Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

She left him that easy cause look how son was acting when rick ashley was groping up his girl smh.dude is the softest man on this earth to let something like that go down. I would have yanked ol girl so hard her arm might have cleanly came out the socket

That or snuff son, that blond looking chick/dude don't look like no fighter either way so son had no excuse to not put hands on him and his homies.
Wowww I know the EXACT spot where this happened. Actually met my ex-gf in front of the Hard Rock Cafe that is right next to that stairwell. Used to go out there all the time that's Lan Kwai Fong in Hong Kong. It's pretty easy to pick girls up off the street like that because you can legally drink in the street and there are 711s that sell alcohol on every corner. That area can get pretty wild.

Lan Kwai Fong is so ridiculous but fun as hell… alcohol plus jet lag and **** is bound to happen
Lan Kwai Fong is so ridiculous but fun as hell… alcohol plus jet lag and **** is bound to happen

Word I was there for NYE 2012 and they shut down the streets because of all the pedestrian traffic. I have videos somewhere but you could barely walk through there. Ended up just grabbing dinner at a Thai place and going home. My girl and I weren't trying to deal with the foolishness on NYE.
Feels for any guy that something like that ever happens to them.I mean dam!! Would've snuffed dude and left the girl there.
Feels for any guy that something like that ever happens to them.I mean dam!! Would've snuffed dude and left the girl there.

dude wouldve gotten the

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But yo, the Asian dude just stood there knowing he was being recorded while still holding that chicks hand. I couldn't eem watch the video the whole way through. Had to jump around and skip back and forth.
this fool to has no retros but has everything on a cdp box :lol:

"let me get rid of some of this free crap ive gotten"
Yeah I couldn't even watch that all the way through. :smh: at all parties involved. I don't know who to be more mad at. Shorty is a ****, Chinese guy is beta af, and Angel Face from fight club is a douche. Backhands are due all around.
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