FX's ATLANTA (Starring Donald Glover) S4 Final episode

All Ern did when he noticed the whole thing was funny style was stop playing along.

Played a dumb game he didn't know how to play and then didn't want to dance. Thats it. Van kept trying to rope him back in and after few conversation her entire attitude changed and Ern's attitude facilitated that and didn't help.

Ern simply tried to separate himself from the situation with little interaction.

Exactly what you're NOT supposed to do on a date.

His relationship is what brought him to that place in the first place.

Who put themselves in that relationship. He's had just as much of the opportunity to walk away as she had.
I think too much is being made about how much the racism factored into what happened by the end of the episode.

They had some issues already. The conflict at the Oktoberfest just forced them to confront it. Like it's completely ok for Ern to voice his displeasure about being there...but if they never even go...the conversation they had at the end of the episode would have still needed to happen.

More ppl are focusing on Wen being the type of person to go somewhere he doesn't want to go and then being all crabby about it.

When we get to the core of the relationship Ern was comfortable and Van wanted more. Thats a dilemma in tons of relationships.

So yeah, that talk was coming sooner or later.

But I know how that goes sometimes. Ern gonna eventually reach that place where he wants more and he's gonna get it with another chick or he gonna knock up the next chick and its gonna be too late to get back with Van cuz she with some other dude.

I don't at all think Van was wrong for feeling how shenfely but the way she got there was questionable. Plus the character has issues for a whole other topic.
Exactly what you're NOT supposed to do on a date.
Unless you're not feeling where your date took you.

Cuz you know, that happens.

Besides, one bad date shouldn't ruin a relationship.

Van didn't spring that ultimatum on Ern cuz he wasnt playing along and wouldn't dance with her.
Who put themselves in that relationship. He's had just as much of the opportunity to walk away as she had.
We not talking about walking away from a relationship.

Just a ****** situation.

For Ern nothing was going wrong about the relationship.
Too much blame on Van, all Ern had to do was get up and say I love you and I’m gonna make this work but instead his confused beta $&@ sat there and said the typical BAN response when pressed. Don’t bail him out, he went out like a scared one.

:lol: make what work

that ***** is homeless with no job and his only potential play is an email and label meeting away from dropping his bum ***

aside from making sure his daughter has food the only thing bruh should worry about is getting right

but then again in real life he should have just lied to keep her happy and kept the sentiment that he has no real plans for her and him rn to himself
The Director of the episode herself says it's similar to Get Out

"But it’s probably not a coincidence that it bears a resemblance, especially stylistically and tonally, to Jordan Peele’s Oscar-winning film “Get Out.” Indie darling Amy Seimetzchatted with IndieWire about directing the episode, trying to capture Donald Glover’s version of the festival known as Fasnacht, and her odd connection to the story."

“By nature, it kind of lends itself to that,” said Seimetz about the similarities to “Get Out.” “For the writer [Taofik Kolade] who wrote it, that maybe was an inspiration, but you’d have to talk to him about it. But I definitely think [it’s similar in] the difference in culture, the fear — especially when they’re playing that game and they start yelling his name. I find chanting and very white men frat-y things very terrifying. It feels like it can suddenly turn really violent very quickly, even when they’re overly excited. So a little bit in that vein.”

She also deliberately shot the scenes in a way to amp up the paranoia factor."


Show going all over peoples head.

the ping pong scene and the scene at the end where she’s in the dark turning around to find a monster seem directly lifted from two get out deleted scenes.

start at around 2:20

The relationship ain't just for Ern, tho.
Everything was cool with Van until she interacted with German guy, her sister, and whoever else :lol:

But like I said if she had came to this realization for herself no problem. And that aside she's totally in her right to dump him if she feels the relationship isn't going anywhere.

I never said Van was wrong for moving on.

But again that that goes back to seeing this through more than one view. Some want to paint this like Ern is completely wrong on every level and Van is right. She looked wild suspect in this ep.
the ping pong scene and the scene at the end where she’s in the dark turning around to find a monster seem directly lifted from two get out deleted scenes.

start at around 2:20

also probably wrong place to post it but i thought this was amazing

Jordan Peele and the team thats doing Atlanta need to do a movie.
the ping pong scene and the scene at the end where she’s in the dark turning around to find a monster seem directly lifted from two get out deleted scenes.

start at around 2:20

Hmmm *Nore voice*

They shoulda kept that scene @ 2:20. Showed how white folks are entertained by black athleticism and how they were basically scouting him for the auction. They probably didn't wanna give a hint too soon but good scene.
Episode did what it was supposed to do, generate the conversation. I, like a lot of us, believe there were many different layers as angles to this episode. The main being their relationship, but also the racial issues, and then the equality and power struggles. Every time I see an episode I leave thinking, “Wow the writing is brilliant on this show!”
Van probably grew up with them touching her hair and hearing racial jokes all the time and she don't think it's that bad. It's normal to her. :smh:

Thats the norm for biracial kids who live and experience only one side of thier racial makeup society and culture.

There are a ton of biracial kids from US troops in Thailand,South Korea, Guam, Germany, Japan. etc
These are the kids of troops who didn't bring the woman back to the states.
Hines Ward spoke on this....

I most likely have a brother or sister in Germany.....
My dad was stationed there in the 70s and knocked some chick up and pull a whodini.
Gave her a fake name and everything.

This happens alot especially in Germany.

You have to also consider that Ern wanted van to be able to express the fact that she did not want to do whatever it is that she did not want to do. If she did not want to go to the strip club and wanted her to just tell him that she likes to go to the strip club. If you notice he asked her why didn't you tell me it was stupid and then she said well I wanted to spend some time with you and then he says he wanted to spend some time with herher play ping pong. To which she replied that she wanted to go dancing and he responds specifically that he didnt want to do it, it's stupid.

There's a disconnect between two kinds of people. The people who tell their significant other that they don't want to do this activity and the people who just endure it for the sake of companionship and company and for the sake of reciprocity.

I do feel like they ended their relationship early without an actual conversation that needs to be had. Ern was definitely being dramatic when it came to the game and the entire event and how he was reacting but also you can tell Van was threatened by Ern's ability to turn something that he knows nothing about into something that he might be able to excel at. Obviously her demeanor changed entirely at that point and you notice how she began to assert her dominance by speaking German with the bartender and flirt with him in front of Ern almost challenging him to do something about it.

Learning turn went invented to the only other person at the event that he could talk to who actually gave him very good advice being that Vanessa's inviting him to this event and all the activities because she wants to spend time with him. Ern then challenges Vanessa to a ping pong game in order to make himself more comfortable in her element and is dramatic after losing in front of one person doesn't even honestly doesn't matter. Van reacts negatively by calling him a baby which in turn makes him react to try to hurt her feelings and that basically starts the end of that conversation.
Gonna go get this shirt made next week. If anyone wants one, LMK what size so I can set one aside for you. 25 shipped

Missed the last two weeks episodes. Gonna watch em now then the new one tonight after. Will post my reactions for all 3 episodes later
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