Chips ahoy taste like chemicals. They're genuinely bad. Not just bad in a mass produced grocery store cookie way, just straight up bad
Soft batch gives me IMMEDIATE indigestion. If I'm getting store bought cookies, Im going to the in-store bakery.
To keep them soft throughout their shelf life definitely requires more chemicals, hence the taste. To combat the chemical taste, you then have to add even more sugar and salt. It's a strong no for me. I'm slowing down on all processed snacks though. All I eat nowdays are just plantain chips.
not mine but if I had to see it so do y’all

not mine but if I had to see it so do y’all

I can't find the post for the life of me now and I've been looking ever since you posted that, but I think bro said he did like 290/300 for like 8 hrs and he was asking the group what he did wrong.
Just saw some and was reminded of this.

Soft Batch and the Soft/Chewy Red bag of Chips Ahoy = Don't live up to the hype.

If I HAD to eat store cookies, I would prefer the hard Chips Ahoy over either of them.
They taste chemically too
Edit: nvm I see y’all already mentioned that :lol:
They came in some catered trash corporate lunch one time and yeah they taste like straight chemicals.

Would have been fine just leaving them in my childhood memories.
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