math classes after DE and Calc 3...
Don't even sweat being behind fam, just be patient most people I know it took between 4.5 and 5.5 years to attain the degree, but in the end it was well worth it.

But I graduated with a degree in Computer Science, not Engineering but I was in the college of engineering

Pros- People automatically gravitate to you as far as being analytical, and math goes....multi faceted in what you can do, ie programming or software development, testing, implementation, project management, and analyst and consultant positions

Cons - The %*** isn't

 I currently do contract work, staying in my current location until I attend another career fair, and after that I'm off to a larger company, preferably looking to become a business analyst or project manager
Recently just enrolled into nearby college to begin pursuing a degree in Engineering. Math and science have always been my strengths. Currrently trying to chose between Mechanical and Electrical, but I am leaning more towards ME. I'd like to work in the petrochemical or energy field since Houston has one of the largest in the US but I will be open to other opportunities. I just know they pay very well there. Have an insider at Shell whom I've already started to email about upcoming internships. I'm currently a teacher/coach, and I see no advancement for me in that field. Public education is not for me. So I am deciding to take another route. I already have a BBA in Marketing, and realized I have no interest in that either. I'll be 30 this summer and I have no kids, no wife (my girl is only 25, shes in no rush *fist pump), so if any time is right to go back to school it would be now. Plus I do not have all the distractions as I did in undergrad the 1st go around so I can study properly and make good grades. I think I'm making a good choice...
Originally Posted by Credo

Graduating in June in EE with emphasis on RF/Microwave Engineering.  I can't wait, I !%!%@#! hate school.
Anything lined up for when you graduate? I'm graduating next year in EE. I'm doing Energy Systems though.
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