Doing it for the LULZ

but seriously what do you gain by spoiling things for people?

It's not a "spoiler" if the company making it posts it themselves for everyone to see. They wrote a blog about the upcoming pop. it's like saying the glam shots of Stranger Things pops are spoilers or that the upcoming Winnie the Pooh pops are spoilers. Funko has already stated that it's not a mystery box anymore.

It's not a spoiler it's sharing press released information :rolleyes

If they wanted to keep it a mystery they'd do so like they did with the xmen and batman box and I'd respect that but this is public info that is not a secret by the company that makes the product.

The R1 box hasn't even closed and Funko is posting this themselves so again how is it a spoiler? :smh:
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So does Metallic White Ranger seem plausible for SDCC? :nerd:
We now know about yellow and possibly black. I think Hot Topic was supposed to get red and pink. That leaves just white missing...
Seriously this is out of control. Don't go out of your way to be a jerk. I have no social media and I don't seek out spoilers. They show a video and put up a blog. Great. They're not forcing people to know what's in it by showing them in every advertisement, posting pictures on forums, including their own, e-mailing people what it is and other things like that. How hard is it to put a spoiler tag, seriously? It's not. It's people like you max that apparently feel good being a complete piece of garbage and ruining things for others. For once in your life, be respectful of others and stop trying to make other people miserable just because you are.

Also to anyone who says people who don't want to be spoiled should stay off the forum/off the internet, that's completely absurd. I've been in several chats where people have discussed things coming out/been announced and seen nothing given away because spoiler tags were used. That's a pretty ridiculous excuse to use because you want to either be lazy or rude, take your pick. This forum has seriously went south since I first started and that's sad. That said, I appreciate all the people who go out of their way to help others and are still the best part of this forum. I have several Walgreens close that have stated they will be getting Ms. Marvel and Scarlett Spider this week and I'll help out where I can.
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I'm not gonna put his name out there but y'all can figure it out, he's a regular in here and sure, he may post some stuff that people don't like but he always helps me out when he can and vice-versa. Most recently he ooped me Colossus and Grievous for retail.

The real question is, who is the mod in here? I had no idea that each thread has its own mods and are able to ban users.
I'm not gonna put his name out there but y'all can figure it out, he's a regular in here and sure, he may post some stuff that people don't like but he always helps me out when he can and vice-versa. Most recently he ooped me Colossus and Grievous for retail.

The real question is, who is the mod in here? I had no idea that each thread has its own mods and are able to ban users.
They don't. One is probably lurking.
Ban him for what, though? For posting spoilers? That's petty as hell. Mod who banned him was probably salty he spoiled the box for him.
Not petty at all. Not like he was banned from all of NT
I get that, but we're all supposed to be in here for the fun of collecting Pops. Not a whole lot of people post here anyway. Banning somebody is just 1 less person that we can talk Pops with.

Also, banning somebody over a $12.00 toy is petty.
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