Fire Red spizikes back in stores?

Aug 13, 2005
Hey guys well this past Friday I was at my footlocker.and all of sudden I look and they have fire red spizikes on the display..obviously no bag and stuff butfound this a bit weird.anybody else notice this?
^^they're online exclusive last time i checked, they where never sold in retail stores when they came out
they did drop on eastbay a long time after the flightclub drop.
eastbay is where i got mine. eastbay footlocker they all have the same stuff
I know they were online release just weird to see them for sale now and at footlocker at was curious if they started appearing at other footlockersalso..maybe ones that didn't sell? Or left overs? Idk but I might pick up a pair this weekend if they still there.
Probably had a return or got a few pairs only. Online and got 2x
Heard a few pairs were found in a warehouse and instead of making them exclusive (HOH, online), they were sent to a few stores to be sold.
Originally Posted by edunpeal

^^they're online exclusive last time i checked, they where never sold in retail stores when they came out

They Were First An Online Release.. Then They Did Release In Retail Stores.. Look It Up
yea they were a online exclusive with the bag and then they were rereleased at hoh and fl
Originally Posted by cutasdiamondz8

Originally Posted by edunpeal

^^they're online exclusive last time i checked, they where never sold in retail stores when they came out

They Were First An Online Release.. Then They Did Release In Retail Stores.. Look It Up
what he said. they were an online release in 2007 - flight club only. then they released the shoes in retail stores in 2008.
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