FIFA Confederations Cup 2009 in South Africa

Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by Curious24

Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by Curious24

Originally Posted by JRose5

Damn Landon "talks like he has no @!*%$+*" Donovan is being interviewed.

Oh that's right, I have no $!+%$$@ clue about soccer.


i never see you in the soccer boards so we dont know if you really know gotta prove your self on the soccer boards just bc ur a mod doesnt mean u can talk like ur all that..i dont care for mods as it is.
The soccer boards? You act like I frequent this forum. In fact, dude, I've rarely come to NikeTalk anymore. Prove myself? I don't have to justify anything to you. And like I care if my mod status means anything.


good dont come pessimistic clown. new school is in session and you're out.

I don't care if you disagree with me, but if you're going to start with the insults, then you better be prepared what's coming to you.

Oh yeah I'm a mod.
Like I care if I'm a mod or not.


Lol at that insulting you. You are not a true "football" fan if you only want to support the US when they do something good. You're just a glory hunter, please don't call yourself a US fan.
*Waits for childish response*

I can't believe the amount of hate in here. If before the tournament someone would have told you the US will advance in their group, knock out Spain, make the final, and make Brazil earn their game winning goal with 10 minutes left none of you guys would have believed it and US fans would have taken it. Sadly we could have done better with the situation we were in but I'm proud of this team. The US is making progress in the soccer world and this was a big step in the right direction and I still don't understand how you guys can hate on this US performance overall in the tournament.

Also for all the haters out there, where the hell was your team in this competition? Couldn't qualify? smh
True football fan? ****, with that. My days being a US men's National team fan was long over at least 12 years ago.

*waits for you to come up with more lame excuses* (if you want to play sarcasm)

Originally Posted by deepinthajeep
Joke? You've been a freaking joke every since you joined NikeTalk. You're just lucky we gave your screen name a second chance after the Yuku switch because you've would've been done. End yourself on here.
*every since I've joined? Or ever since I've joined...?

Before I ignore you. Tell me why you think Mikey is overrated....not overrated, but tell me why you think he's only playing b/c of his dad. And try to doit in a logical, "footy knowledgeable" way too. Not in a cynical ignorant way that you seem to relish in..
Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by Curious24

Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by Curious24

Originally Posted by JRose5

Damn Landon "talks like he has no @!*%$+*" Donovan is being interviewed.

Oh that's right, I have no $!+%$$@ clue about soccer.


i never see you in the soccer boards so we dont know if you really know gotta prove your self on the soccer boards just bc ur a mod doesnt mean u can talk like ur all that..i dont care for mods as it is.
The soccer boards? You act like I frequent this forum. In fact, dude, I've rarely come to NikeTalk anymore. Prove myself? I don't have to justify anything to you. And like I care if my mod status means anything.


good dont come pessimistic clown. new school is in session and you're out.

I don't care if you disagree with me, but if you're going to start with the insults, then you better be prepared what's coming to you.

Oh yeah I'm a mod.
Like I care if I'm a mod or not.


Lol at that insulting you. You are not a true "football" fan if you only want to support the US when they do something good. You're just a glory hunter, please don't call yourself a US fan.
*Waits for childish response*

I can't believe the amount of hate in here. If before the tournament someone would have told you the US will advance in their group, knock out Spain, make the final, and make Brazil earn their game winning goal with 10 minutes left none of you guys would have believed it and US fans would have taken it. Sadly we could have done better with the situation we were in but I'm proud of this team. The US is making progress in the soccer world and this was a big step in the right direction and I still don't understand how you guys can hate on this US performance overall in the tournament.

Also for all the haters out there, where the hell was your team in this competition? Couldn't qualify? smh
True football fan? ****, with that. My days being a US men's National team fan was long over at least 12 years ago.

*waits for you to come up with more lame excuses* (if you want to play sarcasm)
What kind of a fan stops rooting for their team, let alone their COUNTRY? Why pop into this thread all of a sudden? Cause the US was the hot thing in sports for the day? You have said NOTHING that even hints at you knowing what you're talking about and honestly I think arguing and insulting people on the internet over nothing is quite lame so I will stop the childish arguments with you right now. Now if you want to argue your reasoning as to why Bradley shouldn't start on the team, or anything soccer related, I'm ready...
Oh so that's it now. Since I live in the US, I automatically have to root for them? USA soccer is #*%@ soccer compared to European or South American soccer. The US team cannot pass and all they want to do is this 1 v 5 nonsense. Their midfield is lacking and the only reason why they held onto Spain and Egypt is because they pack the box with five or six defenders. Actually count them. The US only seem to score on counter attacks, lucky one-touchers inside the box, or *+!+%!@+ penalties. Their game isn't fluid with their shoddy passing attacks. Tim Howard is the reason why they were in the game. Also, the US need to stop with the tactical foul nonsense and reckless challenges. No wonder you see the same bums getting ejected or accumulating cautions every match.

Like I said before, the US need to get rid of some of these current bums and hire a foreign coach.

I have no faith in USA soccer whether I live in this country or not.


@ thinking a forigen coach would change everything.....and I agree, some of the players on the Confed Cup roster shouldn't be on the WC Roster...butthe difference is....I CAN NAME which players shouldn't be on the just spew hate.
%+#+ kljestan and connor..what kind of $*%#!@!% subs were those?..and yet my dudes torres and adu continue to ride the pine..imo the subs came a little bit toolate and wrong players were sent in...and i gave the announcer a stoneface when he said the reason connor was in was to use his big body and try to header theball into the goal...@!#@!+# adu has a better chance of headering it than bum +%# connor.....rant over..

im not even going to critique how the game went, im just going to show my support..

I LOVED the way Dempsey was showing tears at the end, it shows that this game meant the world to him and it was more than a game to him, and he proved thecritiques wrong, those are the types of players i want, not some bum +%# connor.. much love to Tim Howard the best goalie in concacaf and one the best in theworld. much love to Landon Donovan, he also proved alot of critiques wrong in this tournament...

Imo our starting 4 backs are set and so is our 2 forwards, its just that Davies needs to improve his dribbling, and be a little bit more creative.

it was a crushing lost and it hurt but it just proves we can beat the best countries and its a wrap for the rest of concacaf.

no we look forward to the gold cup...Krisp are you going to make a gold cup thread?

i BETTER see Torres and Adu start and get the majority of the minutes in the tournament...none of this $*%#!@!% connor, put Kenney Copper in his spot. And onemore thing %+#+ BUMASS klejstan and connor.
Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

I'm just lucky huh??

That's all you got boy? You make fun of a memeber's grammar, yet you can't spell....That's not me....that's you.

And I'm lucky, I'm still here....sure.

Ban me now then...oh, I forgot, you can't. You're a joke, you always have been, you always will be.

You got your wish. And it's "member". I'm sure you'll cry to get it back.

Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

@ thinking a forigen coach would change everything.....and I agree, some of the players on the Confed Cup roster shouldn't be on the WC Roster...but the difference is....I CAN NAME which players shouldn't be on the just spew hate.
Oh, Mr. Hooked on Phonics, it's foreign, not forigen.

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Davies needs to improve his dribbling, and be a little bit more creative.

He needs to make better decisions too. He made too many mistakes, whether turning the ball over or not finding the open man.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

i BETTER see Torres and Adu start and get the majority of the minutes in the tournament...none of this $*%#!@!% connor, put Kenney Copper in his spot. And one more thing %+#+ BUMASS klejstan and connor.
Torres isnt on the gold cup squad.
Still I will always live in die with my nation team no matter what.

I don't even remember my last post on NT but I had to log in just to quote this.

Amen, brother. The fact that the USA has struggled over the years will make our first World Cup Championship (yeah, I said it) that much sweeter.

The passion for international football is like no other. I will never get as hyped for any of my teams as much as I do for the USANT.

USA 2010
Originally Posted by murdamoork23

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

i BETTER see Torres and Adu start and get the majority of the minutes in the tournament...none of this $*%#!@!% connor, put Kenney Copper in his spot. And one more thing %+#+ BUMASS klejstan and connor.
Torres isnt on the gold cup squad.
I'll saw the Gold Cup roster, what is this? MLS scrap on the roster?

Originally Posted by murdamoork23

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

i BETTER see Torres and Adu start and get the majority of the minutes in the tournament...none of this $*%#!@!% connor, put Kenney Copper in his spot. And one
more thing %+#+ BUMASS klejstan and connor.
Torres isnt on the gold cup squad.

yeah i just remembered right after i made my this coach brought in beckerman instead of Torres? smh. he shouldve chose mexico instead.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by JRose5

1. I honestly think a foreign coach, say European, can bring a different philosphy or flavor then our "dribble through 3-4 people type mentality" and impatient soccer. Not just on our national teams, but you see the same type of crap being taught with the youth soccer level. I think it all starts from the youth level. You say there are plenty of foreigners on our youth systems now? I said the same thing 10-12 years ago and where are they?

2. Because I turned my back on our national team, makes me pretty sad? *%+? I don't like USA baseball or baseball in general, so does that make me sad if I don't cheer for them? Impatient child? I've been impatient for the last 10-12 years with this !$!+ soccer display. Dude, things are "barely" progressing with the state of our national team. If you think playing with so much urgency in a week after they got $#$%@@ in Group B competition and before that Costa Rica and barely beating Hondorus is a step in the right direction, then the more props to you. I just see that as pure lucky %@****!#. We'll see what happens next year in South Africa.


I would've loved to seen Klinsmann come over here, and I do think he'd do a better job game to game than Bradley is doing - without a doubt actually. But you're talking marginal improvements overall on the current lineup of guys we have right now. You can only polish a turd so much. Much as I love a lot of our players based on their heart and passion for our squad, I call it like it is - we are not a very talented team in terms of the rest of the world.

That being said - we are an improving team.. think back to 1998 and consider how much better we look now. Maybe there's nothing else coming up through the youth programs int he next 10 years and we stay the same - but personally, in the time that I've been alive and following this team (since about 98), we've made nice strides in the right direction.

I mean - do you honestly believe the talent exists in this country today to make a serious run in the world cup? You talk about seeing how we do next year, but what do you really expect us to do? I think making it out of group play would be a great achievement for this team - anything beyond that is icing on the cake. And that's how it is for 95 percent of the world - you just have to accept that we aren't on that top level yet, but hope we get there someday. You're trying to overcome a several hundred year head start these other countries have on us.

We take every win we can get at the level we're currently at... we're to the point now where we are almost locks for the world cup every 4 years - we've progressed to be the best team in our region now for about 4 years straight and that's nothing to sneeze at in my book. We didn't luck into that fact.

As for where we stand in the rest of the world? Still a ways to go - but I'm hopeful we've got a young group of guys who are going to lead us further into the right direction.

You see this all as frustrating - i see it as exciting. You're watching the still taking place birth of a nation in soccer, nobody said it was going to be easy.

Sure we lost today - but Brazil was legitimately excited to win this game today, you could see that at the end. We got everything they could give us, and we didn't look too bad taking it. I see that as a positive personally.
Thank you for articulating this the way I'd like to.

The negativity is what ticks me off.

JRose5 made good points that I didn't read. That's why you should always read before you insult.

Say what you will...
^^^The reason he did not bring Torres to camp was because Pachuca needs him back for camp before the Mexican league starts in a couple of weeks. At least thatis what I think.
SMH@ my spelling, I need to type better. Sasha, Connor, Borstein do not deserve to wear the national team jersey anytime soon. Here is my beef with skelletor.Why bring Adu and Torres if you were not going to play them??? Torres has some much talent, he gots experience playing with Pachuca in Libertadores andSudamericana and dude can flat out play. So Adu is not starting at Benfica??? Jozy is not starting at Xerez. and he still played him. I will be the first toadmit that Adu is not Pele. but at 20 years old, he's got talents and gifts that other on the team do not. Check USA VS BRAZIL under-20 world cup in CANADAa couple of years to see what I am talking about. ROBOBOB needs to play people that have the talent to play on the USMNT, not people he drafted at Chivas USA(SACHA AND Born) or people he is cool with ( Connor and Beas)

The backline is pretty much set with SPECTOR, BOCA, GOCH AND DEMERIT.

Howard is a lock.

Midfield should be interesting. Jones is going to bring some much needed energy and toughness we have been lacking since ARMAS retired. Landon, Clint andAltidore are locks as well along with Mikey. Davies had a great tournament, but I agree that he needs to make better decisions with the ball if he want to beour no#11.

This gold cup should be interesting as ROBOBOB basically sent the US/MLS squad. Dolo is there along with Ching. Logan Pause??? WTH is the this guysmh...anyways, it should be a good test for some of the newbies to play in a tournament, See if we can find someone that is worthy of a national team call up.

Marion: start the thread if you want. Your turn ahahha! I already did the Concacaf thread.

JROSE5: I never knew you were a soccer fan. Dont tell me dirty and Meth are as well lol, I would be shocked.

As always Go US!!!!
I would LOVE to see Kenny Cooper get in there and make some noise up front. Of course I want Adu to kill it during the Gold Cup. I think he can bring somethingto the NT even if it is a change of pace off the bench.

By the way are we the only team not bringing the A squad to the Gold Cup? I feel like with WC qualifications going some of the other countries might beresting their players as well.
JRose honestly stop trolling this thread. You have absolutely NO soccer knowledge. USMNT garbage soccer? They same team that's defending Gold Cup champs?The team that has OWNED Mexico for years? The team that just beat the worlds #1? Honestly you come in here to try and prove you're a real fan by makingthese outlandish statements. How about you **** and stop making a fool of yourself.
everyone thinks they know the solution to usa soccer, but in reality there isnt one. its not as big of a sport over here and we dont play it on the same levelas they do over seas
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

%+#+ kljestan and connor..what kind of $*%#!@!% subs were those?
honestly i would rather see eddie johnson back in the mix than to see connor casey out there...$#!% is painful to watch, he can barely stringtogether consecutive dribbles....and thats saying alot since ej was the king of showing no heart and hustle, damn that used to make me so mad watching him play
but at least he scored goals from time to time

it'll be interesting once Jermaine gets on, ive seen him play a few times and he could be the other defensive mid Bob's been searching for...letFeilhaber play out wide and just play Demps up front where he excels or just in behind Altidore
Originally Posted by Si3xers55

everyone thinks they know the solution to usa soccer, but in reality there isnt one. its not as big of a sport over here and we dont play it on the same level as they do over seas
You say that like we should just give up on trying to get better.

Of course there's a solution - it may not be a clear cut one, or something the average fan is willing to stick around and wait for, but as "bad"as people feel like we are, we're still legitimately one of the top 40 sides in the world - that ain't all too shabby given how long we've beenplaying the game.

I think the biggest problem is that people just hate on soccer in this country, give it this stigma for the casual fans, keeps them from really getting intoand supporting it since we are a huge country but don't dominate in it. If we'd just be a little less prideful in this country and be okay with takingsome lumps, I think that would help tons.
bradley really hurt us in the 2nd half by waiting too long to make the substitutions. damn shame we couldn't hold on.
Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

^^^The reason he did not bring Torres to camp was because Pachuca needs him back for camp before the Mexican league starts in a couple of weeks. At least that is what I think.
SMH@ my spelling, I need to type better. Sasha, Connor, Borstein do not deserve to wear the national team jersey anytime soon. Here is my beef with skelletor. Why bring Adu and Torres if you were not going to play them??? Torres has some much talent, he gots experience playing with Pachuca in Libertadores and Sudamericana and dude can flat out play. So Adu is not starting at Benfica??? Jozy is not starting at Xerez. and he still played him. I will be the first to admit that Adu is not Pele. but at 20 years old, he's got talents and gifts that other on the team do not. Check USA VS BRAZIL under-20 world cup in CANADA a couple of years to see what I am talking about. ROBOBOB needs to play people that have the talent to play on the USMNT, not people he drafted at Chivas USA (SACHA AND Born) or people he is cool with ( Connor and Beas)

The backline is pretty much set with SPECTOR, BOCA, GOCH AND DEMERIT.

Howard is a lock.

Midfield should be interesting. Jones is going to bring some much needed energy and toughness we have been lacking since ARMAS retired. Landon, Clint and Altidore are locks as well along with Mikey. Davies had a great tournament, but I agree that he needs to make better decisions with the ball if he want to be our no#11.

This gold cup should be interesting as ROBOBOB basically sent the US/MLS squad. Dolo is there along with Ching. Logan Pause??? WTH is the this guy smh...anyways, it should be a good test for some of the newbies to play in a tournament, See if we can find someone that is worthy of a national team call up.

Marion: start the thread if you want. Your turn ahahha! I already did the Concacaf thread.

JROSE5: I never knew you were a soccer fan. Dont tell me dirty and Meth are as well lol, I would be shocked.

As always Go US!!!!
agree with a lot of your points.

i do not want to see sacha, connor, and bornstein in the lineup anytime soon. bornstein, at least, i can understand why he was starting the first 3 matches ofthe tournament since LB is so weak. i'm still not convinced that boca is the answer at LB, but i'm starting to feel that's our best solution.either that or play spector at LB if dolo's healthy. but then you have to leave out boca or demerit at CB.

but at the moment, i agree that spector - gooch - demerit - boca should be our first choice defense.

clint - jones - bradley - landon....will that work? i've seen jones play a few times for his clubs, and he's a legitimate 2 way midfielder. he'sdefinitely an upgrade over clark and edu, whom i do like.

i agree that charlie needs to make better decisions with the ball. but i'm very afraid that bob would have started ching in every game if he was healthy.smh.

the gold cup will be interesting. is pablo on the gold cup squad? thanks for all your service, pablo, but maybe it's time to let some of the younger guysplay.
Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

JRose honestly stop trolling this thread. You have absolutely NO soccer knowledge. USMNT garbage soccer? They same team that's defending Gold Cup champs? The team that has OWNED Mexico for years? The team that just beat the worlds #1? Honestly you come in here to try and prove you're a real fan by making these outlandish statements. How about you **** and stop making a fool of yourself.
Excuse me, you fairweather fan? I've got more knowledge than you. You actually think USMNT is great soccer?
Just stop, you'remaking a joke out of yourself. You know NOTHING about soccer at all. Well, no freaking %*++, the USMNT always easily wins the CONCACAF region. So you thinkthat's great soccer? Come on now, give me a break. Fan? I'm a fan of the game, not a fan of the USMNT and crap soccer like your bandwagon !%* is.

I guess the "Gold Cup" champions ain't going to be champions this year because the US brought in a great roster.
USMNT willcontinue to be a joke.

at youjumping on the FC Barcelona bandwagon after they upsetted Manchester United in the Champions League final. What a freaking joke, freaking fairweather fan,always picking the team that just wins. Stick to your sport basketball, your screen name suggests it. The Timberwolves might be good next year.

i think we've gotten better since the 06 WC...but there is still a WAYS to go before we become a "tough" opponent for most teams. i think callingus "garbage" is an overstatement, but we definitely do have a ways to go before we're making any real noise.

and i do agree that a coach who could bring a new style could help.
i agree.

i believe we still have a long way to go.

going into 2010 or any other tournament, we can't expect to lose the first two matches while playing horribly like against italy and brazil and expect amiracle to advance out of the group stage.

but i think we are in a better position than 3 years ago. i think we learned a lot about the team and the players this tournament. there are still toughmatches coming up, notably mexico and honduras on the road. let's hope the guys use this tournament to build on for the next year.

but i'm so proud of the guys.

as frustrating and disappointing the second half was, i lost it when clint started sobbing. i cried with him.

Long as we don't get put in the group of death in 2010, I like our chances to advance.. i think we hold can scrape out 4-6 points against almost anyreasonable group they throw at us, so long as it isn't a super top heavy group.

I don't think we could actually win a group.. but that's okay with me for now.
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