Fact: If all the makeup in the world was gone,every girl would shut the heck up!

Originally Posted by AJChick23

Don't worry about me carmine. I don't think my boyfriend (who does lurk on the reg) would like to come on here and see my face posted up.

I don't wear makeup, other then lip gloss...makeup clogs your pores..clogged pores= mad acne.
That's why my skin is clear and smooth...and my sister's is not...

Pics of said sister
...... nah I'm kidding......................
Doesn't make up cover up acne? But it clogs pores so basically they're really making the problem worst..
Girls need to start realizing that real beauty lies within, not on the skin.. (
I just made that quote up right now
Doesn't make up cover up acne? But it clogs pores so basically they're really making the problem worst..
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Yep, but some chicks aren't smart enough to think that way[/color]
I just bought my first thing of makeup at 22..just do not like the crap. As soon as its on my face I feel like there's a bag over my head..there'sstill a few girls that don't wear make up. Besides burt's bees, neither me or my girl wear makeup.
Originally Posted by roback1991

Originally Posted by FreshProduct

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].. ehh 4/5 chicks I went out with DIDN'T WEAR MAKE UP.. the one that did wear it deaded that +$%% while we were going out.. I expressed my hatred to her about make up.. and yeah, she didn't wear it (still was pretty as hell without it[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]).[/color]

Wait? You killed that woman?

damn the make up. i hate fake hair/weave/ all that +@%+. It drives me crazy. I was messin wit this one girl and her hair wasnt that long at all probably downto her neck if that, i would see her in the day and she'd have a rubberband in it or w/e (real cute like) then id be wit her later that night and her +@%+would be down her back im like %$! is that

F- the make up
Fake hair FTFL
Originally Posted by u ttocs

Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

Originally Posted by u ttocs

make up does just as much for guys as it does for girls

are you saying this from experience
No. I'm saying gilrs wearing make up is a benefit to guys. It makes 6's look like 8's.

nah son you got it wrong in every way, you tellin me you want to date a chick that looks like a 8 then when you see her with no make up on she a 6? soundlike a trap to me
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