
Carnitas burrito for lunch
Made an apple crisp over the weekend. Didn’t get a pic of the topping
I’ve cooked a lot but have barely baked anything. Gonna make a blueberry or blackberry version next

Ate it warmed up with some tillamook banana split ice cream which is good it doesn’t have that laffy taffy fake banana flavor

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican price per meal on those prepped trout is tricky. You obviously can’t go with market price because he caught them himself but all the labor and cost of equipment would have to be factored in. I don’t know the markup on fish at the grocery store it is tough to even estimate.

Really good question. Maybe calibeebee calibeebee can shed some light.
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican price per meal on those prepped trout is tricky. You obviously can’t go with market price because he caught them himself but all the labor and cost of equipment would have to be factored in. I don’t know the markup on fish at the grocery store it is tough to even estimate.

Really good question. Maybe calibeebee calibeebee can shed some light.

Yeah it’s tough to say. Costco trout is marked at 3.99 per lb. I’m guessing I had about 6 lbs of trout for the 5 of them. We’ll call it an even $24. Annual angling license $44. I didn’t drive, we’ll say I borrowed a fishing pole. Night crawlers were like $3, and I lost 2 lures and a spinner bead + 2 split shots + 2 #5 red hooks. We’ll say that the daily tackle cost was $10. 4 sweet potatoes was about $1.50. Collards were marked down to $1.69 for the whole bag.

So if we’re counting the costo price on fresh trout, that’s a grand total of about $80. So we’re looking at about $16 per meal.

Now take away the cost of the license since I’ve had it since January, subtract the cost of tackle since I pretty much have unlimited. Let’s also assume that the standard fish markup is 20% so the fair market value would be 3.20 a lb making the total fish worth $19.20. Final cost estimate for the 5 meals= about $20 or $4 per meal. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

Yeah it’s tough to say. Costco trout is marked at 3.99 per lb. I’m guessing I had about 6 lbs of trout for the 5 of them. We’ll call it an even $24. Annual angling license $44. I didn’t drive, we’ll say I borrowed a fishing pole. Night crawlers were like $3, and I lost 2 lures and a spinner bead + 2 split shots + 2 #5 red hooks. We’ll say that the daily tackle cost was $10. 4 sweet potatoes was about $1.50. Collards were marked down to $1.69 for the whole bag.

So if we’re counting the costo price on fresh trout, that’s a grand total of about $80. So we’re looking at about $16 per meal.

Now take away the cost of the license since I’ve had it since January, subtract the cost of tackle since I pretty much have unlimited. Let’s also assume that the standard fish markup is 20% so the fair market value would be 3.20 a lb making the total fish worth $19.20. Final cost estimate for the 5 meals= about $20 or $4 per meal. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

I am not kidding when I say this - I actually appreciate this thorough breakdown. The detail and list off assumptions really made me happy :lol: Anyhow, that price is a deal and you got to do something enjoy :pimp:

are we factoring in opportunity cost and the cost of time? :nerd:

You can but I can tell you the cost of time should be 0 since all fisherman would rather be fishing than doing much else

Time/opportunity cost is probably the biggest factor in the whole thing but to include would open Pandora’s box with time spent grocery shopping, the markups on online ordering, tipping, etc so it’s best to just not include it :lol:
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Why not include the time spent getting dressed to go to the grocery store as well? Why start at the grocery store?
Why not include the time spent getting dressed to go to the grocery store as well? Why start at the grocery store?

It’s funny because I had someone ask me this today about how to allocate/charge their hours for travel. Very technically, it begins the minute you start your journey to the airport/train station/helipad unlike your commute to the office on a normal day.

But to the point of your post, I literally said not to count the time right above your post, man :lol:
Fish cost should only be the cost of tackle + fishing license fee prorated by number of fish per year, no?
Depends on when he got the tackle it was caught on.

I’d say if he bought 90%+ of his tackle a few years back you’d have to divide it by years and fish as well to get the real cost.. and then it’s likely so minuscule it’s not worth calculating. That man Cali be slayin them trout I be knowin 👀
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