Fellow Nters Time to Wake up

Feb 6, 2004
I had already mad e thread about the GOP race.  I know where I stand as it is the only sane choice, our current president just signed the most dangerous bills and is now threatening to start doing things without congress (which he already did w/ libya) don't get caught up in lies and the myth of left and right.  MSM is easily seen for the fraud and treason against the people.  If you want your children to have a future its time to make your mind up.  Here is a couple videos demonstrating the support of veterans and the truth about racial smears that if were even somewhat true this mans beliefs gives you more oppurtunity than obama would in 12 years.  WAKE UP!!


SOPA, NDAA, read up people. These are MAJOR issues that are NOT being addressed as often or as heavily as they should be in major media.

get the word out, NTers, seriously.
^^^thanks its actually unbelievable the outreach that just him speaking on certain issues had created a buzz around the whole country, america is waking slowly but not fast enough.  the reason why they blatantly ignore dr. paul and the reason why the have made up lies as well,  right now obama is campaigning who is running the country, he is setting the plans in motion. spread it to everyone you know, one more thing they say is that he is "dangerous" and "unelectable" since when being about constitution and peace and prosperity dangerous and his message is deff. electable just another MSM lie being pushed for the agenda, we the people have the power to make a change its up to us......
Has Ron Paul addressed any of this (sopa, ndaa) this links you posted was just people who support him.
I know he doesn't support the Patriot Act, but why isn't he addressing current bills that are being proposed, and have just passed.
The sad thing is that many people will not wake up in time. By the time they realize what is and going to happen it will be too late for most americans. Not many people will hear the message, but to those who do keep spreading the message.
^^^yes he had brought up the NDAA at his first town meeting in nh and before he could even finish the crowd started booing, and he was very pleased that people had already known about it and how dangerous it was which shows the message is moving, all you have to do is research, everything you have questions about have been answered and are out there
The sad truth is the general public doesn't care unless it involves money, the only way SOPA will not pass is if the internet giants take it into their own hands. Just look at this thread only 5 responses...people just don't care. The days of public outcry and protest are behind us, if it's not for monetary issues.

At first I was a little upset at the government for this bills than I realized the government isn't doing anything another government wouldn't do giving the conditions. We are the force that keeps the government in check and they realized money outweighs out freedoms by a landslide so naturally they look to expand their power.
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