First pair of Jordans, Black Infrared 6s... Please tell me these are legit

Jan 7, 2015

I've looked out for signs prior to buying (e.g.,the tongue sticking out high, the 3m holes spaced evenly, production date and ID, etc). I'm just suspicious because the "bubble" where there are 7 3m holes aren't that soft, and upon opening I smelled a lot of paint. I've never owned J's so I'm not sure if these are common, so I'm seeking help!

Thanks all.
Thanks guys, the reason I was suspicious is because on the size/price tag on the box, the font size for 8.5 seemed off compared to the other boxes I've googled. There's also a strong smell of what seems like paint, which was the first huge red flag for me. But like I said, these are my first J's so I'm not 100% on what to expect.

Thanks for the LC guys, cheers!
100% legit.
the smell of glue/paint is normal. these are only a few months removed from the factory. alot of jordans come with that strong smell
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