Facebook Suicide

I just recently deaded my facebook, anybody else done this. whats life like
Remember what 3-4 years ago felt like?

like that

(not sure about the year all these social networks popped up)
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]What you mean to say is, you've temporarily "deactivated" your Facebook account. Youcan't dead Facebook broski...[/color]
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whats with all the "im getting rid of my facebook" threads lately

i mean i know theres a lotta reasons but we dont need a personal declaration for every single time someone deletes their page

either way congrats OP
I haven't done it, but there were times I felt like it.....then I thought to myself, "Well you know, it really doesn't matter. Nothin'matters. So I'll keep it and just not go to it.....eh, second thought, I like girls."
life is soo much better after facebook. i went a solid 2 months without one and i realized there was so much i could do with my life that did not involve beingon a computer. i had a relapse and ended up coming back because my friends kept making photo albums so i got back on so i could save pics of our adventures,aside from the pics people were still up to the same things, crazy statuses about imaginary haters, their hustles, men and women doggin each other out, thosefew couples that are constantly changing their relationship status each time they argue. it's lame. but by June i plan to deactivate...forever. i doubti'll have a problem staying off for good...
Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Originally Posted by babam11218719

Why are people doing this? Like seriously whats the point of this?

seriously, what is the point?

what is the point of being on facebook?
didnt know there was already a 5 page thread on this

no idea is original
deleted myspace yrs ago, havent checked my fb in almost yr (shouldve kept it for college students), got a twitter that i BS with, that is about it. i recentlycreated a linkedin for networking/jobs

i have all my contacts in my email.

it's weird cause i graduated right when myspace blew up, i wonder how many hrs are wasted by students
White flight

A lot of my high school friends who were once on myspace are now making the move to facebook....hopefully it won't get too gHetTo.
Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

I haven't done it, but there were times I felt like it.....then I thought to myself, "Well you know, it really doesn't matter. Nothin' matters. So I'll keep it and just not go to it.....eh, second thought, I like girls."

This.... I just make sure i dont log on much. And everyone that trys to imchat me gets cut short.

I like the party bulletins because im still in college. Plus i can ask people, for other people numbers that i might need at the moment. Its like i havehundreds of people at my finger tips if i need to use them for information.
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