female kenyan student infects 324 men with hiv...vol..shes going for 2k

Upon second look that site is full of right-wing race-baiting "look at these animal negroes attacking us poor whites, we must take our country back" garbage. Nothing to see here, we should've checked the source before the thread got this far.
As a male the risk of catching HIV from a female during vaginal sex is 5 per 10,000.

So basically, she'd have to do SERIOUS numbers to even infect 100 men.

Would yaw still smash with a condom? That is what condoms are for
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Dat new urban legend..

I'm sure everyone has heard about a story like this locally.
Wasn't there a dude out there doing the same thing? He had HIV and was having 

sex with both girls and guys and filming it. I thought I read about it on here.

This situation irks me 
Wasn't there a dude out there doing the same thing? He had HIV and was having 
sex with both girls and guys and filming it. I thought I read about it on here.
This situation irks me :x

dude was gay... no women...

i rmemeber him some black dude
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