Fire Red V's still available?

Mar 6, 2006
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hey guys, i was wondering did u guys get the fire red V's in PI if you guys did.. did they sell out, because i wasnt able to pick up any. please let me know what stores might still have them. thanks.
AF Galleria
Planet Sports Vmall
Stadium-ATC size 8.5

still have fire red v's
love is taking the air less travelled.
wat size are u looking for?
"i wear all my Js"

FS - DS aj5 fire red size 9
aj13 white/flint grey size 10
azg1 black size 9
kool thanks guys. how about grapes are they still available there..
^ i still have an xtra pair of grapes , just hit me up with a PM bro so i can send you the details
me too.. for the fire reds... :D
FS - DS aj5 fire red size 9,DS aj10 white/red size 10
aj13 white/grey/caro size 10
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