Game of Thrones prequel series: House of the Dragon

Shout out to the common-born around the world. We still out here and can achieve GTD royalty status

Alicent doing too much. Let Rhae cook. Pressing her after the moves you made (albeit your pops pressed you but still)

Back back

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Viserys. Almost time to hang it up champ


Otto plays the game well but Rhae came with the boost this time

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We not gonna talk about how Prince Limpcest looks like he has greyscale on his neck? Joint looks like road rash. From like his neck to his traps, it looks like the skin of an 89 year old Florida retiree.

And how convenient that his hair was cut short this episode…..
Had to go back and take a second look. I guess it could be burns or something battle related but his neck and chest area def got some work,

Pre Mr Krabs:


Post Mr Krabs:


I hope Rae bae is safe :frown:
Yo Daemons Mistress had her lil snitch give her the money Otto gave him? She basically pimpin lol.
With all of these callbacks and Easter Eggs from Game of Thrones as well as using the GoT theme song, clearly the show runners want people to know that this show exists in the same universe as GoT and that everything is connected. So I wonder if they’ll bring in Melisandre at some point because she’s one of the only characters from GoT who was alive during the Dance of the Dragons. The others being The Others (White Walkers).
Gross episode. alicent having the blank stare of someone dead inside while she lays on her back. rhaenyra barely looking like a teenager but getting seduced by her uncle. Ser Crispon a princess slayer now. Props to young Lord Blackwood for killing the loud mouth.
:wow: Oh **** props to that kid killing that smart mouth :rofl: Big Cartman energy.

He spit his game confidently and finished with under his protection - 30 seconds later lil man stood by his word 💪🏾

I forgot, is grayscale not contagious? I wouldn't be helping bathe the king at all.

Also he can somehow have sex with Alicent, impregnate her but she can't catch it?
Did they ever explain in GOT how grayscale came about? I only ever recall that people had it and you didn’t want it, or to be touched.

Maybe this day in age of the show it’s new and they have no clue about it —just a guess

I figured he just needed a tetanus shot from that rusty sword

Otto a dumbass for telling.

Does he hate Daemon that much?

They were stupid for taking their cloak and hat off in the pleasure den.

Wow shorty lying on her dead mother :smh:

Daemon took it off because he didn’t care and was his plan - she followed suit because she was drunk and trusted her uncle

Shame on anybody who thought Otto Hightower was some Littlefinger type.

Mans was too transparent, ambitious, and dumb/risky.

He put it in. He just didn't finish.

She being technical and splitting hairs

Otto laid the blueprint and Littlefinger took it to new levels I guess

He couldn’t get his soldier up

Alicent being overly concerned with Rhae-bae’s virtue was annoying af.

House Blackwood tho :pimp:

I mean she was her best friend - but now her “mother figure” and queen
the beginning was hilarious. That was the worst dating game ever. You not only got clowned but you’d get your wig pushed back too.

Blackwood owned dude tho.

Lord D not being able to lay down the D is too funny. You can look at it from different POV: he didn’t want to actually do it just to pretend that it happened for the spy to see, he couldn’t get it up or he actually had a change of heart but option 3 was probably a no since he did ask to marry Rhaebae

Visaerys falling apart man 😂 someone get dude some Blue Star Ointment

Plan B tea tho lmfao
That time again for my weekly dosage of Hot D! Followed by some D chat with my fellow D enthusiasts!

Ok... Otto's "little bird" gave Mysaria some money... so that meant that she was helping him run his little operation? And was she also doing it to get back at Daemon?
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