Flaking "Friends" Unappreciation

Apr 15, 2003
I am misfortunate enough to surround myself with some flaky "friends", not many only a few. When you need them in certain situations they fail tocome through. They agree to do something for you but flake out in the last moment. It's okay once in a while to back out if you absolutly need to but todo it constantly just deserves a
. i guess the best way to dealwith them is separate distance myself from them.

Any of you guys have these type of "friends"
I guess I've been fortunate...thus far. But I do know if ever a time comes and one of my mans s4!t's on me...we will be friends no more.
Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. I don't keep many friends now, because I learned my lesson a loooong time ago. Everyone's NOTyou're friend.
Originally Posted by King Lincey

Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. I don't keep many friends now, because I learned my lesson a loooong time ago. Everyone's NOT you're friend.

Boy you said it.....I really do hate green, flaw a-- people.
Dont really have a problem with flakers but once I got a car, all the fake friends came out the woodworks. They even try to sugarcoat it like its somespontaneous request.."Hey s0le, how ya doin? How's life? word? Hey, could I get a ride..." Got so bad I had to just turn off my phone and goinvisible on AIM. Funny how when my car died and they got their cars I havent got any invitations to "chill"

Its funny how all my real friends have cars or if they dont, NEVER ask me for a ride even though I told them I got em whenever.
I'm considered "mean" when I tell dudes no from jump.. I think thats alot better than telling the person yes and flaking at the last minute
I hate people like this, I'm glad I'm not like that and I do whatever I can to fix it before or after if something comes up and I have to flake.

and solefunk, I hate that too, I mean you ain't a taxi service.
Originally Posted by King Lincey

Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. I don't keep many friends now, because I learned my lesson a loooong time ago. Everyone's NOT you're friend.

Damn that sucks man.

Most of the time im that dude but it mainly happens when i feel like i'm being woo'ed like : Yo so and so is going to be there (my thoughts who cares!why can't we just go do something without someone we know being there) or : Yo lets go to this new spot, ( my thoughts...but i have to drive cause youdon't have a car and you'll find a way to sneak out of chipping in for gas) or the long distance invite : Um yo, you should fly down for my insertspecial event here it will be fun! (my translation spend crazy dough to come down spend crazy dough there and spot you on extraneous items that you'llnever pay back because like me your in school and money is low).

But when the shoes on the other foot i can't complain i can handle what i dish out.
unappreciated. some of my friends told me they'd call me up to play bball but they never called.
. i didn't care THAT much but still.
Originally Posted by King Lincey

Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. I don't keep many friends now, because I learned my lesson a loooong time ago. Everyone's NOT you're friend.
thats a shame that some of you guys don't have really close friends...
Infact, I've got 3 guys that I can count on to stick up for me anytime...
i dont really rely on other people heavily but for example if i wanted to go to a party and then they backed out i wouldnt be mad
Originally Posted by King Lincey

Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. I don't keep many friends now, because I learned my lesson a loooong time ago. Everyone's NOT you're friend.
agreed. there are really few ppl i can really consider "true" friends...but the others i don't even consider "friends", i justconsider them dudes i associate with. i only have like 2-3 real true friends that i would trust 100%.
That's probably why I only got 2 real "friends" my barber Steff and my boy Rod we all got a 50/50 thing goin
i have some great friends... some of them are flakey, and i mean.. i can take it.
but sometimes-- it's just not cool at all. so def not appreciated. dammit friendS!
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