So far, so good. đź‘€
Let it chill overnight.
We'll see tomorrow.
Jesus a Brillo pad in your food?

Speaking of - what’s the worst thing you’ve found in your food?

I think I told it here already but one time at the manufacturer of cakes de cheese I had a piece of glass in my drink that I thought was a piece of ice, so I bit on it and almost broke my tooth. :smh
Beside hair - Brillo pad also.
It’s complicated, but to try and sum it up simple yes, there’s probably a basis for a valid lawsuit with this kind of incident, but if the foreign object in the food does not actually cause any tangible physical harm, then suing isn’t going to result in much of a pay day.

Generally speaking, for a lawsuit to be worthwhile to pursue, the plaintiff has to be able to show both that the other side was at fault/did something negligent and that they were somehow damaged by that conduct. So, for example, if something in someone’s food actually caused an injury, leading to medical bills, missed time form work, etc., they’d possibly be able to recover some money over it. They could also allege “Emotional distress” damages, but those are very hard to prove and quantify.
Wife took my son to Starbucks for hot chocolate and they used cow milk even though she specified oat milk due to allergies. He ended up in the hospital and we had to use an epi pen. Reached out to a few lawyers and they said it’s not worth it since there are no long term effects. Starbucks wanted to offer us a 25 dollar gift card - smh.
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Last Summer, I went to Lucille's with wifey and the pulled pork had plastic all inside the meat.. It was clearly pieces of the bag that meat was packaged in :sick:

They brought me another plate after I told them I didn't want anything else and said it's on the house... I asked the manager would you eat another plate if this **** was in your food and she hit me with the...


I told them I'm not paying for anything and walked out :lol:
Damn not Lucille's
You’d think so

I have an uncle in Hawaii that gets kicked out of buffets cause he only eats the skrimps and he eats so much of it :lol:

I was at a Brazilian steakhouse once for my uncles birthday when I was a teenager. He and his wife at that time were both pushing over 300. Like my mom and I were tapped out with like 3 more portions of meat to go while they kept going at it. Well after like 3.5 hours at the them and then none stop eating they told us we had to leave at the 4 hour mark.

That was the first time I’ve ever had the meat sweats in my life and I prob at 1/3 of what my aunt and uncle ate. Thankfully they have now lost most of that weight and eat normal portions now.
They're renovating again? Its only been 7 years since their last one, lol. I got to look up Zyara but I've been going to Al-Sham for over 15 years now & they are amazing. Try their cheese Kunafa, its delicious. If you like Baklava Al-Sham has a vast selection & literally ALL of them are excellent. Try a few out & report back.

Some of these Al-Sham reviews are puzzling. A few people complaining about getting sick from the place, everyone complaining about a 20% service fee? The owner is quick to reply in a snarky way to people leaving bad or critical reviews.
How the hell Keith Lee went to Cool Runnings and NOT get the oxtails? This ***** bout make me get a tik tok. Imma let him make it with the "plan-tins". :lol:
where else did he go?
From what I know, he went to Cool Runnings, Stick Talk, The Breakfast Klub(of course), Puddery and Butter Funk Kitchen which I never heard of but its in Sunnyside, which is why I never heard of if. Appearently, thats where he got the oxtails, thats why he skipped them at Cool Runnings. ******* up. :smh: For the most part, seems like he knew who to talk tom because the wrong locals will gas up some basura quick!
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