GEARS OF WAR 3, release: Sep 20, 2011, BETA: Apr 18 (Bulletstorm Epic), Apr 25 - May 15 (ever. else)

managed to unlock my dude, Cole (thrashball) for the retail game. Working on getting the golden retro lancer now.
Only thing they need to fix is the charge on the retro lance they need to make it so once your shot you actually stop. Also the sawed off is 
Originally Posted by azabweekay

From what I played so far from the beta
Stabbing someone with the retro lancer is the best.  I start screaming "iiiittsssss tiiiimmmee!!" like bruce buffer running with that thing

Gow3 is definitely a teamwork based game. Crosses and angles with the lancer is what's best.

I agree with you 3>1>2. I wish they wouldn't of changed up some things but it's whatever, i'll adjust. 
Sawed off is STUPID powerful, but I don't care thats what its meant to be.

On the other hand the Retro Lancer, needs a damage decrease, people be hip firing me from close range I have no chance.
insanely fun, dam I love gears they never seem to dissapoint. just some minor touches annoyed me, like the same curb stomp and voice overs after the match seemed lazy to me. but the levels are awesome and I cant even complain about the respawn. they hit it right on the spot
gt iMcNeilly
this game is rather amazing...except when i get a game thats not on the server =|
and my only complaint is the retro lancer's blindfire ability is pretty overpowered
I used to play strictly GOW when it first came out. GOW2 was a let down, turned into a 2k player. Sold my xbox but played the beta at the homies yesterday, needless to say i'll be buying a new xbox soon
Originally Posted by iWhipMyHeadovv

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

and people actually compared this beta to Gears Of War 1????

it feels just like it
It really does feel like gow1. That's why so many people are liking it.

Tone down stopping power on retro lancer and hammerburst and we'll be fine..

Crank: The respawns are random at times. Sometimes they just spawn on your back and your f'ed but whatever it's only a beta.
Some people seem to forget that.
Originally Posted by DonJuan23

Savior 911 add me i need some people that actually communicate
Lol, that's why I can't play with them randoms bruh. 
Oh yeah, Bonifide bruh we were killn em a week ago. 

GT: o Z O N IE o

Originally Posted by Sneaky

Originally Posted by iWhipMyHeadovv

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

and people actually compared this beta to Gears Of War 1????

it feels just like it
It really does feel like gow1. That's why so many people are liking it.

Tone down stopping power on retro lancer and hammerburst and we'll be fine..

Crank: The respawns are random at times. Sometimes they just spawn on your back and your f'ed but whatever it's only a beta.
Some people seem to forget that.
You can actually force spawns to be in certain places in KOTH. you cant spawn at an area where an Enemy is located so if yu spread out you can prevent them from spawning in most locations but it only provides a tactical advantages on a few maps. in TDM wheenever you hear the locuust queen or Hoffman or whoever speaks on the Cog side mention something about "reinforcements" thats the way to tell if they switched spawns. just some info i picked watching some vids and playing online.,
I was a huge fan of the first one, but I still haven't even played Gears 2 yet. is it like a movie where you have to see the previous one before you watch the new one?
Originally Posted by iLike Turtles

I was a huge fan of the first one, but I still haven't even played Gears 2 yet. is it like a movie where you have to see the previous one before you watch the new one?
i just started playing gears beat gears 1 a few weeks ago, gears 2 story is way better(not done with it yet) than the first imo, but its a little easy on normal maybe cause i played normal on part 1 to get used to the game cause it was my first time playing
normal was the right move to enjoy the game because the later difficulties, especially by yourself will cause frustration.
I think the only thing they need to tweak is

- Bring back stopping power.
- Tone the Retro Lancer's damage down a bit.
- And bring back the spread ratio of the ink from Gears 2.

Just my opinion though. Everything else seems good to me. They didn't disappoint with the multiplayer overall.
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by Sneaky

Originally Posted by iWhipMyHeadovv

it feels just like it
It really does feel like gow1. That's why so many people are liking it.
eh, opinions are opinions.
I know where you're coming from though. Nothing will be like gow1 but it has that feel. It also has a little bit of gow2 feel which is
but whatever.

iWhip: I'm talking about TDM or whatever you wanna call it. Haven't jumped in KOTH yet. Don't know if i ever will.
they need to do something about the kicking when jumping over an item. i mean dude jumps a box, kicks me and stuns me, then finishes me with the shotty while i have to sit there and watch helplessly? bs
Originally Posted by bigj505

they need to do something about the kicking when jumping over an item. i mean dude jumps a box, kicks me and stuns me, then finishes me with the shotty while i have to sit there and watch helplessly? bs

I agree with you bruh.

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