Friend zoned serious girl advice needed

wait...she used the literal words ' friend zone'?? loll yall must be children. and on that note...I'm gone.
So she says she's starting to like you and then sends a text saying she doesnt feel the same way you do. man FDB like Too Short
You my friend need associate with higher quality females who know what they want. When y'all "hooked up" you claim she said she liked you but that txt says otherwise. Keep it moving man. Indecisive females are the worst.
The fact op hasnt addressed that he has smashed tells me he didnt. The fact she even used the term friendzoned shows me this broad thinks very highly of happy fambs get yourself a good woman.

right? how you get friendzoned a day after you beat the box? thou pipe game must be chief wiggum
you messed up when she told you she liked you and you told her back. gotta play it coo, can't throw your feels out there whats bein chased is gonna run
There is no "friend zone", just a failed opportunity.

Dudes put themselves in the friendzone by not realizing this.
:lol: at 'hate to friendzone you but..' what part of the game is this?

Yeah.. girls are stepping their game up apparently. Back in my day, getting friendzoned was more of a subtle process. There was a quiet beauty to it.. You'd hang out and spend a lot of time together, maybe even go to the movies in high school.. Then you'd get a few little comments like "You're my best friend" followed by a little hope with "I wish I could find a guy like you".. only to be sealed in the zone forever with "What do you think of (Insert another guys name here)? Do you think he likes me?"

Girls are getting ruthless now.

all of this. just tell me my teeth isn't white enough for you while you're at it. ruthless :smh:
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What do you call a dude that friendzones girls ( and hes not homosexual)
someone who has more women on his D than he wants to smash... should always be this way.

You should never only associate with chicks you want to smash

Of course not, thats impossible.

If you know a dig a female and you feel like she digs you, make a move. Don't try to play any games, trying super-mack player guy and whatnot.

It turns out bad on all fronts.
Bruh, this is life.

Don't let it jade you cuz then you'll just join the massive jaded people congregation out there who have gotten hurt by being interested enough in someone else to try to take it somewhere and let it turn them rotten.

You sound like your on the revenge tip for getting friendzoned. Don't be. She saved you from making a foolish mistake of investing more time into something that would have never worked out. Be thankful that you now get the chance to find something more valuable in someone else.

I'd like the time to thank you for such a level-headed response. Dudes in here plotting elaborate schemes and means to belittle this young woman instead of telling this young man the obvious truth:

She isn't interested, it happens. Don't be a petty fool about it.
lol we can't be friends with females any more though? some of you guys are so lost.
Hate to friend zone you but I don't know you well enough to feel the same way you do."

So wait these were her exact words? You should have told her how does she know how you feel? What does she look like cause she sounds way too gassed
Yeah.. girls are stepping their game up apparently. Back in my day, getting friendzoned was more of a subtle process. There was a quiet beauty to it.. You'd hang out and spend a lot of time together, maybe even go to the movies in high school.. Then you'd get a few little comments like "You're my best friend" followed by a little hope with "I wish I could find a guy like you".. only to be sealed in the zone forever with "What do you think of (Insert another guys name here)? Do you think he likes me?"

Girls are getting ruthless now.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
someone who has more women on his D than he wants to smash... should always be this way.

You should never only associate with chicks you want to smash

I agree but i think in the long run shes always going to want to smash even if you friend zone her and the prettier she is the more she will be interested......but without the alternate motive... some dudes just friend zone girls just because...
I guess "friend zone" is better than that vicious "family zone"

When you get hit with that "you're like a brother to me" it's a wrap..

hell nah, chicks smash their 'brothers' all the time. its how he got that close. hes the shoulder to cry on, and he's the voice of reason when other dudes mess her over. plus he treats her better than any other guy and is the most honest with her. he gets to smash when she's feeling down or hurt and just needs to be comforted, but he doesnt get the dome.

and theres a difference between being friends with a female, and being in the friendzone with a female. one is chosen by the guy, one is chosen by the female. being friends can escalate quickly with the right conditions. friendzone is one step below her homegirls/bffs
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So play that game back son. This woulda been my route. You hit her back like "oh wow, that's a relief. I was kinda thinking the same thing but didn't know how to put it. I'm totally cool with that."

Then that ***** gonna feel a tingle, that's them feels. She's gonna think inherently, "challenge accepted." You then continue to friend zone her and keep her at bay for a while. Then you finally give in and thrust into her with the power of Zeus. Finish in your hand and then mush it in her face. Grab her phone and delete your number while she's trying to get it out of her eyebrows and never talk to her again. FRIEND ZONED.
just leave her in the wind. dont give her attnetion and she will come around or create a routine for yourself and if she adjust her plans to you, then you good
So I just put what she sent me in parenthesis
And sent it right back she's pretty heated called me 3 times and keeps sending me text. I think I struck a nerve....
Good job!! i told you!  Now she will be texting alot and calling ignore her ignore, Dont fall into the trap.  Girls play this game all the time and i give you the key to winning in my previous post. Girls haaaaate being ignored and they will do what it takes to get that attention back even if it means being ignored again

Ignore her ,play the game right back, after some answer her call, dont call, and make it short and tell her to come through  but say come over for a hour or so... See women hate being put on a time limit. your setting your self up for the yambs because she want to be #1 and she will do what it takes to feel #1 and stay longer then that hour. Everything is a game to younger girls. She will try to stay over that hour just to see if she can, during the hour if no yambs or not headed in right direction tell her your about to go over a friend house( dont say who) you see what your doing.being intriguing, picking her brains, and she will love the game... 100% sure within 2 weeks you will have the yambs

You already got her heated now it is time for the ignore
Yeah.. girls are stepping their game up apparently. Back in my day, getting friendzoned was more of a subtle process. There was a quiet beauty to it.. You'd hang out and spend a lot of time together, maybe even go to the movies in high school.. Then you'd get a few little comments like "You're my best friend" followed by a little hope with "I wish I could find a guy like you".. only to be sealed in the zone forever with "What do you think of (Insert another guys name here)? Do you think he likes me?"

Girls are getting ruthless now.
I know that feel all too well View media item 865257
Girls actually telling ****** they going to the friendzone now? :lol:

Not sure what kinda advice you looking for here bruh...

QFT….. im kinda lost here too lol…..(not really, i think OP wants to hear something other than what NT has to say)

I had no clue chicks started getting that blunt, but ask yourself this??

1.How long have y'all been talking?
2. Have you at least kissed her yet? (if no skip to #4)
3. Have you smashed??
4. Have you made your intention clear VERBALLY and PHYSICALLY (the latter more important)
5. How bad is she??? (7 and below are easily replaceable, so are 8-10 may hurt more and take longer to do so but it can happen)
6. This is NT you suppose to have a starting 5 of chicks to fall back on (if no visit the 2014 TAY thread maybe POF thread as well)

Thanks for your time…answers will come shortly
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