Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Saw this on fb 😂 so free throw
I wouldn't do it, you wouldn't do it.... but people have different tastes and preferences. You seem to measure everyone by your standards of what's acceptable. We all do to an extent, myself included, you hit the turbo bottom with it tho.

I imagine you having a police suspect board in your home highlight and circling things people said. Waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat like "on 11/7/14 sc kid indicated minimal interest in Korean food, however on 7/8/18 he used an exclamation point while describing a new Korean spot that he visited. Surely this must be addressed"

Would you consider someone who proposes to their girlfriend at her grandmas funeral "different tastes and preferences?"

Theres a time and place for everything.
Proposing on a birthday could be very special for some people. That's not a big deal. Same with graduation.
After a child birth.... I definitely wouldn't do it but I could see someone finding it special.
A big no no in my opinion is proposing at someone else's wedding reception, which I've heard of. Even if the bride/groom are cool with it, I don't like the idea.
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What about like the holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas or New Year's Day or something lol.

Man just let it be it's different strokes for different folks.
Since it's on the net he might get a GoFundMe in his name and get even more dough.
Part of me thinks this is fishy though. How'd the robber know to specifically target him 🤔 could've been a setup just to get the GoFundMe started.
That or inside job. Someone had to know he was making a withdrawal and not a deposit. If it isn't either of those things then some robbers got mad lucky... for now.
I'm sure medical bills is gonna be grip so he should get more than 200K if this is all legit.
Only appropriate place to propose is at someone else's wedding. Since you're celebrating love between two people, it only makes sense to add more love to the celebration. Sets the wedding off, if you ask me.

Don't be proposing on holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas. We're trying to eat and exchange gifts those days. Not the time or place for all that.
Only appropriate place to propose is at someone else's wedding. Since you're celebrating love between two people, it only makes sense to add more love to the celebration. Sets the wedding off, if you ask me.

Don't be proposing on holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas. We're trying to eat and exchange gifts those days. Not the time or place for all that.
I proposed to my wife on Christmas.....Pull Up BA
Only appropriate place to propose is at someone else's wedding. Since you're celebrating love between two people, it only makes sense to add more love to the celebration. Sets the wedding off, if you ask me.

Don't be proposing on holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas. We're trying to eat and exchange gifts those days. Not the time or place for all that.

Stop the trolling b

Yes it's a celebration of love , but of the bride and groom.... its THAT COUPLES DAY. You will take the shine off the Bride and groom by doing this. Most you can do is propose the day after said wedding most people would agree. I'm positive the bride would hate you the rest of her life for ******* up her ****....and those at fax
Yeah proposing at someone else’s wedding is wild disrespectful and one of the only instances where I’d say you shouldn’t pop the question, seen it done and that **** was AWKWARD, dude was an idiot and the girl he proposed had no idea where to shove her head...

everything else is fair game and your personal choice.
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