Garbage Man Sent To Jail For Picking Up Trash Too Early

Jan 11, 2013
 [h1]Garbage man sent to jail for picking up trash too early[/h1]
Posted: 03/04/2015, 03:47pm | Will Hager, Digital Editor at Sun Times Network


Sanitation worker receives jail time for picking up too early

WSBTV - Atlanta

A Sandy Springs sanitation worker said he was taken to jail for picking up trash too early in the morning, a violation of the Georgia city’s ordinance.

Kevin McGill will spend the next 14 weekends in jail because he picked up trash minutes after 5 a.m. one morning—an offense worthy of automatic jail time, according to the city solicitor.
Chief prosecutor Bill Riley said picking up waste too early in the morning has been a recurring problem no matter what approach is taken to limit the issue. He asked the judge to sentence McGill to 30 days in jail.
Riley told WSB-TV  he’s exhausted all other options.
“Fines don’t seem to work,” Riley said. “The only thing that seems to stop the activity is actually going to jail.”

Riley says 911 lights up when trash haulers come before 7 a.m.

McGill, who didn’t have an attorney with him when he was sentenced, is serving his time on the weekend. His new attorney wonders why he’s being punished.

“Give him a warning,” attorney Kimberly Bandoh said. “I mean he’s the employee. He’s not the employer. Sentencing him to jail is doing what?”
McGill opted to serve his time on the weekends, spreading the sentence out over more than three months. McGill said he just wants to get back with his wife, two sons and four dogs.
this is just crazy 

going to jail only for the weekend 
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Wow. Over here they collect trash very early in the morning.

Why have him report to work at a certain time if he can be penalized for doing his job?

Have everyone report at 630 and have them start collection at 7 to prevent all this

The story of garbage man Kevin McGill sparked international outcry when it was learned that he would be forced to serve a total of 30 days in jail for picking up garbage too early. The reason for his early bird behavior wasn’t clear, but it seemed unfathomable that a man would be punished with jail time.

As previously reported by the Inquisitr, McGill was said to be in violation of a city ordinance which said that trash wasn’t to be collected prior to 7 a.m. He would arrive at an Atlanta, Georgia, suburb at around 5 a.m. This caused some rather hard feelings in the neighborhood. The city attorney argued that this was a constant nuisance. Apparently, persons in the Georgia suburb were so troubled by the sound of a garbage truck that they would constantly call 9-1-1 to complain.

This lead to the city attorney attempting to use Kevin McGill to “set an example” by putting the Waste Management, Inc. employee in jail. However, it’s not immediately clear how targeting an individual employee was going to inspire change in corporate offices. In any case, it would be Kevin behind bars on weekends until he served the full 30 days.

This outcome changed considerably when the suburban community of Sandy Springs, Georgia, found itself under a global microscope once the incredible story went viral. According to recent updates about the case, the jail sentence against McGill has since been suspended. The Sandy Springs Solicitors Office announced on Monday that the charges were dropped after the city attorney’s office opted to take “a step back” and gain “perspective.”
“In retrospect, the actions of the court with regards to Mr. McGill’s sentence for violating the city’s noise laws, was disproportionate to a first-time offense. As such, the court has amended its sentence to time served, and further probation suspended.”
There’s some speculation that the viral nature of the story  (and the less-than-flattering image of the affluent suburb) led to a change of heart. Not that it matters to Kevin McGill — the garbage man is simply happy to avoid jail time for simply doing his job.

It’s not certain what will be done at this point, as jailing a garbage man doesn’t seem to address the issue — or at least, provide a popular solution. It’s possible Sandy Springs officials may directly fine or sanction companies instead of individual employees.

Do you think the city was right to jail Kevin McGill? Why do you think the city attorney opted to drop the charges?
Good for him that it went viral cause not only is the punishment stupid as hell but going to jail every weekend is even a thing? **** :lol:
I guess that's suburb life that you would call the police because a garbage truck is too noisy
Most cities have noise ordinances where you can't do construction or even mow your lawn during late night/early morning hours. I guess the companies were probably just eating the fines since they are making money anyway, they did the math and it was probably worth it to ignore the ordinance. I know liquor stores do that sometimes. City probably thought they would be slick and try to arrest individuals since they can't arrest a company and the fines weren't doing any good.
I guess that's suburb life that you would call the police because a garbage truck is too noisy
Exactly. Old people and soccer moms in the suburbs have their fingers itching to call the police for any reason. 
Most cities have noise ordinances where you can't do construction or even mow your lawn during late night/early morning hours. I guess the companies were probably just eating the fines since they are making money anyway, they did the math and it was probably worth it to ignore the ordinance. I know liquor stores do that sometimes. City probably thought they would be slick and try to arrest individuals since they can't arrest a company and the fines weren't doing any good.

Yea that's what it sounds like to me.
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